2002 President's Demo

Thanks go to our Program Chairman Jim Peerson for these excellent photographs.

Our President, Dr. Rick Wagner, with the Hollywood juniper to be
used in the demonstration. Notice the painted metal 5-gallon container.
The tree is healthy and growing strongly.

The tree has been pruned and wired in an upright style. Now Dr. Wagner
is removing roots and soil in preparation for installation in a bonsai pot.
Dr. Wagner's son, Tommy is assisting by keeping the tree and roots moist.

Root material removal continues. The right sized pot is on the left. The
larger backup pot is in the right foreground.

Root material removal continues.

The tree was installed into the larger backup pot for extra margin of safety.
Moss was placed over the soil, and a light covering of sand is being moistened.

The finished bonsai was won by Patty Peters, our club's Corresponding Secretary.

Fine brass wire stays were used to help hold the branches in a downward
configuration. The floor having been swept, the work is finished.

Copyright © 1996-2002 by Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai, all rights reserved.
This page was created March 20, 2002, last updated March 20, 2002, by Rick Wagner.