This page is about the person who made Temple of SS

Name: Jeff

Birthday: June 9, 1982

Lives in: La Crescenta, CA

Occupation: AutoCAD architect

Pets (all since dead): A Dog, Shit-Zu named Weaver, a Cat named Milo (Pic 1 and 2), Two Rats, one blue named Fink (Pic 1 and 2), and one brown named Banjo (Pic 1 and 2). Plus one mouse named Tempest (Pic 1 and 2).

Favorite SS character: Genjuro Kibagami

Nickname: Genjuro

Level of Dedication: Tattooed Genjuro on back of left leg


Story: When I first played Samurai Shodown 1 I did not enjoy it much. The appeal of earthquake farting on other characters made the game seem too silly to be enjoyed. But after a while Samurai Shodown 1 came out on Super Nintendo, so I figured I would rent it. After playing with all the other characters I realized it was an amazing game and immediately went out and bought it and spent days on end playing it.

After Samurai Shodown 2 was released I at the arcade every day loved every moment of it. My favorite character in Samurai Shodown 1 was Hanzo, but I found Hanzo became a bit awkward to control in Samurai Shodown 2. But by that time I had played all the new characters and found Genjuro Kibagami, my new favorite character. I perfected my skills with Genjuro and around by that time Samurai Shodown 3 came out. I played it quite a bit but I still felt it had a lot of problems. The graphics were improved quite a bit and it looked amazing overall but other problems with it were the controls, and the balance of power between characters. Like how Shizumaru could do more damage with an umbrella than Genjuro could with his Katana, that always confused me.

I didn't play Samurai Shodown 3 as much as I did SS1 or SS2 so for a period of two to three months I only played Samurai Shodown 2. But than… Samurai Shodown 4 came out… It was perfect, graphics were as good as they were in SS3, and even better in some cases. Controls had been totally cleared up and were so damn good and responsive. Characters like Kazuki, Basara, Bust Nakoruru, Hanzo, and Bust Galford became new favorites for me. I was at the arcade daily spending as much money as I could get a hold of on this wonderful game.

Around the same time Samurai Shodown 4 came out I finally got the Internet. As my first priority was to find Samurai Shodown sites I only knew of two at first (Best Samurai Shodown and Samurai Shodown Forever). As I slowly found more websites dedicated to Samurai Shodown one thing that annoyed me the most was that all these sites were about Samurai Shodown in general and had either none or very little information about specific characters.

At that point I realized I might as well build a Genjuro shrine since I had so many pictures of Genjuro allready collected. I named my site Temple of Genjuro and I put quite a bit of time into learning HTML and using PhotoShop. After several months I found quite a few people knew about the Temple of Genjuro and it had become quite a popular site as far as Shrines go. Also I began receiving e-mails asking if I had a Temple of Ukyo or a Temple of Nakoruru. So I figured I would make another shrine, at that time I created the Temple of Hanzo, and after that the Temple of Basara. So instead of making so many separate websites I decided I would create one website, that had a collection of individual shrines for each character, I named it the Temple of Samurai Shodown, and thus it was born…

About myself, I can't imagine how much Samurai Shodown has benefited and changed my life. Before I had played Samurai Shodown 3 I had never watched an Anime before in my life, today I am a huge anime fan and own quite a few animes on VHS and DVD. After playing so much Samurai Shodown 1 and 2 I very much wanted to start learning how to use and collecting Japanese weapons. Today I own and know how to use over a dozen different weapons. For these reason and quite a few more I got a tattoo of Genjuro Kibagami on my leg just so I will always remember how much joy and happiness Samurai Shodown has brought me throughout my life.