Magic Knight Rayearth

Magic Knight Rayearth is about Three girls who get called by a mysterious voice to a magical land called Cephiro. A place where belief and will rules everything. If you believe it will happen, it will!


They encounter Master Mage Clef, who tells them of their mission to become Magic Knights.
Later on they encounter Alycone and Hikaru totally blows her away.
What's your ratings, girls?

Jessica aka Nerissa: Man her Flame Arrows totally rock!

Kirby aka Faun : Alcyone's attack rocks my world too. Both are really good. B-ko?
Kris aka Ryouko: FRY!FRY! OXIDIZE AND DIE!!!!

The Three girls are:

The Rune gods are
      Rayearth -Hikaru
      Windam- Fuu
      Selece- Umi

Other characters who show up in the first season (And you should get to know) are:

Three junior highschool girls, Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuuzaku, and Fuu Hououji are summoned to the mystical world of Cephiro by the Princess Emeraude. They have to face many battles agains the minions of Sol Zagato in order to save the world, because if Cephiro goes, they go. They meet Miss Presea the Master Smith and find Escudo the legendary ore. They are given their weapons at the price of Miss Presea, and go on ahead. They suffer greatly trying to fight Zagato, and they  will fight to the bitter end if they must. However then the Rune Gods are awakened and the fun begins...



In the first season, it is understood later on that Zagato was Princess Emeraude's guardian. He knew she transformed into an adult and all that stuff. He also knew that she was the pillar of Cephiro, and couldn't defer her mind from anything. It was her duty. He fell in love with her and vice versa, but she could do nothing about it, because her duty stood firm. So he captured her, in hopes of her being able to be happy, but still she prayed and asked the Magic Knights to save Cephiro...

And Kill her.

They destroy Zagato and that's when all of that is revealed. It's sad. So they have to destroy their princess too.

Also in the first season, Ferio shows up and falls in luv with Fuu.

To make things even cuter, the chibi-Ascot falls for Umi. (Who ignores him.)In the second season he tries to go save Umi but instead, was knocked out by Rafaga and Caldina because they didn't think he'd stand a chance against the two genies in Chizeta! Umi is a bit more interested in Clef tho. But I heard someone say that the scene where she stays by the bedridden Ascot after a battle give Ascot at least a few points. It's just..well he's not good with talking around her. Heh.

Well that's all for now! We'll catch ya on the flip side! Whatever THAT'S supposed to mean!