Doom Reborn


"Hagar! Damn you, witch! When I am free, I will throttle the life out of you! Release me!"
Hagar continued to ignore him. Lotor yelled again, "Hagar!!"
The old witch turned suddenly and said, "Watch your toungue, Lotor, or I'll shut you up again!"
She turned back to perusing her crystal intently. Lotor smirked and said, "Spying on my father?"
She snapped, "What I do is none of your business!"
He said, "It is! You betrayed me! Now my father has everything!"
Hagar turned to him and said, "Think I care about you losing your "empire" or your precious princess?"
Lotor's eyes narrowed in rage. "If I could move, you'd care, all right!"
Hagar hissed, "The only thing I care about -" She trailed off her sentence and looked to the crystal again.
He heard her mutter, "Damn him!"
Lotor knew who she was refering to. He said wryly, "Is my father doing something you don't like?"
She whirled in a rage and spoke before she stopped herself, "Yes! Damn him! He's fawning all over that girl!"
Lotor said, "That girl! You mean Allura, don't you, old witch! Let me go so that I can murder his lecherous, murdering hide!"
Hagar turned away and said, "No."
Lotor yelled, "No? Is that all you can say, you coniving witch? You'll let him defile the only woman I have ever loved? You know I love her, Hagar! You know it!'"
Hagar said sadly, "Yes, poor fool. I do. I know what is it to love and have no love in return.." She looked at him and said, "Though your love had a chance, unlike mine.."
Lotor said quietly, "Then let me go, Hagar. Do what you want. I must get Allura away from him.."
She walked towards Lotor, her face a mask of pain, "No. You would kill him. I cannot have that."
Lotor felt rage. He yelled, "How can you say that! My father has never done anything for you! You were beautiful once. I remember you.."
The witch spat, "He gave me great power! I have no need of beauty!" She turned once again to the crystal and watched.
Lotor said, "You lie, witch! You're jealous of beauty! You're jealous of her, aren't you?" H
agar yelled, "Don't think you can judge my thoughts or my actions, whelp! I helped you in the past - don't be too sure now!"
Lotor continued to yell, "You think my father will really keep his promise for you to rule Arus? Don't be so sure! He's never kept a promise in his life and you know it!"
The old witch came up to him and jabbed a finger in his chest. "I know when to stay on the winning side, boy! I have great power! He needs me!"
Lotor smirked and said knowingly, "But not in his bed, eh witch!"
Hagar screamed, "Shut up, or I will kill you!" Lotor laughed bitterly and said, "Truth hurts, doesn't it, Hagar! I heard the rumors! I knew them to be true! You know my father, Hagar..I saw him with her. I know what he intends and he'll do it too, just to hurt me. Hagar, you love my father, then you must know I love Allura.."
His face softened, a pleading look came upon it. Hagar thought at that moment, he looked so much like his mother, Elanoir, when she was away from Zarkon. She felt old guilt pull at her again and then she became angry at her weakness. No! She would not give in! He would keep his word! Let him have that girl for the night - he would dispose her come the morn. But something in her heart naggled at her, saying..are you sure of that? Are you really sure?
And besides, he had cast that spell - the spell that was forbidden, known to very few. One word. One word and she would be nothing. Oh, if only she could find that damable Dark Stone! No, she would not listen to his words!
Lotor started to speak again when Hagar flicked her wrists, silencing him again. She turned towards the crystal again and watched as the only man she had ever loved laughed with delight. Her heart felt both intense hatred and intense love. She was torn, and even though she had silenced Lotor, her heart kept aking the same question, ..Are you sure? Are you really sure?

"Wake up, Allura..."
Allura moaned in protest, "Noo..Nanny.lem' me sleep..."
She dimly heard a chuckle, then a cold kiss upon her lips. A voice. "I am not your nanny, wench.."
I'm dreaming, yes..yes..
She felt hands slide across her body slowly. She raised her hands to ward off the cold touch. She heard the chuckle again. A monster. She was having her nightmare again about Zarkon.
She moaned, "Nooo..leave me alone.."
The chuckle again. The hands continued to roam freely.
She sobbed, " me.."
A kiss, cold yet filled with desire upon her neck. The voice again, "Wake up, wench. I have need of you.."
She started to fight the monster. "No! Get away from me!"
Her hands were caught in steel and she called out, "Lotor! Help me!"

Suddenly, she felt pain as her face was slapped hard. She jerked awake, her eyes open wide. Above her was her nightmare come to life - Zarkon.
She moaned, "Oh god, no..Zarkon.."
He smiled evily, "I am glad you know who I am at last, Allura. Now that you are awake, we shall conduct our unfinished business.."
He chuckled as he kissed her again. Allura jerked her head away in disgust. Zarkon merely took his hand and jerked her chin to face him.
He said, "The sooner you realize your position here, Allura, the easier it will be for you.."
Anger came into her face and she spat, "Oh, and what position is that, Zarkon, on my back?"
He laughed and said, "I see you've been taking shrew lessons from your cousin Rommelle, dear!"
He feigned a hurt look upon his face and said, "And you were so sweet and gentle, appealing.." He held her face immobile and kissed her lips, forcing her mouth open.
He pulled away and she said, "Your touch would kill anything sweet and gentle, Zarkon. Your touch destroys!"
His eyes narrowed and he said, "Then you will experience it first hand, princess - my touch, that is! You owe me much.."
He released her and got up to remove his clothing. Obviously, he had just came in, and obviously, he expected her to just let him take her. Well, she wouldn't. She had lost everything in a span of a day - her friends, her world, and yes, if she dared admit it - the only one she had ever felt any passion for. She had nothing to lose - nothing. She would not give in to his baseness - she would not. She would rather be thrown to the roebeasts.
She scrambled off from the bed, and suddenly noticed she had nothing on. She quickly grabbed a top sheet and covered herself. She grabbed a small statue of some sort and hefted it. Zarkon was half dressed when he heard her. He whirled around and saw her, beautiful, defiant, unafraid. He had to admit, she was either very brave or very foolish. She was appealing - he never could abide a coward.
He came towards her and said, "Put it down, Allura. You know you don't want to throw that."
Her blue eyes crackled with light as she said, "Don't tell me what I want!" and she threw it at him!
Zarkon ducked, and the statue crashed into a million pieces against the wall. The girl was magnificent! Even Elanoir wouldn't have dared do that! This would be better than he had anticipated. He decided to play this out.
He looked at her lewdly, "What an enchanting picture you make, my dear. You did not need to display yourself before me to get my attention.."
Allura yelled, "You don't frighten me! I have lost everything! I have nothing to lose! Better to be fed to the roebeasts than to be touched by you!"
Zarkon kept his poise. He would not fly into a rage. He had control and he would control her. He kept advancing towards her as she grabbed another small statue off of a dresser.
He said calmly, "I could have given you over to the officers, Allura. I could have done any manner of things to you - none pleasant. Would you rather be with the mass of slaves in the pens? Here, you have luxury, good food and drink..I have been more than generous with you, considering all the trouble you've caused me!"
She yelled, "Generous? Generous? You have taken over my world, enslaved my people! You have subjected all the people in this Galaxy to war and bloodshed, and you'll continue to do so! You expect me to welcome you with open arms? No! I will not! "
Zarkon continued his advance and said, "Open arms, dear? Actually I would prefer your legs to be.."
She threw the statue at him which missed. However, a shard of porcelain did cut him. A thin trickle of blood ran down his chest.
He smiled grimly and said, "You will pay for that, wench!"
Allura kept backing away from him, anger in her eyes. She yelled, "I don't care! Kill me! You'll do it anyway! I won't suffer your touch!"
He stopped advancing and said, "Very well, my dear..if you don't want me.."
He turned, catching her off guard. Suddenly, he leaped at her, tackling her with a yell. She screamed as she went down with him on top of her.
He laughed with triumph and said, "Seems I have you at a disadvantage.." Then he shook her, hissing, "Know this, wench. No one tells me what to do! No one! You live and die at my command, as does everyone here, and you will do everything, be whatever I wish!"
Allura cried, "No! I will fight you!"
Zarkon laughed, "Fight? Foolish wench! Yes, that's your problem, Allura. Always fighting." He slid his hand up her body slowly. He said, "Women are not meant for battle.."
She tried to move away from his touch, but she could not.
She whispered, fear creeping into her for the first time, "And you're a lecher - old enough to be my father!!"
Zarkon merely laughed. "You think that would stop me, Allura? Age has nothing to do with the passions of men and women.You are going to pay for your defiance of me.."
She hissed, "You are no man! You're a monster!"
Zarkon chuckled, "I will show you how much a man I am!" With that, he started kissing her mouth hard, letting his hands travel her body again. She sobbed in helpless fear as he did so.
After a few minutes, he parted from her, breathing heavily and said, "We shall continue this in bed.."
He lifted off her and dragged her with him to the bed, instantly pinning her down with his body. He kept kissing her passionately, and Allura couldn't help but compare him with Lotor.Lotor was just as cruel as this man was, but there had been love in his kiss. He never seemed to able to express it properly, but when he kissed her, there was love in it. This one had no love in him, only hate and delight at causing others pain.
She closed her eyes and tried to block out his sighs and the whispered obsenities in her ears. His hands were all over her, stroking her skin.
He murmured, "Beautiful.."
Allura said nothing, wishing she could just die right now.
He whispered in her ear, "Now, Allura. You are mine.."
He kissed her and she felt pain.. He grabbed her hair, making her gasp. Time seemed to slow to a crawl. His lips were nearly on her own when he said, "Tell me you love me.."
She gasped, "No.."
He kissed her deeply and pulled her hair again. He groaned a stifled groan of passion.."Say it! Say you love me or I will bring your prime minister in here and flay his skin before your eyes..and then he will watch as I finish with you.."
She thought, No..Coran..I can't! I must!..
Zarkon kissed her again passionately, "Say it, Allura.."
She sobbed, "I - love you.."
He nuzzled her neck, and murmured, , "Say, I love you, Z'aale.."
She closed her eyes. Dear god, what was this bizarre game he was playing? This was hell, but the sooner she said it , the sooner this would be over with, and maybe then he would put her out of her misery..
She felt a pull on her hair again and she gasped, " I love you..Z'aale.."
Zarkon groaned, "Yesss.." He kissed her deeply, satisfied with her answer.
Afterwards, Allura felt tears trickle down her cheeks as he continued to hold her tightly. His lips nuzzled her neck almost with affection.
He said, 'That was very good, very exciting. I commend your performance dear."
" She said nothing, knowing that it wouldn't matter. He said softly, "I should marry you, dear.."
She sobbed in her throat, "No.."
He chuckled. The more he thought about it, the better it sounded. It would humiliate her - make her look like she had sold out to him. Besides, he hadn't indulged himself in a long time. He could sire more children - children who would not disappoint him as Lotor had. He smiled to himself. He hadn't really attended to Lotor yet. The news would enrage him! It was a wonderful plan.
He kissed her mouth and said, "Yes. I want a son to replace the one you is only fair."
She sobbed softly, and he held her, ignoring her tears.
He started to drift off to sleep when he said, "Tell me you love me, Allura.."

She said, "No, I won't say it! You're mad!" He said, "Remember Arus? I haven't taken all - say it or your people will pay."
Gods, it was good to be in total control. He kissed her.
She said, "I love you, Z'aale.."
She thought I hate you!!
He smiled, "Good, Allura, good.."
He went to sleep and of course she couldn't sleep. She just lay there , trapped in his embrace, pinned like a butterfly by a stickpin..caught.

Interlude: The Occupation
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