About This Website Owner

Or: Home to multiple mental illnesses...

Me with my mate Ruth

Real Name: Andy Clements.

Gender: Male.

Age: 19.

Sexuality: Gay.

Home town: Enfield. (It's near London...)

University: Reading.

Favourite Band: Inkubus Sukkubus
Other Fave Bands: The Cure, Tool, Squid, D.U.S.T, Rage Against The Machine, Marilyn Manson, The Offspring, Joy Division, Greenday, Placebo, Garbage, Type O Negative, Sisters of Mercy, Visage, Eurythmics, Savage Garden, Deftones.

Favourite Song: When Tommorrow Comes, by the Eurythmics. On other occasions, Affirmation, or Crash and Burn by Savage Garden. : )

Ambition in Life: Find Mr Right, and conquer the world.
Hobbies: Roleplaying obviously. Listening to gothic and metal music.
Imagining amusing ways of killing annoying people. Flirting. Drawing...
And of course, this website is my little [or it was little] hobby.

What will I do next?: One day discover how to stay awake during a lecture/ staff meeting.

Worst Habit: Karaoke. I once sang Alice Cooper's Poison down at a gay club. The response was...not entirely unpredictable. Also sang The Time Warp at the same pub. The response was defiantely unpredictable (in that people clapped, and one or two even made the effort to dance)

Mental illnesses: Most of these I only suspect in myself, as I have never been diagnosed for mental health: Paranoia [I never really believe people mean nice things they say
and I rarely believe anything might be to my benefit. I used to be much worse.
; Manic/Depressive, Bipolar: I swing between these two often. Some days I grin and laugh at almost anything, other days I just sit there as if I were rotting inside...
I'm debating whether or not I am suicidally depressive, as I have yet to attempt to take my own life.
In any case, you have to have a life first before you can call it suicide...

Online Names: Blakrobe, obviously. Also Gothic. While the Offspring site had an independant chat site, I also called myself Lost, and Nyarlothotep. Also,I'm called Bonegnawer in XOOM, and Silverfang in one of my remote sites...

Family: Yes. That's all I'm saying...

Online Friends: Kirsty, Chris, Callum, David, and of course Jo. when she writes. and a few I know in real life... Sadly, I've lost touch with many of them.

Real Freinds: I can't be arsed to write the lot out, so those who read this and are offended by your lack of mention, you can kill me later.
Ross, Rebecca, Annette, Katie, Debbie, Sonya, Lucy, et al... None of you have internet access, so I don't have to bother mentioning everyone down at Bishop's...
People down the club, ie Dean, Thuggy, and the rest. I'll mention some more later.

Significant Others: Still none, but partly cos I enjoy flirting so much. : )

Uni Friends: Housemates: Dan, Laura, Anna 'ex vodka-queen', Ruth 'you wee schnoo' (well...ex-hoose mate). Others: Ruth 'el presidente', Anna and Liz, and various Psychology, Rock, and LGB people - I've just realised I can't be arsed with the whole list. Oh, and it'd probably be decent manners to mention Roger even tho I haven't known him that long. And Becky, Dan, Phil, and the rest, cos they're kinda cool. Becky's insane, which always helps.

Fave Gaming Moment: When the [GURPS] Cyberpunk players sewed explosives into the chest cavity of one of their number.
They're getting ready to use him...

Second Favourite Moment: Dean rolling his Cyberpunk character up. He had four ex lovers before he even started playing, and he quickly accumalated a few more in the forms of fellow players.

Third favourite: Creating chaos at a service station in Amber.

And one that has to be mentioned: A group of Angels in In Nomine persuade an aide to a demon to allow them to be shown to his office, claiming that they are f'riends from out of town'. They then kick down the door shouting cheerfully 'Friends from out of town!'

Gaming Moment I Have Often Regretted: Ross's psychic experiments on the mice.

Other favourite moments: Having to shag a guy in Vampire just to find somewhere to hole for the day (I was playing a female), being accused of being a whore by his father, right up until I used Presence on him. : )

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