Kekekeke...wellz...originally, this wos gonna be another page dedicated to
one of Kar Yan's numerous luv interests, that is, Mr.Mango...apparently
their relationship has developed to a new level, and Kar Yan reckons mango
mite juz like her more than as a fwend... *Viv shrugs*  dun ask me on this one...
i dun fink i quite understand their complex relationship...kekeke...but neways, since
i'm not quite sure as to when Kar Yan willz decide to dump mango (like she
dumped poor ice-cream and chocolate), and denz dis page willz kinda be outta
date, i decided to turn dis into a links page, wif links to our fwens' homepages...
so yupz yupz...happi surfing lah...k?  :  )
Jess' Homepage
Ivanna's Homepage
Jenny & Karen's Homepage
Elaine's Homepage
Lewis' Homepage
Elma, Kar Kan & Nancy's Homepage
Nathan's Homepage
Henry's Homepage
Irene's Homepage
Wilfred's Homepage
Awe4some's Homepage