Prolouge, Version 1.0 ... 3-11-98

Disclaimer: Any copyrighted materials in this story belong to their respective owners.

Ranma ½ Z Neo: part 0
by Tony Chen

*5 years has pass since the world was destroyed by Buu, (who was later defeated in the sacred world of Kaioshinkai) then brought back to life by the Namek dragonballs.*

*Cut to outer space, a region far from Earth. A large space ship makes its way across the vast emptiness. Inside the ship’s cockpit is four seemingly human figures. The pilot was a boy about the age 18. In a seat across the control console was the co-pilot: a girl that looks just slightly younger than the boy. In a grander seat farther behind the pilot’s consoles, sat a middle aged man, dressed almost completely in white. Next to his right was huge muscle bound figure. The figure had one eye missing, and a scar the shape of an ‘X’on his bulging chest. His good eye is fixed to look malicious no matter how he moved his brows. To the far left of the white-clothed man was a thinner man, also in a white robe, but wearing spectacles. He is working at the console near the back of the cockpit.*

Pilot: *takes note of a blinking light on his console.* Argos, I’m picking up a very thin field of debris. It looks like it carries the remains of cells from once living things.

*The man in the grand seat leans forward with interest.*

Argos: What? Syme, gather a sample and analyze this field!

*The thinner man nods, and types on his console*

Syme: Confirmed, the cells in the debris undoubtedly originated from beings of this region of space. A lot of the cell structure are similar to organisms of our own home planet. A typical…… hold on, I’ve just regenerated the dead cells, and…. What’s this? I am reading a cell that is outputting tremendous amounts of energy the moment it was stimulated. It is unlike all other cells in the sample. It is found 5 parts per million with the other cells.

Argos: Interesting…. Syme, make a conjecture.

Syme: Hmmmm, there was a race that was extinct not too long ago that was similar to this cell. I believe it was a race that called themselves "Saiyajin". Our people, the Zeal, dealt with them 100 years ago. Two of them came in spherical ships, and tried to attack us. But as many on our world were trained warriors, they were defeated quickly. We never heard from them again, and our teams of galactic warriors never discovered their home planet for the counter-assault. We thought they were extinct when one of our ships reported they passed by a region of space with a thick field debris that contained the remains of their cells. This cell that we have just collected has a similar reading as the Saiyajin cells from database, but its energy out is much much higher than those in the database.

Argos: *nodding* Yes, I heard about the ancient battle from my father. The Saiyajins were strictly a warrior race. In Zeal, we bred power as well as intelligence. The Saiyajins had a simple mind, and not nearly as powerful as us. My father knew that their technology must come from another race….. Is it possible that these cells are indeed Saiyajin cells?

Syme: Possibly, but if that was true, that meant the Saiyajins have evolved into a point where their power matches or even surpass our own.

Argos: *stands up, his eyebrows furrowing* The Saiyajins? More powerful than the Zeal? I can’t accept that! The Zeal are the most powerful warriors in the universe. Each team of our people have the ability to take over worlds. Each warrior of each team carries a special ability. Whenever a warrior is injured in battle, the medic of the team will always heal that warrior. We are feared throughout our space for our fighting prowess as well as our mastery of medical and technological science.

Syme: *solemnly* Once…. Feared.

Argos: *Sounding louder* And we will be feared again. When our planet exploded due to the burst in its internal core, our legendary race was gone with it. Luckily this team were in a mission during that time, and launched off before the catastrophe. To my knowledge, this team, Team Phalanx, is the only survivors of Zeal. Now, it seems we are not the only members of a race to escape total annihilation. *he sits back down in his chair, resting his head on his hands. He becomes solemn, and thinks*

Syme: Argos?

*minutes pass*

Argos: *raises his head suddenly, with a glint in his eye as he addresses the pilot* Calculate the coordinates from which this debris field traveled from, and plot a course for that location, maximum speed.

Pilot: Hai.

~~ The story really begins in Part 1, due to to be out in a couple days.