Character Generation:


The following are the Attributes necessary for playing Rifts:



You are allowed 21D to allocate among the above Attributes with a minimum of 1D and a maximum of 4D in any.


A characters base Move is 10.


Hit Points:
This is the total amount of damage that you can take before you are killed. It is figured by rolling your ENDURANCE dice and adding 20. The total is your number of Hit Points.
If you ever take HP damage, negative effects will start to occur. Losing one quarter of your total hit points puts you into the Wounded classification. Losing one half of your HPs makes you Seriously Injured. Three quarters of your HPs lost puts you into the Critically Wounded category, and if you lose all of them, you die. Some people's character class may allow this amount of injury to be altered.


You recover Hit Points at a rate of 2 per day through natural healing. If you receive proper medical attention, you receive 2 HPs back for 2 days, and then 4 HPs back for each day after that. Some character classes allow for faster healing.




If you want your character to have a chance at having Psionic powers, roll on the following chart. If you wish not to have Psionics, do not roll. Once you have decided, you cannot change your mind.

Roll 2D6
2 = Major Psionics
3-4 = Minor Psionics
5-12 = No Psionics


If you have Major Psionics, you immediately receive 4D to allocate to the Psionic categories of Sensitive, Physical, and Healer. You also get to choose 6 powers to divide among the three, with at least 1 power in each category.


If you have Minor Psionics, you immediately receive 2D to allocate to ONE category of either Sensitive, Physical, or Healer. You then get to choose 2 powers under the category that you chose.



To assist in coming up with ideas for your background, there is a section which helps "flesh out" your character.

1. Birth Order - 2D6 2-3 = First Born
4-5 = Second Born
6-7 = Third Born
8-9 = Fourth Born
10 = Last Born
11 = First Born of Twins
12 = Illegitmate

2. Weight

3. Height

4. Age

5. Disposition - 2D6 2 = Mean, suspicious 3 = Shy, timid 4 = Gung Ho, guts and glory!
5 = Worry wart, nervous 6 = Hot Headed, emotional 7 =Schemer, gambler
8 = Blabber mouth, talkative 9 = Cocky, overconfident 10 = Nice guy, friendly
11 = Snob, arrogant 12 = Complainer, aggravated

6. Family Origin - 2D6 2-7 = Earth Human, normal 8-9 = D-Bee (near human) 10-11 = Crossbreed
12 = Earth Mutant Roll 2D6
2. Covered with fur
3. No body hair
4. Tough, lumpy skin (+2D to resist damage)
5. Bright, scaly skin (+3D to resist damage)
6. Extremely tall (add 2 feet to height)
7. Skin odd color (orange, green, purple, blue)
8. Have fangs that stick out of mouth
9. Large mouth and large flat teeth. Only eat vegetables.
10. Large round eyes of unusual color
11. Large or oddly shaped head.
12. Bony ridge running along top of head and down back


7. Type of environment you came from 1D6 1 = wandering nomads 2 = little farm community
3 = small wilderness town 4 = small to medium city 5 = town with some technology
6 = the "Burbs" of Coalition states

8. Sentiments towards Coalition 1D6 1 = Coalition? 2 = Like Coalition
3 = Indifferent 4 = Wary 5 = Dislike and distrust
6 = Hate the Coalition

9. Sentiments towards non humans 1D6
1 = Hates and distrust all non humans 2 = Hates all demons, dislikes D-Bees, mutants, etc
3 = Hates demons, but can give others benefit of doubt 4 = Wary of demons, considers others as equals
5 = Prefers non humans 6 = Suspicious of everyone, "you never know who's human and who's not!"



Choosing a Character class:

The next step is to chose a character class from the list of available characters. Some may have requirements that may be met before you can use that class. Once a class is chosen, gain the appropriate PPE as well as any bonus attributes or abilities. Then gain 1D in each of the Base Skills listed. After that, you will have a preset amount of skill dice to allocate to skills that are available to each character.


Each class will also have set equipment and money, as well as listing any cybernetic enhancements.