Test Your Knowledge Of Super Mario RPG


Answer the questions below and then click "submit" to send your answers.

  1. Who is the first boss you technically fight?
  2. Your answer:

  3. Who is the second member you meet?
  4. Your answer:

  5. What insect does Frogfucius like?
  6. Your answer:

  7. How many boxes are in the Mushroom Castle Vault?
  8. Your answer:

  9. What is the name of Mack's baddy buddies?
  10. Your answer:

  11. What does Croco not like?
  12. Your answer:

  13. What is inside the box that you cannot reach in Kero Sewers?
  14. Your answer:

  15. How many coins can you get at Midas River?
  16. Your answer:

  17. What does Frogfucius give Mario in turn for the Cricket Pie?
  18. Your answer:

  19. Where is the first save block found?
  20. Your answer:

  21. What are the two colors Boomer turns into?
  22. Your answer:

  23. What does Frogfucius give you in return for the Cricket Jam?
  24. Your answer:

  25. Where do you get the Bright Card?
  26. Your answer:

  27. How many cookies does the yoshi give you at Yoster' Island?
  28. Your answer:

  29. Where is the invisible box containing nothing found?
  30. Your answer:

  31. What is the password that breaks the spell in Booster's Tower?
  32. Your answer:

  33. What is the password in the Sunkin' Ship?
  34. Your answer:

  35. What is the last area in the game?
  36. Your answer:

  37. How many songs do you play for Toadofsky?
  38. Your answer:

  39. How many Hammer Bros. are there?
  40. Your answer:

  41. What do you get from the Hammer Bros.?
  42. Your answer:

  43. What two items are needed to get the Lazy Shell armor and weapon?
  44. Your answer:

  45. What do you get for finding all the ghost flags?
  46. Your answer:

  47. What is the last special attack Geno receives?
  48. Your answer:

  49. What do you give in exchange for the Shiny Stone?
  50. Your answer:

  51. What can you buy from the guy at the Mushroom Kingdom Hotel?
  52. Your answer:

  53. How many times do you fight Belome?
  54. Your answer:

  55. What are the names of the group who helps you up the cliff at Land's End?
  56. Your answer:

  57. What is the name of the boss you fight at Bean Valley?
  58. Your answer:

  59. How many stars does Mario need to beat the game?
  60. Your answer:


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