Alyx's Sailor Moon Tarot: Major Arcana

Sailor Moon

Several of the Major Arcana cards have more than one name used upon occasion. For example, Card 8 is sometimes called "Adjustment" and other times "Justice". The name that I chose to take into consideration when creating that card will be shown normally, while its alias(es) are typed within parentheses.

Cards 0 - 5

1 - The Magus (The Magician, The Juggler)
2 - The Priestess (The High Priestess)
3 - The Empress
4 - The Emperor
5 - The Hierophant

Cards 6 - 10

6 - The Lovers
7 - The Chariot
8 - Justice (Adjustment)
9 - The Hermit
10 - Fortune (Wheel of Fortune)

Cards 11 - 15

11 - Strength (Lust)
12 - The Hanged Man (The Dying God)
13 - Death
14 - Temperance (Art)
15 - The Devil

Cards 16 - 21

16 - The Tower (The Blasted Tower, The House of God)
17 - The Star
18 - The Moon
19 - The Sun
20 - The Aeon (Judgment, the Last Judgment, The Angel)
21 - The World (The Universe)

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