I hate that I even have to write disclaimers, but it makes things safer for everybody. Please, these pages are intended solely for amusement and for making reference to the Elysium on the Prairie Live Action Vampire Role-Playing Game. I originally did these pages for experience points, I've gotten all I could from that, yet I continue to update these pages. Because it's fun. No other reason. I hope that you, my friendly visitor, also have fun here.

DISCLAIMER #1 -- It's just a game. Nearly everything I say on these pages is about FICTIONAL characters portrayed by REAL people. The comments on the "My thoughts about the Kindred" pages are ENTIRELY about the characters, and in no way reflect my views about the REAL people who portray them. Usually I like the real people better than characters, sometimes vice versa. This series of webpages is not where I go into shit like that. If I say something about your CHARACTER that you still find offensive or disturbing, e-mail me (moxy@tmbg.org) and I'll remove it.

DISCLAIMER #2 -- Although I say it elsewhere, I'll say it here, too. I make use of many images from Marvel Comics and make references to many terms under copywrite protection from White Wolf Games. All of the images and terms are used without permission, but they are used in a light-hearted manner, intended to enhance the fun of the game we play. If either company, or any other people/places/corporate bohemoths that I mention are disturbed, I encourage them to e-mail as well, and I'll remove any and all offensive images.

DISCLAIMER #3 -- I never really did like The Grateful Dead or Phish. Or Led Zeppelin. Or Pearl Jam. Or The Smashing Pumpkins. I think Marcy Playground sucks. Silverchair's pretty rank, and I never was a big Nirvana fan. Sorry. Had to get that off my chest. I still don't like most country, except Johnny Cash and Lyle Lovett and a few others. I'm learning to appreciate some rap, though. That's all for now.

DISCLAIMER #4 -- If you don't like my pages, but I'm not defaming you or anything of the sort, please let me know. I cannot guarantee changes under circumstances like that, but I'd appreciate the feedback. After all, you didn't HAVE to come here, did you?

DISCLAIMER #5 -- Ummm...I think that just about covers it. If I've missed anything, let's just assume I cover it in disclaimer #5, 'kay? Like that whole "any power not specifically assigned to the federal government shall be regulated by the individual states" clause in the Constitution. Or something to that effect...

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