FAQ on the Use of Official Art Scans, Quotes and Other Stuff

If you want to use the official art scans here on your site, it would be really nice if you either drop me a line to tell me about it, or put a link of my website on your links page. Please note that this applies ONLY to the official art scans and NOT the fanart, doujinshi translation, lyric translation and other stuff here. You'll still need to ASK FIRST for stuff other than the official art scans. When using the scans on your site, please upload them to your own directory instead of directly linking to the scans on my page as I tend to delete unused stuff from time to time. When making requests, please be specific, and remember to tell me your homepage URL. If you are moving your website or changing email, please keep me updated.

Regarding the quotes in the Endless Quotes section, which are translated prior to the Bandai / Cartoon Network release by the way, if you want to use them in your fanfics or your email signatures or put a couple of them on your page for your quote of the day kind of stuff, I'd be very honored. There's no need to ask permission for those uses. I only ask that you do not take the whole thing or a large chunk of the quotes and put them up as your own. Please understand that I put a lot of effort into that section, doing "listening comprehension" and translating. I am not affiliated with any fansub company, or for that matter, the official distributor, so those are not subtitles from the tapes. The quotes are just my own pet project.

Permission Granted

Requested Content Location
Cat Fight Snippets (fanfic) Website:
Strawberry Prison (doujinshi) Website:
The Little Grim Reaper (aka Shinigami-kun) & The Taboo (doujinshi) Website:
Cat and Braid (fanart) Yahoo Club:
Catharsis (doujinshi) Website:
Fanarts from the "Gundams 'R Us" section Website:
Reaching Out To You (doujinshi) Website:
The Mysteries Of Trowa's Muscles (doujinshi) Website:
The Secret Life Of Heero Yuy
Subversive Angel: Untitled 1
Doujinshis on my site translated into Italian ^_^ Website:
All Creatures Great And Small
Delicate Teens & Rising Sun
Assorted doujinshi scans ^_^ Website:

If you have any questions regarding these and other issues, feel free to contact me.

Baa baa e-sheep have you any mail?


Leaf Bar
