Sailor Moon
Mini Moon Button
Major Arcana
Cards 11 - 15

The cards are shown here with their number, name, and picture, as well as the basic meaning of the card taken into consideration when choosing the image for the card and the reason why that person/place/event was chosen for the card. At the bottom are links to go to the other card pages, but the names of the cards featured on those pages is not included there. To find that out, you just need to go back to the main "Major Arcana" page.


Strength ~ Ginzouishou XI - Strength


Strength. Energy. Control of the life force.



The Dying God ~ Demando XII - The Dying God


Action through anguish and desperation. Redemption through sacrifice. Enforced sacrifice. Firm attachment to beliefs.



Death ~ Usagi * Sailor Moon * Princess Serenity XIII - Death

Usagi / Sailor Moon / Princess Serenity

Transformation. Change voluntary or involuntary, perhaps sudden or unexpected. Apparent destruction that is illusory when viewed from a higher perspective.



Temperance ~ Outer Senshi Power Up XIV - Temperance

Outer Senshi Power Up
Baby Hotaru powers up Sailors Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Combination of forces. Coordination. Working in harmony with others. Success after elaborate maneuvers.



The Devil ~ Mistress 9 XV - The Devil

Mistress 9

Black magic. Irresistibly strong and unscrupulous person. Wrong use of force. Discontent. Hard work.



Sailor Moon Major Arcana

Cards 0 - 5

Cards 6 - 10

Cards 11 - 15

Cards 16 - 21


All of the webpage art on this page, except the dragon baby (and obviously the tarot card images), comes from "Moyra's Web Jewels". She has tons of great themes for your homepages, so I'd highly advise checking her work out. Simply click on the banner below to go to her site:

Moyra's Web Jewels

As for that cute little baby dragon (as well as the super deformed angel elf that I use on my main pages), I got that picture from "Daemoness' Anime Haven". She has lots of cool transparent image files as well as cels and a fansubbing studio. Simply click on the banner below to go to her site:

Daemoness' Anime Haven