
Um... well, I'm Insane-kun. I've been on the mailing list for about 3 months now, and I've made several friends as well as enemies. I'm the leader of the Unlucky Gods Martial Artists, and organization aligned with Bradster's Equal Opportunity Ecchi. 

I like pi¤a coladas, and getting caught in-- oh wait, that's not right. I was introduced to Ranma by Martinez about 4 months ago, after he gave me a tape with 4 episodes on it. After it, I've been looking for more of it ever since. Remember kids, if someone asks you if you want to watch Ranma, just say no. 

The Unlucky Gods Martial Artists

The UGMA is an alliance among members of the ML to fight against any enemy, particularly Kasumi(2). Our home base is inside Seven Luck Mountain, where we took over for Kirin and the 7 Lucky Gods Martial Artists. Kirin is now guarding Gate #666, the entrance to Hell. 

Stuff I like to do

Important Numbers

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­Adios, amigos!