The Chronicles of Doom



King Zarkon was elated, for he had just found out that his wife was pregnant with his son. The doctors had confirmed this and said that so far the child within her was in good health and that it was definitely a male child. Zarkon smiled to himself. Ah, he had such plans for his son! He would enter the Academy, and he would make him proud. When his son was old enough to prove himself in battle, then he would conquer worlds in his name and expand the Empire. He would arrange a marriage for his son at the right time, to a princess of royal blood, and then through his grandsons, his Empire would be invincible!! He chuckled to himself. But that was far away from now. Still, he would make his arrangements for his son. He even had his name picked already - Lotor - a fine warrior's name. One that would strike fear in the hearts of his enemies. Oh yes, he had such plans for his son and for his Empire...

Elanoir was tired and her back ached from the weight of her baby. Soon it would be time for his arrival. Slaves attended her every need, for her husband did not want her to expend herself in anything. Elanoir knew it wasn't because he cared so for her welfare, but his son's. Even though he was a heavy weight within her, Elanoir knew she would miss carrying him so close within her. At least in her womb, he was protected, but out here - he would be his father's.
When Elanoir had first found out she was pregnant, she thought that she would hate the baby within her because of his father, but she could not. When she reluctantly told Z'aale, he swung her in the air, he was so elated. Elanoir had felt dead inside when the doctors had confirmed it. The only good thing about her pregnancy was that Z'aale left her alone. Before her pregnancy, he had demanded her prescence in his chambers almost nightly. He had scores of mistresses and slaves, and yet he always seemed to desire her.Sometimes she thought that the only reason he possessed her thusly was to reniforce his control over her. She hated him to the depths of her soul and he knew it.She ran her hand over her swollen stomach. She smiled as she felt him kick. She whispered, "My son, you are a strong one - ouch!" she exclaimed as he kicked her again. She said sadly, "I wouldn't be so anxious to get out if I were you, my son..." She rubbed her stomach and this seemed to calm her baby. Elanoir whispered, "I will try my best, baby, to protect you from your father.." She sighed heavily. She didn't know how she would do this, but she would show her son that there was good in the world, not to follow the evil his father obviously embraced. Her son would not be a duplicate of his father. She would die first before letting her son be like him....

"Push! One more push!" the Court physician cried as Elanoir screamed in labor. She was exhausted, but with all her strength she pushed, and finally her son arrived amidst the chaos of the delivery room. Elanoire barely felt the pain as she expelled the afterbirth. She heard a lusty cry of protest as her son howled. She smiled. Her son was a strong willed one! She wanted to see him despite the fear that he would look like his father. Elanoir weakly cried, "Let me see him!" The nurses had already snip his umbilical cord and were now cleaning him up. A moment later, a nurse handed him to her and she cradled his small body. Elanoir looked at his face and smiled. Oh, he was so perfect, so beautiful! He did not look like his father at all! He seemed to have taken after her. His skin was not the dark purple-blue of his father's, but a very light azure color. He was well-formed, and though it would too early to tell, Elanoir thought that he would be a tall man someday. He had a fuzz of white hair upon his crown, and Elanoir wondered if his hair would stay that color or not. She frowned when she saw his eyes, for they were the felinoid eyes of his father's race. Still, he was beautiful and Elanoir smiled as his eyes seemed to focus upon her. Already his small hand grasped her finger. They seemed to connect at that moment and Elanoir thought that all the pain she had gone through since her planet was conquered was worth it for she held one who needed her so much...

Zarkon, had come into his wife's room unannounced, as he always did and bellowed, "Where's my new son?" Elanoir was in her bed, nursing her infant son, who she called D'aavid. She heard her husband come in and prepared herself for his onslaught. She sighed. She knew her time of peace would be short for he always seemed to return from his conquests. Zarkon found her there and came to the side of her bed. He gazed at his son proudly and said, "Let me see him!" Elanoir sighed and disengaged D'aavid from her breast. She knew it would do no good to tell Z'aale that the infant wasn't done yet. D'aavid started to whimper and then cry as Zarkon held him high in his arms. Zarkon chuckled, "He has spirit! Don't like that, do you, boy!" The baby cried louder, missing his mother's warmth. Zarkon looked the baby over well and said, "He is well-formed, handsome too..that will be useful.." Elanoir's face flushed with anger. All he ever cared about was how he could use people, even his own son! Zarkon handed him back to Elanoir and said, "I have entered his name in the Royal Records.." Elanoir blanched. He named him? He had never told her this! Elanoir snapped, "What do you mean?" Zarkon snarled, "You question me, Elanoir? I said I have named him. His name is Lotor - a fine warrior's name." Elanor said, "A horrible name! How could you?" Zarkon said, "I rule here Elanoir! You have no say in the matter!" She cried, "I carried him for nine months! " He chucked her on the chin and said, "So, you carried him! Any woman could have done that, my dear. You just happened to be the one I chose.." Elanoir spat back, "You're a callous, cold bastard!" Zarkon merely looked upon her as the baby nuzzled her breast again. Elanoir noticed that he was looking and gasped in revulsion. Surely not. He had his son now. Elanoir looked down and saw that Lotor - she could barely think of that harsh name - had fallen asleep. Zarkon said, "He is asleep. Tell his nursemaid to come and take him. I wish to be alone with you.." Deep within, Elanoir cringed. No, not that again. She whispered harshly. "You have your son, Z'aale! You have what you wanted! Leave me alone - go to your mistresses!" She saw the anger in his face as he stalked out the room. She though perhaps he would leave. She sighed in relief, but then a few minutes later, he came in, dragging the slave/nursemaid in with him. He hissed, "Take my son..mind you keep him well, slave or you will pay!" The slave trembled in fear as she took Lotor away from Elanoir. The door quickly shut and Zarkon locked it. He smiled at Elanoir and said,"Now, my wife..where were we?" Elanoir quickly covered herself up and yelled, "You were leaving! Go away! I don't want you!" To her disgust, Z'aale only laughed and came to her side of the bed. He sat down, reached out and ran his hand down her cheek to her exposed neck. He said, "Haven't you learned yet, Elanoir, that what you want doesn't matter here? You, like everyone else here live to please me.." Elanoir was angry. She wanted nothing better than to slap him. instead she spat, "I don't live for your sorry.." He cut her off with a brutal kiss. Elanoir gasped as he did so. His lips parted from her own, but he kept his face close to her own. He growled, "You will do my bidding, Elanoir. As long as you live, you will!" He smiled evily and said, "Or perhaps I will take my son and have him taken to a surrogate mother! You would never see him again, Elanoir..would you like that, my wife?" Her eyes widened in fear. He would take Lotor away? No! She saw his eyes glitter and she knew he was gratified with the look in her eyes. She didn't want to give in, but she had to - for her son's sake. Z'aale interrupted her thoughts. He whispered, "Well, Elanoir, what will it be? All I want is simple affection from my wife. Is that so wrong? It is my right!" She whispered in shame. "Yes.." He wouldn't let it lie like that. Z'aale gripped her arms painfully. He said, "Yes, what , my wife.." Elanoir said, "Yes, Z'aale. I will do as you say.." He smiled, "Good, Elanoir..I've missed you.." He kissed her hard again, hurting her already bruised mouth. He said, "Show me how much you love me, Elanoir." She shivered. She hated this. It was a horrible game he played with her. If all she had to do was just lay here, it would be different. She could tolerate it. But he seemed to demand her active participation and it sickened her. Now she had no choice - as usual. She could not allow him to take Lotor away from her. She would do anything for her son. He needed her.
Elanoir sighed heavily as Z'aale unpinned her arms. She knew his habits even in the short time they were married. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him and whispered, "Z'aale, I love you...I am yours to command.." And as her husband kissed her in response. Elanoir felt like she betrayed her very heart and soul to the devil himself.

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