WelCome 2 HoMePaGe
InFo on MeEh
NaMe: David AkA John
Age: 17~18 in OcToBeR
sex: MaLe
naTiOnaLiTy: ViEtNaMeSe
LoC: Sacramento/CA

Hi, My naMe is David buT you cAn caLl meEh JohnNy n I would liVe iN kalifornia. I would be in tha 916 area which iz sacramento aNd i be gOing to Consumnies River College, i graduated Valley high in 2003.., so if you goes there, give me a hi r a line or somethin, wells i gotz nothing else to sayz so im out.
Welcome to my page!!!
HeYl Azn p~ples, I just wanted to do alittle sumthin somthin when i was bored so i am making a hompage 4 you 2 gaze at. Take a look around and enjoy the site.  I add new stuff regularly to keep my site freshy,  so check back later and tag my guest-book  aritez.
Me favoRiTe paGeZ
"VieT PriDe iS in My minD,
ViEt blOod iz in My KinD,
sO stEp asiDe anD leT me throught,
cuz it alL abouT tha VieT creW,
vieT luv iz all arounD,
4 mY fellOw Viets,
neVer leT me doWn,
show your pride and say it true,
cuz viet blood flow through u.
What I do when im bored
chat to people on Yahoo messenger    n    AOL messenger

download that and make a screen name, then log-in and start chatting.

then from time to time i update this page....n i daily update my xanga

page......which u can gaze at www.xanga.com/napkinboi16
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Poems carz piXz GameZ Linkz Pick-up lines DayLe And Ramay
Want to get in touch with me?

A.i.M (NapKinBoi16, NoOdLeBoi16)
MaiL MeEh
