"To Protect and Serve"

"A law enforcement funeral, though an honor it is not one that is wished for by any officer"

A Story of Fallen Officers

To the Officers who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty

On this page once completed you'll find pictures (if available) of fallen officers along with a brief narrative of their story that fate read out to them. So many times officers go unappreciated by the public they serve. People often say well they get paid for what they do, but believe me as a fellow officer the pay isn't what its about or most of us would have quit long ago. The pay we do recieve comes from the feeling of accomplishment when we help someone in need with things as simple as helping a disabled motorist all the way up to apprehending a dangerous suspect that has hurt or killed someone and may do it again. We fight so the public doesn't have to. So many times things happen on the street and we have to take care of it so people can feel safe at home while they don't realize just down from there house we just arrested a murder suspect or a rapist but for their comfort we make no commotion about it and go about our way once its said and done.
This is to honor those people who did all of this and ultimately gave their life for the public. If anyone knows what law enforcement gets paid you certainly wouldn't say these officers gave their life for that small amount of money. With that thought I want you to ask yourself "What would make them give their life for a stranger?" The answer is dedication, selflessness, and a responsibility to duty.

To the unsung heroes I dedicate this page

Please select the officer's name in the memorial who's story you wish to read about by clicking your mouse over their name


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