Kodachi Kuno

Kodachi Kuno

Who is Kodachi Kuno? How did she get involved with Ranma? Well, it all started when Ranma, who was chasing p-chan across the roof, carrying a kettle of hot water to turn him into Ryoga. He felt something clunk as he jumped up to get the devious pig, and as he looked down, he saw (to my horror aaaa! he hit a dragon off the roof!) Kodachi falling.

Being of a good heart, Ranma jumped down and saved her. As she awoke, she saw Ranma straight off the bat, and hugged him. Kodachi tricked him into smelling some flowers, which she had laced with paralysis potion. Ranma lay helpless on the roof over Akane’s bedroom, as Kodachi leaned in to kiss him... thank god Akane heard the roof squeak! She climbed up just in time and kicked Kodachi off Ranma. Ranma was left to sleep on the roof.

Kodachi later challenged Akane, after finding out about the whole fiance deal, to a match in Rhythmic Gymnastics. Loser had to give up on Ranma FOREVER. Akane, being stubborn, swore to Ranma she wasn’t doing it for him, but only because she hated Kodachi. As it turns out, Akane sprains her ankle the night before, and Ranma, not wanting to have Kodachi as a fiance (very VERY understandable) practices all night, as a replacement for Akane. He fights the next day, and wins, but Kodachi doesn’t give up that easily, and declares, “I have given up my previous affection for my darling Ranma, yes... but now I burn with an entirely NEW love!” In conclusion, Ranma has another girl!