Wanna Join S.U.P.E.R.?

Just fill out this form:


E-mail address:

Your club name or nick name

Club title (like Keeper of Seiya's dreams or Protector of Usagi's starseed) check here to see if the title you want is already being used

Url (if you have one)

Website name (if you have one)

Jobs (Can you help me with a  job? Be a writer for the newsletter, a graphics artist, a member recruiter? Or you can be just a member. ^_^)

Did any send you here? Like a member recruiter or a friend? A ring or even Yahoo? Anipike? Just curious....

That's it! You're now in the club! Congratulations! ^_^

Now, time to go get your logo (if you have a webpage)! If you would like to make a logo for this club, that would be very great!

Below is the NEW mailing list. My old Getreminded mailing list hasn't worked for some time now so I got a new one. Please join it.

Join my mailing list!
Enter your email address below,
then click the 'Join List' button:
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If you're in the club, it's required to join the newsletter 'cuz you might miss out on some contest or some news otherwise. Don't worry Gini or I will only be sending stuff maybe once per month. That's it. Nothing to clog your mail account or inbox.