Capital of the Perith System

Lionel Industries HQ

Diameter: 15,575 KM
Gravity: 1.2 Gs
Compostion: Medium-Iron
Length of Day: 20 hours
Length of Year: 105 local days
Climate: Earth-normal (Average: 86@)
Primary Terrain: Forests, jungles, & two mountain ranges
Biosphere: Human-terraformed world
Native Lifeforms: Insects on land, bony fish in the ocean (Precambrian)
Population: 23,234,567
Economy: Agriculture with low-level mining

Inside is the first planet in the system. It was the first to be colonized
after the atmosphere was brought to breathable levels. No one can remember
when exactly the planet was colonized and the records were destroyed in the
1st Succession War. Inside is mainly an agricultural planet, sending out some
foods when traders stopped by. Early in 3029, a new company called Lionel
Industries was formed to build civilian vehicles. After a rough start, they
began production full-time, and eventually purchased a jumpship. Sales took
off and Lionel Industries branched out.
Lionel Industries now controls the entire system. They took over after the
Chaos March came into being, and declared themselves independent.

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