Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V

The three brothers, Ken'ichi, Dajiro, and Hiyoshi Go join with Ippei Mine and Megumi Oka to pilot the giant robot Voltes V to battle planet Boazan's people in their effort to conquer the Earth to insure their galactic domination.

One of the most notable designs in the series is the Boazan flagship shaped as a gigantic horned cranium with a fairy tale castle on top of it. As for Voltes V, it looks a lot like a toned down Combattler V and even shares the same five components design. Despite that, the feel of the series and character background are quite different from Combattler V, with a lot more maturity and psychological development.

Voltes V was most popular in the Philippines, but was banned by president Ferdinand Marcos. The reason given was the fear that children would grow up idolizing machines rather than people, but, as Bob Johnson expressed in his article SUPER ROBOTS INVADE THE U.S.!, (MARKALITE Vol. 1, #1), "his real fear may have been that the plot of Voltes V centered on an oppressed people's rebellion against an elite royal family."

Another interesting fact about the show is that it had a fate few other anime have managed. Voltes V was aired in 1984 on US television, (1978 in the Philippines), in its entirety, completely uncensored and uncut. Even stranger is that it was done by the Christian Broadcasting Network and with quite a respectable dubbing, too.

(Ghislain Barbe)

There are 40 episodes in all, concluding with Camp Big Falcon transforming into a galactic cruiser and launching an attack on the planet Bozania. A boxed laserdisc set has been released in Japan, and are most popular in Manila. They are, however, in Japanese. Nevertheless, these have become prized collector's items, including the toy models.

Voltes V Japanese Set Release Info
10 VHS Tapes
4 Episodes per Tape
No English Version Available!
Complete, up to the ending

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Gigi Sebastian
Tel. +632 426-5758

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