Kinki Kids Winter Concert 98-99 1/1/99

For stage setting, see 12/31 concert report.

*As usual, the sequence of the speech might be wrong, cos I can't remember the sequence of the things they said...

Tsuyoshi: Hi to that lady wearing a beige coat on the fourth floor!
Kouichi: Not true, you can't see that far. We can't see the people on the stand.
Tsuyoshi: I can even fly up there, touch them and then come back.
Kouichi: No way!
Tsuyoshi: Want me to show you?
Kouichi: OK!
The lights are dimmed and then the focus of the light moved onto Tsuyo chan.
Tsuyo chan pretended to jump up and then the lights moved to look as though the lights bounced up to the ceiling and then came back to the floor. As the lights moved back to the floor, Tsuyo chan pretened that he just landed and Kou chan just laughed.

Kou chan started talking about his hairstyle.
Kouichi: Recently not so many people asked me not to perm my hair. Guess this one works!
Kouichi: Anyone here still thinks that I should keep my hair straight?
(Quite a few hands were raised among the audience.)
Kouichi: Shut up! (turning his back to the audience.)
Kou chan sounded so much like an old man when he said "urusaina!" (Shut up!) and that's so cute.

On their Ozakku TVC: They appear a TVC for a potato chip called Ozakku. In the TVC, they eat a potato chip and are then turned into a piece of potato chip themselves and they start doing a funny dance as two pieces of potato chips.
Kouichi: Have you seen the potato chip CM? (looked at Tsuyo chan)
Kouichi and Tsuyoshi: (doing the funny potato chip dance in an exaggerated way)
Kouichi: Before we arrived at the studio, we thought that we were supposed to dress up as a potato chip but when we arrived there, the staff told us that the potato chip would be superimposed with computer graphics later and we only had to wear a skin-tight brown suit to film the whole thing!
Tsuyoshi: Yeah, that was embarrassing. Then the sponsor came in, together with his daughter. When he introduced his daughter to us, we were only wearing that skin-tight suit.
Kouichi: And that was the first time we might her! What a first impression!

Kou chan's solo appearance in House Curry TVC: The TVC was first aired on 30th December.
Kouichi: Have you seen the new TVC in which I do this? (starts doing that "YEAH" pose in the CM)
Tsuyoshi: Yeah.
Kouichi: I often think about different TVC concepts. Better not say it.
Tsuyoshi: Say it.
Kouichi: No, they will think that it's not funny at all. (looking really shy.)
Tsuyoshi: Say it. (From the audience: we want to hear it.)
Kouichi: Ok, then, I thought about proposing a commercial for grapes.
Tsuyoshi: But a grape is a grape, it does not have TVC...
Kouichi: Maybe a commercial promoting the consumption of grapes.
Tsuyoshi: Ok.
Kouichi: The tagline will be "Budou hitotsu bu dou?" (How about one grape?) *
Kouichi: (knowing how bad a tagline it was, he squatted on the floor and used his hands to cover his head) Trying too hard!
Tsuyoshi: (laughs)
Kouichi: But they all laugh! (pointing towards the audience.)
Kouichi: (got encouraged by the "good" reception for his last joke) I proposed a storyline for that curry TVC to the agency once.
Kouichi: I will return home to find a dish of curry on the table. I eat it and then say "delicious" and then the woman who cooks that for me will gesture to hold me whilst saying "Kouichi wa kocchi" *(Kouichi comes over here)
(This is such a marginal pun that the audience laughed like mad.)
Tsuyoshi: (could not believe how Kou chan came up with such a marginal tagline) I am leaving! (walked off the stage.)
Kouichi: E? Ok then, from now on it's my solo concert.
Tsuyoshi: (returning to the stage)
Kouichi: I thought that you left?
Tsuyoshi: (smiling) Um, the highway was kind of congested, so.....
*Kou chan likes writing tagline that plays with the way you seperate the different kanas to create new kanjis but he is not very good at it.

Kou chan started talking about his upcoming musical "Mask".
Kouichi: It is but 5 days away from the actual show, but we still have not done a complete rehearsal and the script is still being changed! Do you have such experience?
Tsuyoshi: Yeah, in "Kindaichi", we had really long scripts. I once had a 30-pages long script. I spent the night before remembering the whole script. I arrived at the studio, then the staff asked me, "Have you studied the whole script well by heart?" and I said "To a tee!" Then the staff said, "we had to make a few changes" and handed me 5 pages of new script. When I read through it, they were just really trivial changes that modify the last bit of the sentence.

Tsuyo chan talked about the J-Friends concert:
Kouichi: How many of you were here last night at the countdown concert?
(Quite a number of audience raised their hands.)
Tsuyoshi: Last night when Naga chan (Tokio) was singing, he looked really kakkou ii and then he knelt on the floor and singing rock songs. When I looked at him, I saw him zipping up his pants!

On the length of MC:
Tsuyoshi: Last night I proposed to have a birthday party for Kou chan tonight after the concert. But Kou chan was really sweet, he worried about us being tired and proposed to keep the MC within a reasonable length, so that the party could start on time and everyone could go home to get some sleep earlier. But now we have been talking for more than half an hour. This is the longest MC we ever have had.

On being loved by his partner:
Tsuyo chan tried to hold hands with Kou chan but Kou chan started to walk backwards and away from Tsuyo chan.
Tsuyoshi: Hey, sometimes you should try and accept the love of your partner!
Kouichi: I am accepting. (started walking slightly closer to Tsuyo chan but stopped at a point when there was a certain amount of distance between them.)
Tsuyoshi: It looks as though there is this barrier between us. (Using his hands to gesture the barrier in the distance that Kou chan kept between them.)
Kouichi: (walked over and grabbed Tsuyo chan's hand)
Tsuyoshi: We will walk down the road towards future like this. (raised Kou chan's hand up in the air so that the audience could see them holding hands very clearly.)

The best thing about this concert is the MC cos they talked for soooo long tonight. They looked really cute when they made jokes. I love the bit when Kou chan squatted on the stage with his hands covering his head after he said that bad joke. He looked so cute and I felt like rushing down to hold him in my arms.


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