Last Updated On:  03/03/99 
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can see Tamahome right in front of her, and she tears up. "TAMAHOMEEEE! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She
runs slo-mo towards him, only to crash into the screen with a bang. Tamahome sweatdrops and grins. "I had a feeling you'd do
something like that!" Miaka plasters her face to the screen, trying to be as close to Tamahome as she can. Tamahome says, "I
heard you were sick. Are you okay now?" 

Miaka says, "Yeah. Mitsukake healed me." 

Tamahome says, "Mitsukake?" 

Miaka nods. "Yeah! We've got them all! Tasuki, Chiriko...Mitsukake, as well as Chichiri, Hotohori, Nuriko and Tamahome!
Now you can come home! I also talked to your family. They told you to be happy and to follow your destiny as a seishi."
Miaka smiles at Tamahome, and he smiles back. Miaka tells him that they are going to rescue him and Yui from Kutou
tomorrow night, where should they meet? Tamahome says he can get the Suzaku scroll and Yui, and they should meet in the
gardens, under a tree. They tell each other that they love each other, and kiss the screen. 

Chichiri yells, "TIME'S UP!" and the connection disappears. Chichiri wipes his forehead and says, "Well, at least we got
through, Miaka-chan!" He looks at Miaka, and she's still kissing the screen. Chichiri sweatdrops. "Um....It's over.
Ano....ANO........" His sweatdrop gets bigger and bigger. 

Tamahome smiles and says Miaka's name. Yui is standing in the doorway, looking hurt. Tamahome turns around and smiles as
her, saying that Miaka's coming to get them tomorrow. Yui says, "NO! I WON'T LET YOU GO BACK TO HER!"
Tamahome's shocked. She grabs his hand and ummm...holds it to her chest. This freaks Tamahome out, and she cries, "I'll give
myself to you, Tamahome! I love you! I've loved you since the first time I saw you!" 

"Take your hand away, Yui." 

Yui is shocked. "But..why?" Tamahome tells her that he can't do anything with her, he loves someone too deeply. Yui begs,
"But why? You saw both of us at the same time?" she runs out of the room, crying, and barrels straight into Nakago. She grabs
him and hugs him, crying (ano...Nakago just doesn't look cuddly, Yui dear...) and tells him that Tamahome's leaving. Nakago
holds her and tells her that he'll take care of it. 

Back in Konan, Hotohori and Nuriko are watching the preparations being made for the Suzaku-summoning ceremony.
Hotohori asks where Miaka is, and Nuriko says he'll go get her. 

Miaka is sleeping, and opens her eyes to see Nuriko's SD-face. It freaks her out so much she throws the entire bed on Nuriko,
who gets annoyed! He says that he only came to give Miaka this gift. He holds up a wrapped package. 

Miaka immediately tries to swallow it and Nuriko's arm with it. "THANKS FOR COMING!" Nuriko yells it's not food, and
unwraps it. It's a china doll, with two heads, a man and a woman. Nuriko says it's popular in the city. You write your name on
the girl's half, and the boy's on the boy's, and if you bury it without anyone seeing you, your love will be forever. 

Miaka asks, "Can I really have this?" Nuriko nods and sighs. "It didn't work for a homosexual." Miaka sweatdrops, and writes
hers and Tamahome's names on it. She smiles at the doll. 

A crack runs down the middle of the doll, and the doll shatters in her hands. 

Miaka and Nuriko are horrified, but Nuriko says he must have bumped it on something, don't worry about it. 

Yui is taking food to the sleeping Tamahome. She sets it down on a table and looks at Tamahome. In her hand is a little folded
piece of paper. She takes a little purple pill from it and stares at it, remembering what Nakago said. "All you have to do is put
this in his food. It will make him yours forever." 

"All I have to put it in..." her hand wavers over the food. 

When Tamahome wakes up, Yui is gone. He stares at the steaming food uneasily. Once he's eaten and dressed, he goes off to
find the scroll. He is walking down a hall and overhears Nakago and Yui talking. 

"I couldn't do it, Nakago. I couldn't put the pill in." 

"But you should! Don't you remember? You became Seiryuu No Miko out of your own free will. You should not be so nice to
Suzaku No Miko." 

Tamahome gasps. "Yui....against Miaka?" 

Miaka's preparing to go. Everyone tells her to be careful, and Chiriko asks if they can't come along with her. Chichiri says it's
gonna be hard enough as it is to break Kutou's barrier with just two people. 

Tasuki steps forward. "I'll go. I wanna meet this Tamahome guy. " (sounds like an older brother checking out his little sister's

Miaka says, "No way, didn't you hear what he just said - " 

Tasuki holds up a nikkuri manju (if i'm remembering right...looks like a dumpling?) and says, "MMMM....what am I gonna do
with this? And here I was gonna give it to you." Miaka grabs Chichiri and shakes him around. "POOR THING! WE'D
BETTER TAKE HIM ALONG!" Chichiri sweatdrops and agrees. 

As Miaka tries to swallow Tasuki's arm along with the food, Chichiri takes off his nifty shawl-thing and spreads it on the ground.
"Get on it." As all three of them stand on it, he slams his staff down in the middle of the cloak. It glows, and Tasuki and Miaka
fall into it like it became a pool. As Miaka disappears, she waves good-bye cheerfully to the other seishi. Chichiri says,
"DAAAAAA!" and jumps in himself, pulling the cloak after him. 

"Wow, Chichiri, you're magic's AWESOME! It got us right here!" 

The shot pans back to show the three of them piled on top of each other in a tree. "BUT COULDN'T YOU HAVE LANDED
US IN A BETTER SPOT??" Tasuki tells Miaka not to move, but the branch breaks, and the two of them crash to the ground.
Chichiri had grabbed a branch and saved himself. 

"I'm all right, no daa!" 

"We're NOT all right, no daa..." 

Tama-neko comes up and licks Tasuki's face. "Oh, Mitsukake's cat's here!" Miaka gets all happy, saying that Tamahome told
her to wait under a tree with sweet-smelling flowers, and since animals have a good sense of smell.....Tamaneko searches out
the tree, and sits under it, meowing. 

Miaka picks him up and hugs him. "GOOD JOB, Cat-chan!" Tama-neko stratches his head and looks sheepish. :) 

Yui's bathing in a pool, and hears a commotion from behind the screen. Tamahome's telling the maids that he HAS to talk to
Yui! She gasps and turns around, trying to hide herself. "What do you want, Tamahome?" 

"Is it true that you became Seiryuu No Miko out of your own free will?" he said angrily. 

Yui says quietly, "Yes. BUT IT'S HER FAULT! If she had been there for me...." a hand sets a brazier with incense right behind
Tamahome. "I wouldn't have...." 

Tamahome nods sadly. "Fine. Then I'm leaving without you." He turns and walks away, and suddenly encounters the fumes
from the brazier. He falls to his knees, choking. Yui steps out of the pool and the maids wrap a robe around her. She comes to
Tamahome, kneels in front of him. She takes out the purple pill from before, puts it between her lips, and then kisses

Tamahome gasps, and his eyes close slowly. "Miaka....." Her face fades from his mind and he slumps. Yui holds his head in her
lap, looking sad. 

Under the tree, Tasuki's getting impatient. "Making a girl wait. That's a high-class fellow! Maybe he's just scared." He gets his
ass kicked by Miaka for saying that. :) She prays for Tamahome to come, and is answered by a rustle in the bushes. 


It's Yui, Nakago, and a WHOLE BUNCH of soldiers! Miaka gasps, and Yui smiles coldly. 

"It's been a while, Miaka....." 


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