Friendship is like a Garden....Blooming with each day,

It starts out with just a glance, a smile or a little word to say.

You add a little kindness, attention, caring and love,

Some time and devotion and a blessing from above.

Friends come few and far between and when you find one,

cherish them and respect a journey well done.


Here are some people that are very Important in my life and who have touched me in a Special way!!

Throughout my life I have met many people for many reasons.  As a Guardian Angel and just cause of the person that I am... always loving, caring and dedicated. I have made friends everywhere.

From early on the Military has held a strong respect in my Heart. I made it a goal to dedicate alot of my time helping soldiers in need. It was those men that gave me the name of Angel. A soldiers life can be very lonely and scary, yet when they spoke with me all those fears disappeared for them, and it didn't matter how bad my life was as long as I was making someone else's life happy and meaningful it was fulfillment enough for me.


    Who but Michelle could be one of the most important people in my life.

    We share so much together.. I couldn't ask for a better daughter.. but she is more than just a daughter.. she is a friend too.

   Michelle is always there for me and always willing to help with things.

    I better mention my IRC son-in-law here, Evan, (btw he is the one on the far left.) Really I couldn't ask for a nicer guy to be in love with my daughter. I am proud to call him my son-in-law and who knows.. maybe someday I will be calling him that in real life too..

   Ryan has been a part of Michelle and my's life for over a year now. And Now Ryan is a Big part of my life.. He has become someone more special to me in many ways. Actually he is one of the most important guys in my life.. very important. I love you Ryan!!   Thanks for always being there!

    Kenny has become another special friend in my life.. he lives fairly close to me and we both like the same kind of music. 

     We have had alot of fun hangin out in Oakland especially when Dave comes to visit.                      

     Next time we will make Dave ride the hump in the back seat...  *grin*     

    Well.. where to begin here? I have known Todd over a year now. We also have shared alot together. He had always been there when I needed a freind, I will never forget that.                             Even though alot of people seen Todd differently at times, I always saw the real guy he was.. caring, loving, always there to lend a hand. I could always count on him to send me something special in an email to cheer me up.. I'd like to share some of them with you... Thanks Todd!

     Hida Man.. what can I say.. he's a Crab  *grin*  For those of you who don't follow Legends of the Five Rings.. Crab is one of the main Clans in Rogukan.             
I met Dan on IRC in the #L5R channel in the spring of 98.. he has been a close friend ever since. Always willing to lend and ear for listening and a shoulder to cry on.. He's a good poet also.. check out some of his poems he has written...
    Orion has been a friend for over a year now.. we sort of lost contact in between but in the recent weeks we have become close again. He is always there to help cheer me up and listen to all my troubles.. (btw he is the one on the far left.)

Khyron was one of the first guys that helped guide me through my early years in the Emperor's Hammer.. We became very close and shared many wonderful times, our hearts grew close and around the same time DarkRaptor asked me to be his bride.. Khyron had proposed also.. it was a very confusing time for me..   Khyron was the perfect gentleman and withdrew his proposal respectfully.. not to interfere with DarkRaptor and Angel.
     Patrick will always hold a special place in my heart!