PM Productions Presents
A Phillip Masters Fanfic
A War Fought in Silence


      Her neck hurt. At the very base, right in the middle. It was not a sharp sensation, nor a dull, throbbing pain. No, it was simply an ache, brought about by stress. Half the doctors she went to told her it was psychological. The other half were certain it was a muscle problem.  None of them could tell her how to rid herself of it. Whenever she was alone not more than five minutes could go by without her hand making its way to the spot.

      This was most likely the least of her troubles. At least the small pain was constant, familiar, something she could count on. Everything else in her life was hectic, disorganized, and quite frankly, Hell. Oh, she tried to keep it together, one piece at a time. Unfortunately, for every part she held together with shaking, sweaty hands three others would fall out of place. It was enough to drive someone completely insane.

      Yet, Tendo Kasumi was anything but. She was simply leading the life of every normal housewife, faced with highly abnormal conditions.  Technically, being unmarried, Kasumi could not be called a housewife.  However, no one could bring themselves to call her something as unfeeling as 'homemaker.' Tradition dictated that she upgrade her status to that of the fully bridled and bound housewife as soon as possible. Thing was, Kasumi existed in a situation no one could expect anyone to answer with traditional response.

      She awoke early in the morning, in order to receive the greatest amount of peace possible before the battle began. She was the one fighter in an unappreciated war that raged daily in the Tendo household.  The lines were drawn with the awakening of Saotome Genma. With his rising would begin the continued training of Ranma, his son. With the advent of a water pail, or if he was feeling particularly jittery, a well placed kick, the conflict would commence.

      This was the one fight that occured on the grounds Kasumi could safely stay out of. For this she was grateful, for preparring breakfast would be very unagreeable with explosions and flying debree getting constantly under foot. It was the one thing she admired about Ukyou and Shampoo, their ability to cook under adverse conditions.

      The opening battle was called to a close by Kasumi herself, with the announcement that breakfast was ready. Upon placing her carefully made food on the table, the second disaster began. The object was to get as much food into your own mouth without allowing the opponent to get yours. It was an intense contest of strength, speed, and skill, involving everything from chopstick to foot. By the conclusion of this show Kasumi's pain was showing itself in full force. While cleaning the dishes she comforted herself by rubbing the spot, the treatment enhanced by the heat of the water.

      While she cleaned she reflected on what her life was like. How just a year ago everything was so very normal. There were few martial artists about, no constant contests of a ridiculous nature. Martial Arts Watermelon Race? Who came up with these things? No, back then it was relative peace and quiet. Back then her living room stayed as such, and did not become an all out arena to the death. Her bathroom was a simple fare, a place for relaxing and forgetting your troubles, not home to perverts and impossible competitions. When the hot water heater broke down it wasn't considered a level one crisis. Most of all, she did not have this constant pain in her neck.

      When her mother had died she had assumed responsibility of the house. She figured her mother's spirit would be proud of her daughter if she did what was expected. Her social life was quickly destroyed, and any chance she had of starting her own family was postponed indefinately. She had thought she was picking up the mantle of the common homemaker, not the sword of a war commander. A war she fought daily, and one she fought in silence under the mask of a pleasant smile.  It was enough to drive anyone absolutely insane, right?

      Well, Tendo Kasumi would not be defeated by even the most chronic pains, or the most impossible groups of martial artists the world had to offer. She would not be conquered by the constant cleaning, or the cacaphonous noise. Kasumi was determined to be stronger, stronger than anyone else could ever imagine her to be. Until someone would take her away from the crowds and shows of destruction. Perhaps the good Dr. Tofu would get over his silliness and propose. Or maybe something drastic would happen and end it all. Whichever way, she would be free, the war would be over.

      As she reached up from chopping vegetables and rubbed the base of her neck she hoped it would be soon. Kasumi was strong, but only human.


I have no clue where this came from. It only took me a good half an hour to write, and I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. I'd be particularly interested in what you think of it as the reader, as I have no clue what to think of it as the writer. Doesn't happen often let me tell you. For better or worse, send your comments here.

Thanks for reading,

PMasters (7-30-98)

"I'm only holding back the rain. So many raindrops, so many pains. I want to find my train someday. As seasons go past the station." - Tokyo Babylon OVA 1 / E-mail at: / Web page pending use of a computer!  "...has anyone ever used something alive for a coat of arms?" - The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea (Mishima Yukio, 1965) /  "You see, what you call a cat, we use as armor." - Rune (El-Hazard, 1994)