Seven Deadly Sins

Vampire Hunter is not the first amine based on a best selling video game. Most game amines usually fall by the wayside with a boring and dull plot despite efforts of beautiful amanation and fluid fighting. Even the semi-sucsessful Fatal Fury series pales compared to the plot of King of the Fighters and the popular amine Movie, Street Fighter 2, just clots up and chokes whatever plot the game has. To even understand most of these series you need to be familiar with the video game.


Vampire Hunter is the first to stand out with a wonderful plot that can stand on it's own with out the games to understand what's going on. To many Vampire Hunter seems to be in the horror gene or fighting action at your first innocent glance. The fights are beautiful, fluid, and good paced but there is so much more to this than fighting. The story doesn't step anywhere towards shock horror with gore and next to senseless violence. Vampire Hunter reflects the view of society towards people who are 'monsters', 'freaks', and makes the viewer question who are really the monsters? The seven deadly sins and the seven vitures are attributed to the characters though out the anime if you take a closer look. You'll also notice that most of the sinners are human and the vitreous are shown in the Darkstalkers...
Note, the spelling and the grammer from here on down is proably going to be awful, please forgive me.
Virture/Sin Human Darkstalker
Wraith Kindness Anger is the biggest sin that the humans display  during the series. Anger at their own weakness, anger at a young girl, anger at a entire race. Felicia, Gallon and Zabel displayed acts of kindness towards others. Yes, even Zabel. The zombie showed kindness by saving Felicia's life in the first OVA.
Greed-Generosity In the second OVA the Head of State displayed greed towards gaining the Armor of Hannya which Bishomon wears. He uses others to try and gain this armor only to be destroyed by what he wanted.  Lin-Lin and Lei-Lei show generosity towards Antia during the second to the final OVA despite the troubles they deal with.
Evny-Love Hunting for someting to fill in this box. ^_^;; Felicia, Lin-Lin, Lei-Lei, Morrgain and Demitri show some form or example of love. Felicia shows love towards humans who fear her by saving their life. Lin and Lei prove their love to ther mother by sacifricing themselfs.  Morrigan gives up everything to tell Demitri how she feels.
Lust-Self Control The Townsmen in the Second OVA who tried to rape Lin-Lin Donovan is the prime example of Self Control
Gluttony-Faith The rich family who shoves ahead of many and arranges at boat for themselves in the third OVA.
Lin-Lin, Lei-Lei, and Phobos. Lin-Lin and Lei-Lei have faith in their mission for their mother. Phoboes belived in the plan of a 'dead' God to the end.
Pride-Humility The humans prided them selfs on finding, "God" while the Darkstalkers have nothing to believe in. This "God" however is Pyron, not the enity who created them, Darktalkers, light and darkness.  Bishomon shows humility in the series by admiting his mistake to gain the armor for himself. He also bears himself to wear the armor to bansh the curse by his own will power.
Sloth-Zeal Anita is the example of Sloth by forming a self imposed curse to make sure she dosen't get hurt by anyone again. She becomes so empathic to the world she dosen't know how important she really is. Once again, Anita is the example of Zeal as well. In the end she nearly loses everything she's had. When Donovan sacfices his life Anita realizes how much he and the planet means to her. She drops resentment and saves Donovan's life.
