The big trip to Mexico

The Cut&Paste FactoryTM now brings you a complete new adventure of all your favourite CEA'ers.
This time they're going to Mexico, but well, we all know they'll never get there with a Bies on the bumper and a Heinrich behind the wheel.
Still.. enjoy yourself with this brandspankingnewstory, for the fantasy moments in life *toothpaste smile*

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the fact that the text is not in the right direction readable. We suggest you start reading at the bottom of the page, slowly working your way up to the head. (oh man, is this raunchy or what??)

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You say: I initiated this whole trip Hein and if you don't untie me within 10 seconds I will cut your balls off!
Bies kisses Brasidas back to health...*mwah*mwah*mwah*mwah*mwah*mwah*
Maree says:
*whiny voice * Do I hafta?
Tigerlady says:
Off you go Maree, I already zip started your broom! *lol Take it easy, the throttle is a bit loose
Brasidas must have broken in lots of bits to be with Scamp and Bies....
Heinrich says:
Youre tied to the damn roof rack Jells, what say do you have now?
Meadow has no qualms.
Hypnotic says:
I must retain some level of self discipline.. ngh!! night guys. Duty calls.
LOG ON: Milkman
InevitableGuy wonders how and when Tiger ended up on the floor...
Maree hands TLady the Xmas pooh
Bies says:
Brasidas!!! *gracefully dives off the hood* *bump bumpity bump bump* *manages not to break a single bone & runs to Brasidas' side*
Heinrich says:
Bras! *handbrake turn, picks Bras off the road, chuck his inna back with Scamp, drives off again*
LOG ON: Meadow
Maree has some Homework to do too...
You say:
Since when did I approve of Bras coming along? huh? huh?
Bies says:
*L* um...i just dropped a piece of*blush* the want some candy?!!! *grin*
Scamp grabs duct tape, tapes Bras back together and hands him to bies ..
Tigerlady I am, a fallen woman so to speak, sitting on the floor, and nobody gives a shit to help me up! *hmmmpf
Heinrich says:
Thank you Bras! You in? Right. *stomps on gas, roaring away from scene, build up of exhaust results in tear gas being blown through Wombles front window*
Brasidas falls off the hood at 250km/ph...*bump bump bumpity bump* and lies all broken on the side of the road...
Enchantress admires The.Bard's New Clothes.
Bies changes pose...*pose*
LOG OFF: Womble bound bound bound bound.....
Womble lol at Heinrich.
Brasidas ties the bench and Jelly to the we go again!
Scamp says:
horse steaks...appreciate the thought Womble, but i tend to like horses....alive..*grin*..night you..*hugs*
The.Bard is proudly wearing 'The Bard's new Clothes'
Heinrich bangs his head on the steering wheel, making the horn honk
Bies kicks Brasidas off the hood!! *boot* *covers self up* how rude!!
Womble says:
Night Tiger. *Hugs*
Brasidas says:
Oh okay....fair enough!!
LOG ON: The.Bard
Heinrich wonders how long it takes to buy a few beers for gawds sake
Womble cooks Scamp horse stakes.
You say:
I refuse to get in the car again *sits on a bench, completely wasted* .
Tigerlady ends up sprawled on the floor, seeing as Quokka disappeared
Brasidas says:
Oh that look drives me wild, know I can't resist that *grins and bites off another button*
Bies says:
a horse?!! where?!! where?!!!
Heinrich says:
Who with?
Heinrich says:
Cos Jelly wants to go! So every bugger get in the car (including Jelly) and LETS GO!!
Tigerlady trips Maree over and sits on Quokka's lap
LOG OFF: Quokka Hafta go again...BRB...
Brasidas says:
Bye hallucinating Womble!
Bies says:
he ain't undressing me!! right Brasidas?!! *gives him the look*
Hypnotic says:
I was waiting for it Bras..*l* thanks pal.
Brasidas says:
Hey how come we are going to Mexico anyways?
Hypnotic says:
mm. people drooling, Scamp feeling like a dog.. Bras undressing Bies.. car trips.. when did we end up in a tarantino film anyway?
Heinrich says:
Seeya bro *hs*
Maree pushes TL out of the way and gives Quokka a hug *l*
Bies says:
that's why i'm smiling a lot, Heinie!! *shows off teeth* see?
Womble sends a message to the future, counts to 3 and spots the morphing copper of the late 22nd turn up. Hands over keys. I got to go to bed, i'll spot ya'll latter.
Brasidas says:
Hyp- go do your homework!
Heinrich reminds Bies of flies hitting bare skin at 250kph
Tigerlady grabs Quokka and gives him a big hug
Hypnotic says:
I just cant keep up with this whole car thing.. *hops out, and walks back to the chatroom*
Maree says:
Goodnight Womble
Heinrich says:
Hoi Tiger and Maree, theres still space in the back, gerrin!
Bies drools...
Scamp feels like a dog...
Brasidas says:
Hiya TL!
LOG OFF: The.Bard have to go suddenly - I'll come back with clothes...
Brasidas says:
Nope not a bit actually, Bies *undoes another button*
Maree says:
Can I be on the roof rack then?
Tigerlady says:
Hiya Bras *hugs
Bies says:
ACK!!! *slaps Brasidas*!!!
You say:
Ah! I see a saloon overthere.. *hops out of the car to get some tequila and beer*
Heinrich says:
*drinks* So bro, hows the wife? *motions to Scamp in back seat*
Maree looks scared
Womble sneeks a bottle of tear gass in to there exaust pipe.
LOG ON: Quokka
Brasidas says:
Hey wasn't the rolls royce ornament naked from the waist up? *begins to undress Bies*
Heinrich takes advantage of the pause to hand Bies and Bras two twinkies and a coke
The.Bard is donning armour and brushing up on his knot-tying skills...
Bies & Brasidas change pose...*pose*pose*
Womble parks up and waits for Jelly to sort out numbers. Wanders over to Hienrich and shares some premo.
Heinrich says:
Were Tiger and Maree supposed to be in it? *hammers on brakes and watches Womble shoot past*
Brasidas says:
OOh I get to roll around with Bies on the bonnet? Ok!
Heinrich turns into the straight and chucks her into fifth "eat my dust pork boy!"
Bies says:
i was never in the car...

Jelly. orders Hein to pull over.. ok, who's in the car and who's not anymore?? Maree and Tiger?? Bras??
Bies & Brasidas pose very hood ornament like...*pose*pose*
Hypnotic says:
dont worry guys.. *pops out of the trunk and aims a trunk-mounted anti aircraft cannon at the chopper*
Womble drops the car in to 3rd leans the tazzer out the window and pulls along side the Mexico tripper......misses the car but sends a thousand volts throught there lugage.

Maree nudges TL THIS is why I never go to the movies with you *hands TL a tissue*
Heinrich says:
Ah Bras, right on time for the car chase.
Bies says:
BRASIDAS!!! *grabs him as they drive past him* be a hood ornament w/ me!!! *covers him w/ kisses*
Heinrich says:
*looks out the window at chopper* Umm, Jelly, are the police supposed to have heavy machine guns?
Bies says:
so you only have one eye, Scampie? i have a spare in my pocket, if you want it...

LOG ON: Brasidas
Womble spots the two dogs fall, and presses the auto parshoot buttion, manages to take the corner on one wheels and a choc nut bar.

Scamp says: *thinks about this*..if you had one eye, i suppose so Bies...i haven't a clue...
Tigerlady is crying with laughter
Bies says:
you just rolled one eye, Scampie, is that possible?
Scamp grins at Bies...
Heinrich screams round a corner on two wheels, alowing the dogs to go over the cliff
Hypnotic says:
any more Titanic references and someones gonna get hurt
Heinrich is happy with the worlds biggest hood ornament
Scamp says:
*lol*...Brad Pitt...*eye roll*....;o)...
opinions! oh this is useless.. *l* you will never understand how attrcative men find you probably
Heinrich sees Womble getting closer in rear view mirror "Whoops, when they flash us like that they aint friendly.."
Womble screems after Hein and crew, calling in chopper back up he launches the rabid dogs on rocket powerd skate boards.
Bies says:
um...i mean...i'm king of the woooorrrrlllllddddd!!!
Bies spreads her arms out & lets the wind hit her face...I'm on top of the woooorrlllldddd!!!
Heinrich says:
You say:
Hey cringoBard! *flings him a sombrero* put that in front of your weenie!
Scamp says:
ooh that's evil Hein...
Maree averts her eyes *peek*
Heinrich stomps on the brakes to fling Bies over the top of the car onto the hood, then hoons off again "thereyar!"
Bies says:
hubba hubba, Bard!!! *wolf whistle*
Scamp gets on her hands and knees and peers under the car seat...
Tigerlady says:
Hey Hyp, I love that stolichnaya (Lemon Ruski), nearly as good as Tequila

You say: Hey Mitch! *waves from out of the car*. Hey Scamp, too bad you're a bit too young to be Thelma (or Louise, the one that doesn't get to sleep with Brad Pitt anyway! *g*)
Womble puts tape in his sterio, spurts RHCP out of speekers and races after Heinrich in a squeil of tyers and sirens.
Bies covers her peeks between her fingers...
Heinrich says:
No thanks Jelly, Im driving. *Drinks Woodstock* Wonder how the guys in the boot took that jump?
Bies starts to lose her grip of the bumper...HELP!!! HELP!!!
The.Bard emerges from the changing room, naked. "Hi, Tigerlady!"
Tigerlady laughs at Maree, just as long as its creamy yellow, not pink and green and blue....yuck!

Hypnotic says: I have some stolichnaya in the back here.. lemme out and Ill share it.. maybe.. *swig*
Womble wonders why there is the sound of sea elephants mateing on the techno sound track.
Heinrich jumps the spikebelt with the help of two unfortunate Turtles, flips Womble the brid as per the Red Hot Chilli Peppers instructions and hoons onward
You say:
*opens up dashboard thing* ahhhhaaaaaaaaaa! *glugluglug* you want some too Hein? *puts on shades*
Maree looks at TL..Hey Beggars cant be choosers and all that!Of course its naturally bad for you.. too much salt and butter.
Scamp says:
thought we were going to Mexico for that Jelly?
Womble adds haveing acid to the list of charges.
Heinrich says:
No jells, but a quart of Smirnoff in the Dash.
Jelly. looks at Hein and wonders if he has the tequila?
Hypnotic changes the topic.
Womble puts on flashing lights and siren, turns up tecno song on the speakers.
Tigerlady says:
Hope its natural popcorn Maree, don't like the coloured stuff! *g
Scamp laughs...that's not all you've got to deal with...i want to know when we stop for food...
Womble arrests The Bard for nudity in a pubic place. Puts him in a cell with a dude named buba.
Heinrich changes to third and 80kph and spots the spike belt up ahead "oh dear"
Bies is not in the car...she's hanging off the bumper...
Maree says:
I feel like I have walked in to a movie or summit...*hands the popcorn to Tigerlady* *psst * You just missed the Bards naked scene *S*
Womble thinks he may send some cops around to raid Dads canabis plot again.
Heinrich says:
*change to second and 50kph* True Scamp, now Ive got the: re we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we the: To put up with. When did Bies get in the car?
Womble puts spike chain accross the road and hums Advance Austrailia fair.
Quokka says: don't need to know that!
LOG ON: Tigerlady

Scamp says: jellybean's off to get drunk on tequila Hyp...
Bies looks for her [ants...
Womble makes room for the Alsations....adds rubber band around the willy.
Heinrich says:
Alright we mobile! *plants boot and chucks it into first* VRROOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!
InevitableGuy wonders why The.Bard was taking his clothes off...
Scamp says:
we've been at the 'let's go' stage for a good half hour already...;o)..Hein, your patience with females impresses me...*grin*
Hypnotic says:
why are we going to mexico?
Womble gets bored and pulls over a speading car, finds it to be driven by a bird. Says "hay you was speading Mr Feathers." Bird says "Fuck off i'm a bird." and speeds off.

Heinrich says: Dont forget the Alsatians on rocket powered skateboards bro..*g*
Scamp says:
ahh, let's just take them with us Hein...if we run out of cash, we'll just sell them to the camel people along the way...
Maree says:
Hi Quokka !
Bies says:
are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?
You say:
Just pee in your [ants Bies *nods to Hein* let's go
Hypnotic says:
let me out of here, or Ill release scary australian wildlife at you Maai! *pokes her with a manta ray*
Womble loads in extra rubber bullet ammo and a fresh batch of tear gass.
Heinrich revs the engine impatiently
Bies says:
i gotta go to the bathroom!!!
You say:
eeeeeeeewwwwwww... Hyp! You won't get any fresh air from now on anymore, IGuy, you can get the airhole during the whole trip! Poking me with a jellyfishshapedthing! are you mad??
The.Bard changing clothes...
Heinrich wonders how many shoes Jelly packed in that suitcase
Scamp says:
gee, i feel special...*grin*
Hypnotic says:
Am I tied up with silver tuct tape in the back here?
LOG ON: Maree
Quokka tosses another object through the window to Hein..."A cask of ACME orange juice an' metho for Jells!"
The.Bard says:
Ah, I was him justnow, wasn't I...
Heinrich says:
What, you think we should leave the guys behind?
Womble makes shore he has chopper back up.
Hypnotic says:
about a two cubic inches of it Scamp. Well.. thats how much Im playing with anyway. *squishes blue tack into a jellyfish shape and pokes Jelly with it*
LOG ON: The.Bard
Scamp says:
Hyp's in the trunk, Iguy's in the trunk...Hein's up front, Scamp's in the back and Jells wants to go to Mexico to get drunk on tequila....*thinks*...something's not right here...
You say:
And the only reason Scamp can sit in the back is because she gets sick from travelling! there!
Heinrich says:
Can we go now? *rev rev*
You say:
HOLD ON!! Wait a minute! *turns around and shouts to the people in the trunk* It is my and Heins trip and you guys are just extras, got it??
Scamp says:
come on Jellybean! we're going to Mexico!
Heinrich says:
Jelly wants to get drunk I think Scamp. Lotsa tequlia.
Scamp grins at Hyp...just how much blue tack do you have with you?
Heinrich waits for Jelly to stop packing her men and get in
InevitableGuy says: I can't help it, keep poking me in the back!
Scamp says:
oh joy, we're going to Mexico!...what're we doing in Mexico Heinthing?
Heinrich says:
Ill try to avoid the potholes IGuy, is Hyp in there too still?
Hypnotic says:
oi! why do I have to be in a suitcase with IG anyway? he smells! ..just kidding IG.. but, quit wriggling!
Bies says: ain't me, Hypschnukums!!! it's jells i tell ya!!!
Heinrich says:
*ties dice round mirror* Ok, we set?
Womble takes over for Alan, reves the cop car and sets his tazzer for roast.
InevitableGuy says: OWWW! Be careful with the suitcase...I'm still in here!
Scamp says:
alright, driving for Scamp...
Heinrich says:
Mexico Scampy. *starts car* Vrrm vrrm, lissen to da V8. *diabolical grin*
Hypnotic says:
Bies, you are fiendish!
Quokka says:
Don't forget your fluffy dice Hein...*tosses a pair through the window*
Hypnotic makes increasingly complicated things with blue tack
Womble bounds in, pats Bies on the butt and crashes on the couch.
Heinrich says:
Quick! Before Alan gets back behind that sign!
LOG ON: Womble
Scamp grins and clambers into whatever it is that Hein's trying to drive..where we going again Heinthing?
Bies says:
that's what i keep telling Jelly, Hypnotic, but she just isn't buying it...*sigh* i'll work harder...
Heinrich says:
*settles on an HSV commodore* Ok Scamp, in the backseats, Jelly, inna front. *chucks suitcase into boot*
You say:
No Scamp, you're not driving. It's MY trip and I want to sit next to Hein and Hein is driving! there!
Scamp says:
hey! i can drive i tell you!...and i've never swum in a mug before...that'd be fun i think...
Heinrich says:
Ok, Scamp, you coming then?
Hypnotic says:
hey! dont just cast me aside Bies! I am worth something! *cries deperately* I am WOOORTTH SOOMMMEEETHHING!!
LOG ON: Enchantress
Heinrich says:
Scamp says:
see your hands Hein? um.....o..kay...
You say:
It'd be probably more safe to jump from a diveboard and land into a pool as big as a mug than to let you drive Scamp *g*
Alan puts on copper uniform, gets fast white and blue car and hides behind a sine that says "This way to Mexico."
Bies quietly deposits a 'p' into her last emote...*whistles innocently*
Heinrich says:
I dunno Scamp, Jelly wants to see my hands the whole time..*g*
Hypnotic says:
so do I IG, so do I
Bies flings Hynotic can have it... *makes scrunchy face*
Scamp says:
hey Heinthing, Jellybean..*hugs*
Heinrich says:
There may be a back seat Jells, depends on the car and who wants to come.
Bies says:
that's mighty stingy of you Jells...share the wealth!!! *grabs suitcase & pulls out Hypnotic*
Scamp says:
no, let's let Scamp drive...she'll do a good job of it too...
You say:
Hey Scamperinko!
You say:
Uh.,... dunno Hein, whoever fits in the trunk! You drive and I have the passengersseat!
Heinrich says:
Hey Scamp! *hug*
Scamp grins...hey Bies...*hugs back and !!!!!!!*
InevitableGuy says: Yeah, Hyp...and not quite in a way I'm entirely comfortable with. I hope that's your elbow there...
Bies says:
Scampie!! *hug*
Hypnotic says:
oh hi IG.. bit tight in here eh? you really get to know a guy
LOG ON: Scamp
Heinrich lost an emote somewhere in the boob bit obviously
You say:
*laughs* Ofcourse I like to talk about boobs and tits, as long as mine are not concerned! *grins at Bies*
InevitableGuy says: *crunch* Hi Hyp...never thought I'd get this close to you...
Heinrich says:
wonders what vehicle to take with Jellys luggage that size "who else is coming?"
Alan blushes and runs away from Bies and hangs out with bloaks.
Bies says:
*L* to say the least, Alan...*remembers fake boobs conversation*
Heinrich says:
I am not obsessed with tits! *muffled voice*
You say:
*grins at Hein* shall I start to pack yet? *puts Hyp in suitcase together with IGuy*
Alan says:
hay i was dodging tit's, it's jelly who is pushing the tit conversation. If you ask me she just cant get em off her cheast...
Bies says:
there...that should clear up any questions...
Quokka says:
Hiya Jells!
Bies flings her boob at Alan, smacking him inna eye...*schlap*
Hypnotic wonders how to approach the whole topic about hugs, which is really just more tits obsession from Clan Johnston
Heinrich draws the senic route in with red pen
Quokka says:
Ooof!! Hello Bies!
Alan says:
*Grins* I offerd to take a lady in my lift on a road trip to Mexico.
Bies is making a business call at 7:30 in the morning!!! *grin* i just love voice mail!!!
InevitableGuy says: Why the quickest route? Draw the scenic route!
Heinrich gets a world map and a marker pen and draws the quickest route to Mexico

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