Hiya people! It's Callista once again! I am infinitely sorry for not 
putting a fanfic out in such a long time. My schedule's been so 
unbelievable tight, I never even had time to sleep (as if it's new). 
Anyway, I hope you'd like this fanfic. The song is from a band called 
Side A and the song is called "Tell Me" It's the sequel to 
"Once In A Blue Moon". Visit my website, 
www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Highrise/3867.  Anyway, enough chatter and 
let's get it on!

Insert your favorite disclaimer in this spot and scroll down! 

Tell Me
by: Callista Matthews
Rated: Umm, how about a PG?
March 3, 2000 10:21 PM Pacific Time
Series 1/1 (this could change though, depends on reader reaction)

*There are times, when I can't help but cry and I wonder why you 
had to leave me*

	"Serena! It's late! You should go home now." Luna, Sailor 
Moon's talking guardian cat scolded. "You're parents are going to 
know something's up!"
	"In a second Luna. Why don't you go home already and I'll 
meet you there?" Sailor Moon had her back toward Luna, facing the 
moonlit lake in the park.
	"Well, I don't know if I should..." The cat said uncertainly.
	"I'll be fine. I just need a bit of time to think about what's 
happening. Reenie needs someone to look after her tonight anyway. 
She's in danger if no one is looking out for her." Sailor Moon still 
not looking at her.
	"Very well, but don't stay up too late!" With those words, 
Luna turned around and left.
	Unknown to Sailor Moon, a shadow followed her in the darkness. 
His deep blue eyes following her every move. Their battle against the 
monster that almost put Sailor Moon to eternal sleep was very painful 
for them both. Tuxedo Mask's heart was torn in two when he had to 
leave Sailor Moon crying and Sailor Moon's heart broke when her 
eternal love turned his back on her. She was confused and hurting just 
as he, but he dare not do anything about it except turn her away. 
	Sailor Moon's body glowed in the moonlight as she walked 
around the lake, unsuspecting of the hidden gaze of Tuxedo Mask. 
Suddenly, she stopped, finally feeling someone's gaze. She turns 
around, looking for the source, but gave up on the notion. 
	"Why do I feel like Darien's here?" Sailor Moon said out 
loud. Tuxedo Mask heard it and froze, hoping she didn't know he was 
	She turned her head back again to the lake and ignored the 
feeling. Suddenly, out of the blue, her uniform faded into her 
princess dress made of the finest silk and pure gold embroidery thread 
that made up the gold swirls on the empire waist dress. Tuxedo Mask 
starred in awe at the sight and he, too began to transform. His tuxedo
and top hat being replaced by a shiny and versatile armor. His black 
cape began to lengthen. He transformed into his long-ago self, Prince 
	Princess Serenity kept walking around the lake, thinking of 
the past. She thought of the happier times with Endymion before the 
Negaverse. She felt safe and secure in his arms.

*Why did it have to end so soon, when you said that you would never 
leave me*

	While Serenity walked, Endymion was following her silently, 
as well. Serenity stops by a bench with a railing in front of it. She 
recognizes it as the bench she and Darien used to cuddle next to each 
other. She steps by the railing, looking at the bright full moon. 
Because her back was to Endymion, he did not see the silent tears 
flowing down her downey cheek. 
	Without warning, a bright light appeared behind the princess. 
Serenity wasn't alarmed, but Endymion was just about ready to jump out 
of the shadows to defend Serenity when a woman with green hair and a 
dangerous looking staff entered. She was wearing a sailor suit. 
Serenity didn't even flinch, nor turn around to face the new arrival.
	"Hello, Sailor Pluto. I see you recieved my call." Serenity 
said to the woman behind her, not turning to face Pluto because of the 
tears she tried to hide. 
	"Yes, I received your call, Princess Serenity. I live to serve 
you." Sailor Pluto gave a short kneeling stance.
	Serenity turn around to face Pluto. "You do know what has 
been going on here, do you not Pluto? You do know why Reenie is here 
too?" She asked bluntly.
	"Yes I do, your majesty. How did you know?" Pluto asked 
calmly, already knowing the answer.
	"It doesn't take me very long to figure out that Reenie is 
short for Serenity and that she is from the future." Serenity answered 
her serenly. "It doesn't take me very long to realize that she is my 
future daughter either."
	Prince Endymion gasped almost audibly at this piece of news. 
Sure, he saw the similarities between the two, but he never would have 
guessed the relationship. Then he asked himself the most important 
question of all. Who was Reenie's father?
	"Yes, princess, I do know Small Lady. I was the one that 
brought her here." Pluto stared at her monarch.
	"Care to tell me why? Can you tell me about Reenie's father?" 
	"Princess, you of all people should know I am not allowed to 
reveal the future. It will come soon enough."
	"You're right as usual, Pluto." Serenity casted a glance at 
the moon. "Perhaps you can take me out of this prison of heartache 
temporarily for me, can you not?"
	"Of course, Princess. I can open up a portal anywhere, any 
time." Pluto activated her staff to open a portal at her princess' 
	"Good, take me to the time gates and I will make my decision 
	Pluto opened up a portal that lead to the time gates and 
Serenity entered the portal without hesitation. Pluto entered next. 
Endymion only had a split second to decide whether or not to follow. 
The message in his dream surfaced once more and he shook it off. 
'Serenity might need my help. I can't let her go alone, even if one of 
her Scouts are with her.' With those thoughts, he raced toward the 
shrinking portal and jumped in.

*Tell me, where did I go wrong. What did I do to make you change your 
mind completely. When I though this love would never end. But if this 
love's not ours to have, I'll let it go with your goodbye*

	Endymion landed with a thud in a place filled with dense fog. 
'Where am I?' Endymion asked himself. He could barely make out the 
figure of Sailor Pluto and Princess Serenity in front of him. He had 
to move quickly if he wanted to catch up to them. He picked himself 
up and followed in a brisk pace.
	"Where in time would you want to go, Serenity?" Pluto asked 
	"Take me to the past, during the Silver Millennium." Serenity 
told Pluto and she immediately followed her orders.
	Endymion had to run again to catch up with the two women. 
After going through the portal Serenity and Pluto went in, he 
recognized the place where he landed. He was in the past, his past 
with Serenity. He hid under the bushes as Serenity, all alone, went 
to sit down on a bench not too far from where Endymion was hiding. He 
caught the site of his past self kissing and cuddling his Serenity. 
Endymion's heart ached at the site.
	"Princess, a question?" Pluto asked politely.
	"What do you want to know, Puu?" Serenity asked, using an 
old nickname she hadn't used in a long time.
	"I know about the current situation between you and the 
prince, but why did you want to come back to this time? Wouldn't it 
bring you more pain?"
	Endymion was asking himself the same question.

*Don' know what to do, don't know what to say*

	"It's simple, really." Serenity never took her eyes off of 
the two soul-mates. "Although right now, the present seems so bleak, 
and the future even bleaker, the past is something that I can look 
back on and be somewhat happy. Re-living those memories would be the 
closest thing to happiness that I can get. No one can take the past 
away from you and it's something that can keep me alive. My heart is 
broken into so many pieces, I don't think I'll ever recover. But 
seeing the good times we used to have, it mends it little by little. 
It's hard living without the one you love, it's even harder knowing 
that they don't love you." The tearing pain in her heart started once 
more and tears flowed endlessly. She watched her former self and her 
lover giggling and kissing and she just gave a sad smile. "It's funny, 
actually. The one man I vowed to love 'till the end of time, the one 
my soul is bound to forever, doesn't want it. I just can't deal with 
this pain anymore. I suspect he loves someone else now and because I 
love him so, I'm letting him go." Serenity bowed her head.
	"I'm sorry to bring such a difficult topic for you, but it's 
necessary for the well-being of the universe."
	"It's fine. The sooner I come to grips with this, the sooner 
the pain will recceed, or so everyone says."

 *Why did it have to end so soon, when you said that you would never 
leave me*

	Endymion missed her so very much. All he wanted in this entire 
universe was to kiss her sweet lips once more. He wanted to spend the 
rest of his life with her, protecting her, and being a good father to 
their children. Unfortnately, because of nightmares, it's very 
improbable that they would ever be together once more. He would rather 
she be with someone else but alive, that she be with him but dead.

*Tell me, where did I go wrong? What did I do to make you change your 
mind completely*

	'Why are we always being torn apart, Endy? I thought you loved 
me. You swore to me you loved me. What changed? Was I not good enough 
for you anymore? Do you love someone else? I love you so much and all 
I want is to be with you. Why can't you love me like you used to?' 
Serenity watched the Prince Endymion playing tag with the princess. 
But instead of just catching her, he tagged her with a kiss each time. 
Reality came crashing down on her once more as she realized that she 
would never be with Endymion ever again because he no longer loved her.
Just thinking about it brought bitter tears that never stopped.
	"Princess, it's time to go. It's almost midnight where you 
come from and I have business to attend to elsewhere." Pluto broke 
Serenity's reverie.
	"One more minute Pluto, then I won't bother you again." 
Serenity forever engraved the scene in front of her in her mind. "Okay, 
Pluto, you can take me back to my time."
	Pluto opened a portal to the park for Serenity who transformed 
back into Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon went into the portal without 
question, but not before thanking Pluto and asking her vow to protect 
Small Lady. Endymion transformed back to Tuxedo Mask also, but he 
realized he had no way out unless he went to Sailor Pluto.
	Pluto turned around and looked at the bush saying, "You can 
come out now, Prince Endymion."
	Tuxedo Mask appeared, looking quite sheepish. "How did you 
know I was here?"
	"Prince Endymion, I don't leave open portals without a good 
reason." Pluto's eyebrow arched.
	"So what was the purpose of leaving the portal open?" Tuxedo 
Mask asked, getting quite interested.
	"That was just as display on how much the princess really 
loves you. I know you know about Reenie and it is true that Reenie is 
the child of Princess Serenity in the future. But I hope this has 
taught you to reevaluate the decisions you have made so far." Pluto 
opened a portal from her time staff. "This portal will lead you to 
your apartment. The princess is waiting for you there to talk. I 
suggest you think about the current situation and think hard." After 
those parting words, Pluto disappeared. 
	Tuxedo Mask sighed and led himself to the portal. Indeed, 
Sailor Moon was waiting for him. She was not aware that he was with 
her throughout her visit with Sailor Pluto.
	"Tuxedo Mask, I need to speak with you." Her voice was 
	Tuxedo Mask sighed and detransformed back to Darien. Sailor 
Moon didn't follow his example, though. She remained as she is as he 
opened the door to his apartment. He led her to the balcony where the 
warm night air sweeped around them.

*When I thought this love would never end. But if this love's not 
ours to have, I'll let it go with your goodbye*

	"What did you want to talk about Serena?" Darien addressed her 
with her real name as indifferent as possible.
	"I wanted to talk about us. What happened between us." She 
said bluntly.
	Darien sighed in exasperation. "I told you a million time. 
I don't love you anymore! Why can't you get it through your empty 
head that I don't love you? What happened between us was a mistake t
hat should never have been repeated." He felt Serena's pain through 
the space between them. Amazingly, she didn't cry. The remark had cut 
too deep to make her feel anything but pain. Darien knew how much the 
words would kill her, but he needed to get the message across. 
	"Tell that to my face. Look at me straight in the eye and 
tell me those words again. If you can do that, I'll be out of your 
life forever. You'll never hear from me or feel me, or see me unless 
it's Scout business until the end of time." Sailor Moon turned to 
Darien with dead and empty eyes. It no longer held the life and 
vibrance that it used to.
	It was a painful choice to make. He didn't want to be apart 
from her, but for her safety, he had to do it. Darien didn't know how 
he managed it, but he repeated what he said earlier with an unwavering 
gaze. He had enough self-restraint to make his eyes hard and his voice 
cold. After he was done, she closed her eyes and chanted a few words. 
Darien felt a searing pain deep within himself. He felt Serena's 
presence in his heart and soul stretch to the breaking point and 
finally snap. Darien doubled over from the pain that only lasted a 
few seconds.
	"What happened?" Darien looked at Serena, her eyes glistening 
and anguished.
	"I broke our soul-bond." She said simply. "A soul-bond is the 
result of a deep love that goes both ways. It makes one person feel 
and sense the other and vice versa. It can't only go one way. Both 
people have to love each other deeply." Serena's eyes stared at the 
moon, where she died for Darien once already. "Since you no longer 
love me, the soul-bond is dissolved until you find another girl that 
your soul can bond to."
	"Why did you do that?" Darien looked at her, his eyes wide at 
the current situation.
	"I told you. If you can tell me you no longer loved me 
looking deep into my eyes, you will never feel me or sense me ever 
again. You will never feel me transform, feel me when I'm in danger, 
the things that you used to feel about me." Serena looked at the star 
locket that appeared between them. "This was made out of love, but 
this no longer has any symbolism." With those words, the locket broke 
to pieces.
	"I wish you luck in your life, Darien. I hope you find the 
love that you always wanted. I hope you find the girl you will love 
until the end of time." Even as she said those words, tremendous pain 
built up in her chest. She had to leave.
	Serena turned her back to a silent Darien and closed her eyes 
in sudden agony before saying a whispered  a final goodbye and leaping 
from his balcony to the streets. She disappeared under the shadows.
	"What have I done?" Darien asked himself. Did he make the right

That's it! How'd ya like it? It's kind of a spur-of-the-moment so, 
it's not as good as I'd like it to be. Please E-mail me and "tell me" 
what you thought of it! -Callista

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/highrise/3867

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