From the Ruins of Childhood pt.4

Warning! Have you figured out yet that this is a yaoi fic? ^_^

Disclaimer. FY belongs to Watase-sama, as well as Bandai, Tokyo Television, Flower Comics, Pioneer, and others. This is only for entertainment and not meant to be an infringement.

Byuki woke and stretched out. He felt around him, but there was no other body. "Chuin?" He looked around, but the boy wasn't there. "Chuin! Where are you, boy?? Chuin!" He stood up and began dressing. *He didn't run away did he?* Byuki saw Chuin's torn clothes on the floor near him. *No, not unless he's up to running away naked.*

With a smug look on his face, Byuki walked outside. The sky had a strange, yellowish tint to it. *A storm must be coming. I'd better get Chuin to get everything taken care of before it gets here. From the looks of the sky, it's going to be nasty.* He looked around. "Chuin!! Where are you, you good-for-nothing!"

As he slowly turned around, looking over the farm area, he spotted a man watching him. The man was dressed in regal, but very odd-looking clothes. He wore a crown on his head and had makeup on his face. Byuki moved towards to man, wary. "Who are you?"

"I am Seiryuu Seishi, Tomo."

Byuki looked more carefully at the man. He knew that slightly high-pitched voice anywhere. "Chuin?? What the hell are you doing dressed like that?? Take that stupid costume off and get to work. Can't you see a storm is coming." Byuki made a move towards the boy, but was grabbed from behind by two pairs of arms. Turning his head one way, then the other, he saw they were both the boy, dressed in the costume. "What the hell is going on??"

"They are my alter-egos. I told you I am Seiryuu Seishi, Tomo. Have you heard the legend of Seiryuu no Miko and the Seishi who are to appear when she comes?"

"That's just a myth told to amuse children!" Byuki struggled against to two alter-egos, but to no avail. Still, he wasn't scared. Why should he be scared of Chuin? "I should have figured you'd be stupid enough to believe that crap."

Tomo merely smiled. "Myth or not, I have the character that identifies me as a Seiryuu Seishi. And with it, I have to powers given to me by Seiryuu. These alter-egos are just one of my powers. And as a seishi, I no longer have to obey you."

"Not obey me??" Byuki struggled against the clones. "When I get free, you're getting the beating of your life!! I'll teach you respect!"

Tomo moved close to Byuki, till they were almost nose to nose. "What's the matter, Byuki-san? You don't like losing your dominance?" A feather moved its way along Byuki's ear, causing the man to shiver. Tomo smiled evilly at him. "Don't worry, I won't rape you. You disgust me too much."

Byuki barked out a laugh. "You seemed to enjoy it well enough this past week."

"Only because I thought of someone else instead."

"You mean the lover who deserted you?" Byuki relished the look of pain that flashed in the boy's eyes. *You may act tough, boy, but I still know how to hurt you.* He gasped in pain as the feather that had caressed his ear, slashed his cheek. The feather then slowly moved across his throat, making a long, but shallow cut. He swore and glared at Tomo, who smiled coldly. "Are you going to kill me? Is that what you plan to do, boy?"

Tomo stood beside Byuki, his lips next to the man's ear. On the other side of his face, a feather caressed Byuki's cheek. "Not yet," Tomo said. "I want to prolong your death." Tomo moved away. "I want to enjoy watching you die slowly. Kakakakaka." Byuki shuddered at the gaspy laugh. He'd never heard the boy laugh before, and strongly wished he hadn't now. He was starting to believe it wasn't as act the boy was putting on. He began struggling harder with the clones, screaming for help. He froze when he heard the laughter again. "Yell all you want, Byuki. No one will hear you."

"There will be those coming back from the market. They'll hear me and come to my rescue. Then you'll be sorry!" But Byuki talked more bravely than he felt. He was getting scared and didn't like it!

Tomo walked up to Byuki and held out his hand. Nestled in his palm was a tiny shell. "You see this? I am able to create illusions with this." He spread the other hand out, encompassing the entire area. "This is purely an illusion and we are both in it. No one in the real world can see us. So, go ahead and scream." Tomo turned and walked a short distance away. The clones let go of Byuki. "Run, if you want, you can't escape. Kakakakaka!"

Filled with fear, Byuki turned and ran. He made it to the house and barred the door. Leaning against the door, panting, he tried to think of a way to get away. *The boy has gone mad!* He froze as he heard the laugh that made his blood turn to ice.

"Kakakakaka!" Tomo apppeared in front of him. "I told you that you can run, but not escape. You are trapped in my illusion."

"How dare you do this to me," Byuki said, trying to sound fearsome. "You owe me!"

"I owe you nothing."

"I took you in when your parents abandoned you!"

"And I have paid for it everyday since." Tomo took a step closer. "It is your turn to pay." A feather flew at Byuki, cutting him across the chest.

Byuki was frightened. He was going to die. He could see it in the boy's eyes. Chuin, or Tomo as he called himself, was going to kill him. Byuki got down to his knees. "Please, don't kill me. I swear, I'll treat you better. I won't hit you anymore. I won't even force myself on you. Just please don't kill me!"

"Begging me to spare you? You always were such a coward. Shame I didn't notice it before. Well, you've lived as a coward, it should be no suprise to die as one."

"Please! I beg you! Show some mercy!"

"Mercy? What's that? I've never been shown mercy. No. You will die, so just get use to it. It'll be much easier on you, when you accept your fate."

Byuki scrambled to his feet, unbolted the door and staggered outside. Tomo watched him run out and laughed. He never imagined how wonderful it felt to be the one in control. To have the power over another. To decide if that person lives or dies. No one was ever going to have power over him again!

Byuki hid in a part of the field. *This is madness! I can't let him get to me. I have to fight back. Somehow, I have to defeat him.* He watched Tomo walk past. *This is my chance!*

Byuki charged after the boy. Tomo turned and raised his arm. The ground shook. Rocks and chuncks of earth flew at Byuki knocking him to the ground. When the older man pushed himself up, he found he was surrounded by alter-egos. "Do you remember that, Byuki," one of them said. "That was the first power to appear."

Byuki got to his feet and, trying to gather what little courage he had, started attacking the alter-egos. But every one he went after, disappeared. Finally there was only one left. Tomo didn't move as Byuki charged him. But just as the man got to him, roots came up out of the ground, wrapping themselves around Byuki. They tightened, cutting off his circulation.

Tomo moved closer to Byuki. "I must say, I have enjoyed this. But all good things must end." The two feathers on his head dress shot out, plunging into Byuki's massive chest. Tomo smiled at the shocked expression on the man's face. He took one step closer and stroked one finger down Byuki's face. "Sayonara, Byuki." The feathers ripped out of Byuki's chest. Byuki made a choking sound, his body sagging against the roots. The last thing he heard was the laughter. "Kakakakaka!"

Written by Cind-chan.
Posted March 24, 1998.

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