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From "Tanya" (February 1, 2000)
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Which makes us wonder what our ladder lovers are up to?

Is kiteskys aka candy still getting those “bear hugs” from bear_music? And what’s new with bon bon and pac417. And is lisaleasah still batting those luscious lashes at munsox aka joe. Is brimore aka elf still writing poetry to kaos. (That’s a given). What about the_skunk aka cornel is he still chillen for chillens? I see misspiggy aka cracker is back with her gamesgrid ladder love in tow! Are their any more goddesses lurking around for garo? I hear moonhawk aka darlene is getting married. Is lightningde aka woody still flashing for ette2_99? Is cupid doing his job, getting ready for Valentine's Day? Think he can help poor miquin aka raul out? That guy wants them all!! LOL
I know rosanna must be up to something! It’s not like her to be so quiet! and I know who has a secret crush on lapigion, but I’m sworn to secrecy!!!

It will be a “hot” Valentine's Day for Vernon_gr aka stravos and whiteroses aka nina! It seems they will span thousands of miles between Montreal and Athens, to meet secretly in New York after months of talking about it!
I hear that Hugoke the accountant from Belgium has a harem of female players who are enamored with his good manners and kindness at the yahoo site. They say that he is the antithesis of doodah aka wallyruss and happysneezy……. aka jim and the ever foul mouthed Loretta. (Is it true that carl aka double_phenom is really loretta?) I guess hugoke knows you get more with honey then vinegar!

“SMITTEN KITTENS” that’s what everyone calls reallybeautiful aka taylor and her secret love (a non backgammon playing player) and ex professional Canadian athlete, who is now an attorney. She says he really is her true love and they have so much in common, he really makes her smile. And if things go right he will eventually become her husband. Sources say they talk about wedding bells daily! Well at least we know she will have something to wear! LOL only problem is, he and james007 know nothing about each other! Oh Oh!

A “FREE FOR ALL!”… Everyone was giving ette2_99 a bad time for playing top_ten_cheat aka bbrob! Now she is crying “dictatorship! Back07 says she is getting a little too sanctimonious about the whole thing and she has a right to play him if she has the stomach for it! Well ette2_99 wants to remind everyone about the Vegas tourney, February 19, 2000, and to check her profile for info. Also that she and woody aka lightningde are still in love!

“RED ON THE HEAD”! … herbanana aka anna is having a “good sports” tourney and it's invitation only. “Well that lets me out says belechere aka diane! lol then anizzguy aka Michael he is having a tourney for “redheads” only! And no dying your hair! He says he is going to check players at the door! (I bet he will hate that job!) Petrina says she will join but he better take her word for it!! ondabudz wants to join up, but is it to work the door, or is he a redhead? Hmmm now back07 wants to have one for bald guys, and chimone seconds the motion! See what you started anna!


Ok I think it goes like this…….. crispy and doodah aka wallyruss aka russ decided to hook up. Crispy wants to stay at doodah’s house for free but she can't cause she is psycho cause graylinglove said so. And there are too many weird ladies hanging around outside of doodah’s house that scare him. And graylinglove is sad because doodah isn’t gay or bi. So she finds a hotel and invites doodah up to her room. He tells her to lose 200 pounds. She says she can't cause she doesn’t weigh 200 pounds and there would be nothing left. So that is probably why he said it. She tells him that he found the 170 pounds that she lost and she calls him a sow. (Isn’t that a “girl” pig? hmmm) Well now they are late! cause she is thinking about the complete overhaul she has to give wabbit aka bill. Then she got “stuck in the shower". After she got unstuck he called moonhawk aka Darlene to get his car out of compound so he could take crispy to dinner at the red lobster. They have to hurry cause his insurance scam is running out and he has to go to jail for 17 days in Kansas. And he still needs time to sue the winder wiper.
When they get to the red lobster, doodah gets attacked by a giant crab! With 15 or 20 legs! Well he sucked it down like a giant shark, which must have been tricky cause the waitress has to wait for an hour for him to do it. In the mean time crispy tossed aside her freshly polished ax and just ripped the legs off that poor crab and devoured! Doodah wanted more but thanked crispy for keeping the calories down. So they called “meals on wheels” and asked for a doggy bag. Crispy was afraid that his check wouldn’t clear so doodah dug deeeep down in his pockets and came up with 40 dollars. He told her to leave the tip cause she was old. She told doodah that she prefers to be a hermaphrodite so she can please herself and thetruthwillsetyoufree. Then moosachi came in from visiting elvis and said he thinks crispy and doodah should stop all this foreplay and just screw. The end. Whew! (That can’t be right, can it?) lol


An honorable mention goes to ladycatt thanks to speihei aka joe who is just too cool for school! Hey ladycatt did you really think I was speihei? If so I’m signing up for the gym!!!

Balouza’s new “elite” ladder is really taking off! It seems that it is thee place to be these days. It has something for everyone! Hats off to you! Great new concept!

Tazmanian_muff_diver says he is new to ladderfacts and would like some helpful info. back07 checks out his name and replies “wrong club.” LOL

Thank goodness for crispy or doodah would go through life thinking he had no faults at all! Since joining ladders crispy has been on so many blind dates she should get a free dog! (just kidding crispy I’m obsessed after reading ladderfacts) lol.

King_cobra aka dick says snowhite and icauras should get married for doing what ever it is they do in 11 minutes! Could it be throwing games to each other or “coitus interuptus?” After every move she says undo. He says the only problem is that they would even cheat on each other.

Groovy_girl’s new course of action is to… “pull the trigger” on komink for calling her whoreeeee and sluteeee. “castrate” star_venus aka bob for calling her dirty words when asking for a game. Get little_loo (also bob) and doodah and “relocate” them to the San Andres fault!!! Be careful this girl bites back!!! LOL

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to cokey60, foxy_muldur & Royda January 31, Sniffa February 4, and TBeiruty February 7.



Tanya loves tattle tales! Please send any tidbits of news and gossip to me at (all names annonymous of course!) so we can keep this page going. Thank you…

Tanya's Tidbits will be posted every other Saturday, until the gossip starts pooring in, then it will be a weekly column.

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