1998 Show Images

Former club president Bill Johnson's cascade Juniper.

Rick Wagner's brazilian pepper (chokan style).

Harry Hirao's bunjin style California juniper.

A very nice moyogi.

Cork bark black pine.

Tommy Wagner's favorite: a foemina juniper forest.

Malia Wagner has been training this black pine for one year.

Becky Wagner's jacaranda saikei. Becky has had this unusual seven-tree forest since November of 1996.

Tommy Wagner has been pruning and wiring this bunjin boxwood for a whole year.

Mel Ikeda performed a demonstration on a San Jose juniper with the help of his assistant, Alan Sugimura.

The finished bunjin.

The following show images were furnished by Patti Theaker, our club president:

Reception entertainment with Jim and Dawn Peerson as Sonny and Cher.

Larry and Nina Ragle.

Leila Kusumi as penjing artist.

Patti Theaker as the bonsai fairy.

© 1998-2002 by Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai, all rights reserved.
This page updated january 9, 2002 by Rick Wagner.