Amy 5/13/02 English According to Sophocles, “One word frees us from all the weight and pain: That word is love” In Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare Love is a powerful emotion that can help one through he trials of life. Love freed Romeo and Juliet from the pain of their problems with their families. It helped them forget their troubles, look forward to the future and feel important. Love helped Romeo and Juliet forget the pain of their families’ feud. There are many examples of this in the text such as “As yonder lady o’er her fellow shows…did my heart love till now? Romeo (1.5 48-52) Romeo says this after meeting Juliet at the Capulets party it displays how his attraction and love for Juliet takes over all the worrying and pain that was caused by the feud. “Conceit, more rich in matter than in words…but my true love is grown to such excess I cannot sum of sum of half my wealth.” – Juliet (2.6 30-34). Juliet is explaining that imagination is more important than words. In addition she expresses that the Capulets and Montagues brag about themselves, but these selfish people can’t even understand their worth. Only people that have experienced true love can understand the wealth they have. This proves how Romeo helps Juliet forget about all the issue s in her family. “ Ah Juliet, if the measure of the joy… receive in either by this dear encounter.” – Romeo (2.6 24-29) Romeo says this to Juliet at the end of their conversation about the love they have for each other. It reaffirms their love and helps them forget the pain of their family. The love of Romeo and Juliet helped them look forward to happiness in the future and separated them from the families and their feud. Lines in the book to describe this happiness that the lovers felt include when Romeo says,” Is she a Capulet? O dear account… My life is my foe’s debt.”(1.5 117-118) Romeo explains that although his love is from the opposite house, he owes his life in the future to his enemy. After this scene in the play Romeo realizes the anger that Tybalt had towards him, his immediate reaction was “But love thee better than thou cast devise… Till thou shalt know the reason of my love.”(3.1 68-69) He explains to Tybalt that he never tried to injure the Capulets and that the conflict between the family has nothing to do with him. But yet Romeo tried to love Tybalt as much as he could imagine Tybalt doesn’t understand why, yet he feels this way Romeo remains persistent. In protecting the secrecy of the marriage Romeo looks yearns for happiness Juliet and tries to start off by working things out with Tybalt. Juliet feels the same way as Romeo in terms of looking forward to the future. She says, “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father, and refuse thy name….And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” (2.2 33-36) Along with this quote being very famous it sums up much of what the play presents. Juliet feels that she will let go of what she has always been a part of and believed in for the sake of Romeo. By stating this she shows the reader that she will not adhere to what her family says for the future regarding the love of her life, Romeo. Romeo and Juliet’s love makes them feel important and special. “O speak again bright angel-for thou art…and sails upon the bosom of the air.” – Romeo (2.2 26-32) Romeo feels extremely important after he listens to Juliet speaking about her feelings for him. Juliet is unaware of him listening to her soliloquy this makes Romeo feel better, knowing that she is thinking about him as much as he is about her. “ I must confess but that thou overheards’t…my true love’s passion”– Juliet (2.2 103-105) Juliet explains that she will admit, that he overheard her confession of love. But to forgive her and not to surrender the darkness that has been revealed to the lightness of her love. By saying this she is explaining to Romeo how he makes her feel special. After there conversation on the balcony as she is saying goodbye she tells Romeo “Too like that lightening which doth cease to be... sweet goodnight.” (2.2 119-120) Like the lightning, which is over before one can say “it lightens.” good night sweetheart. Juliet’s desire for Romeo is immense and is shown through this quote. Romeo and Juliet have a deep love for one another. It helps free them from the weight and pain of life. It leads to their suicide, which completely frees them from the family’s hatred for each other.