Let The Fun Begin


Hagar intoned the marriage cermony of Zarkon's race:"We are here to witness the joining of these two mortals - man and woman.. They join their lines, their lineage and merge into one..The wife to the husband.."

To Allura's suprise, Hagar produced a small sharp knife.It looked to be ceremonial. She wished she could slit his throat with it..

Hagar continued:"Do you, Z'aale Zarkon Lessat, take this woman for your wife?"

Zarkon replied, "I do."

Hagar then handed Zarkon the knife and said, "Then join your bloodlines.."

Lotor knew what his father was going to do and his heart died within him. He would rather see her die than to be joined with his father. He tried to move but his emotions kept him from doing so. He hadn't felt so helpless - not since the accident.
Zarkon took the knife and slashed the palm of his right hand. Then he turned to her, smiled and jerked Allura's right hand in the air with his left. Ignoring the blood coming from his hand, he grasped her wrist brutally and with the knife, slashed the palm of her hand, making her gasp. The cut was not deep, but it bled freely.

He grasped her bloodied palm in his own, and said, "Our blood is now one - I claim you as my own possession. All that is yours - your posessions, your body, your mind, your past, and your future are now mine."

Allura glared at him and he simply smiled in triumph. From out of nowhere, he produced a ring and jammed it onto her left hand.

He said, "This ring is my sign of ownership.." Then he added with a wolfish smile, "My posession of your body is my proof.."

She hissed, "I do hate you.."

He merely smiled and jerking her to face Hagar, said, "She is now mine - pronounce us wed.."

Hagar hesistated, and Zarkon yelled, "Do not push me, witch!"

Hagar finally said, "You are now joined, you may kiss your bride.."

Zarkon turned towards her and with a knowing look, jerked her to him, and kissed her. She felt like dying right there for she knew that Lotor watched and Coran could see her shame. Zarkon's hand slid down her waist and she gasped at his audacity, but she knew that he did it to humiliate her and to cause pain to Lotor and Coran.

Parting from her, he smirked. "And now that I am wed, a celebration is in order! Coran, you shall be my - honored guest at my roebeast tournament.."

Of course Coran could not refuse.

Zarkon barked at the guards, "Take him, clean him up and put him in some fine clothing. We must make sure the prime minister is dressed for the occassion!"

The guards took Coran away and Zarkon circled around Lotor.

"And you, Lotor. You will be the featured attraction today. You will fight the winning roebeast. Won't that be fun?"

Lotor looked at Zarkon in unconcealed hatred.

"Save your hate for the games, boy.." Zarkon grinned and then suddenly grabbed his new bride by the wrist. "I will save my energies for my bride.." he chuckled at Allura's face of disgust and ran his free hand to cover her abdomen.
"Soon, she will be carrying my son - a son much better than you could have ever hoped to be!" He turned to Hagar and said, "You will monitor Allura and inform me when she is with child, Hagar."

Hagar nodded mutely. Lotor couldn't quite believe that his father had actually reduced Hagar to this. Long ago she would have said something to bait him, but she did not.

"Take Lotor to the main arena.." Zarkon said to his guards. He pulled Allura by the arm and said, "Let us go to the games, my dear..we shall retire afterwards.." As an afterthought, he said, "You too, Hagar."

Hagar followed behind, her head bowed, but her mind was racing. She had gotten an idea. It would involve Lotor and Allura and even though she did not like the thought of Allura living, she knew that it would give everyone what they wanted - except for Zarkon. She would have to make sure that Lotor lived through the Games. She knew that Zarkon would probably keep him alive as long as possible - at least until Allura was to give birth. She knew that the way Zarkon was going, he'd get Allura pregnant eventually, but his age was against him and that would work to her advantage.

So His Royal Highness wanted a child, eh? He would get one all right - just not the one he expected.


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