My School. 我的學校﹒

I was study at Delia Group of School in HK (Kwan Tong) at1994-1996. Than after I moved to Canada Vancouver B.C. I was study at R.C. Palmer Secondary School From 1996 to 1999. And than I moved to Victoria B.C. and study at Claremont Secondary School for the first semester at 1999 and then study at second semester at Winnipeg M.B. Gordon Bell Secondary School in 2000.
At 2000 September I changed to the Nelson McIntyre Collegiate I hope this is my last high school.

Following is the old look of R.C. Palmer

This the is front side of my school.這是我學校的前門﹒

And here is the lounge.這是我學校的大廳﹒

Click this link to R.C. Palmer unoffical homepage.此行可到 R.C. Palmer 的网頁

Click this link to Claremont Secondary School offical homepage.此行可到 Claremont 的网頁

Click this link to Gordon Bell Secondary School offical homepage.此行可到 Gordon Bell 的网頁

You are the Visitor since Feb 14,1998