Brasidas’ Fairytale



Brasidas says: Ok Jelly. Once upon a time there was a naughty disobedient girl called Jelly. She was always asking for candy and chocolates and never did her homework...She was so bad that all the townsfolk would click their tongues at her as she went past...

Womble says: skip to the bit where she get her gear off Bras.

Brasidas says: *L* (and she took her clothes off and went to Mexico...the end? Thats the NZ edition)

Jelly says: umm.. I don't like the NZ version.. go on with the Brassie version Bras!

Brasidas says: One day a travelling minstrel came to town and asked Jelly for a nice cool drink of water...But Jelly was proud and she tossed her head and said "Not till you give me candy and chocolate"Oh dear, said the minstrel,and he played a little tune on his pipe. But Jelly scoffed at the Minstrel and called his tune foolish...But unknown to Jelly the pipe was charmed...and when she looked up the sun was blocked by cloud and it began to rain....And wherever she would go from that day forward it would rain....and no one wanted her around anymore....she fell into a deep despair and the rain never ceased. Not for a moment.She spent years like this...never seeing the sun...until one day a handsome man came along....he became stuck in the mud....he couldn't move his feet up, down or sideways Now Jelly watched as this townsfolk and that townsfolk walked past...carrying wood or herding the animals...all too busy to stop and help the poor stranded man...So she went to him....and she took off his boots and helped him out of the mud. She took him inside and warmed his toes and fed him bluebread and mead...and they sang together till late in the evening....And as she drifted to sleep he kissed her, the gentlest kiss she had ever felt....and she fell in love...And she awoke, for the first time in years, to see the sun shining. And they lived happily ever after. And do you know what they ate? Always?

Jelly says: come on! give me the clou of the story Bras!!

Brasidas says: Chocolate and candy of course! *g* The End

Jelly says: but how can she fall in love when she's asleep Bras?? huh??

Jelly says: aww..awww... what a sweet story Bras *big papa hug*

Brasidas says: Read it again she was falling asleep. Gee the Grimm brothers didn't have this trouble.

Jelly says: I find it a bit unlogic, but it was a very sweet story nevertheless Bras

Brasidas says: *L* Thanks Jelly.

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