The Daily Albia

Just In

HELP!!!!!!!someone has stolen the statue of the Shee Monument!!!!!!!! All of Albia has settled into a deep dark depression(literally). Only one witness can confirm the burglar's apperance. Here is a picture of the suspect.According to the spectator's testimony, and I quote,"I only had time for the picture!" Out of pure embarrassment the Norn requested his identity to remain anonymous.

Norns are working around the Clock to find the suspect. Meanwhile, Workers of The Daily Albia news are spreading the word to the public of the Albia wide Norn hunt for this Invisible Suspect. WE are asking everyone to participate in this Norn hunt to BRING THAT NORN TO JUSTICE! A reward of your choice of norn from below will be given to whom ever finds the thief and reports
their findings to me of where they found the criminal.


Gender: Female

Age:1 Minute

Generation: unknown

Health: 47%

Requirements: This needs Creatures to run, and to view her mutations you will need to download the Grorns. Don't wory the instructions are VERY simple.

Comments: Chana Is also a sweet girl,despite her appearance. And she is very curious of her surroundings. However,being part Norn and Grendel might make her sensitive to illness and disease. So you might want to pay close attention to her for a while.

Lobes- 9, Neurons- 954, Moniker- 9UTW, Fingerprint- 1277


Gender: Female

Age: 14 minutes

Generation: unknown

Health: 100%

Requirements: Creatures game

Comments: Lamba has the Highlander Gene (100% health always). Lamba is very smart, and eats even when I don't tell her to. She perfers herbs more that food, but will still eat food if herbs are not available. She is part grendel, so that is where she got the green color that you see in her picture. Lamba has a cute "moccasin" pattern on her legs.

Lobes- 9, Neurons- 954, Moniker- 9QWQ, Fingerprint- 365


Gender: Male

Age: 0 hours 0 minutes

Generation: unknown

Health: 47%

Requirements: Creatures

Comments: Gronen is VERY bright. He started to work everthing without being taught to do so. He may look like a grendel, but he sure doesn't act like one. He has the sounds of a Norn and Golden hair (if you can see from the pic)

Lobes- 9, Neurons- 954, Moniker- 3ZYL, Fingerprint- 1485


Gender: Female

Age: 2 Hours 16 Minutes

Generation: 2ND

Health: 77%

Requirements: Creatures of course! :)

Comments: Ryca is the only (so far) daughter of Lamba. I genetically engineered her from her mothers genes, and with the genes of a grendel. She has more grendel in her then her mother, but it apparently takes no toll on her appearance. Instead, Ryca has been blessed with a gene that I cannot identify. She has the ability to manipulate objects to her will, and I think it confuses the other norns when things start playing ,and moving, on their own. I was afraid that her grendel side would make her mean but I can now confirm that she is a sweet girl, and she is obedient.

Lobes- 9, Neurons- 954, Moniker- 1DUS, Fingerprint- 152

IMPORTANT! Whoever finds the thief in No Frames will have a choice between Lamba or Gronen ONLY. Whoever finds the thief in Frames will have a choice between Chana and Ryca ONLY. One person can only win once on each contest.

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