Subject: [EVA][FanFic][Lemon] Body Heat
Date: 5 Nov 1999 14:13:28 GMT
From: "Axel Terizaki" 
Organization: NERV
Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime.creative
Followup-To: rec.arts.anime.fandom

                               BODY HEAT

Written by Axel Terizaki (;; ICQ# 34301980; IRCNet:  #teri-chan),
as well as...
Disaster (; yer not getting my ICQ#
unless you've been real nice to me via e-mail first!  :P)

Retooled by Dave Watson (, 1999 10 22-11 01.

Release Version 1.0

ASUKA's Notebook:
Disaster's Fan-Fiction:


Disaster:  "Yes, this is a lemon.  That means that it contains sexual
material, and is not suited for people under the age of 18.  If you're
not 18 or older, don't read this.  If you aren't and you do, and the
cops come to my door because you read this, I'll hunt you down and
shoot you."

Axel:  "But who cares?  I'm the author as well, and I'm only 17 1/2!"

Disaster (glaring at Axel):  "Yer *not* supposed to tell them that,
Axel!!!  Besides, this is only a friendly warning that no one will
really heed, anyways."

Axel:  "That's what you get for sending me a Word document to work
with.  I had to repair the formatting harm this sucker did to my
precious fic!"

Disaster (surprised):  "*Your* precious fic?  Yours, huh?  Is that
what you really think?  Well, let me tell you about working till hours
in the morning that God doesn't know about..."

The two authors throw a few barbed remarks at each other, then settle
for death glares as the half-asleep audience suddenly realizes that
the fic is finally ready for review.

Asuka (to Rei, in the front seat of the theater):  "I don't think
those two will ever work together again.  Disaster seems awfully

Rei:  "Don't worry, he's always like that after working non-stop till
dawn.  I think it's the caffeine.  Does Axel always try to gouge his
friends' eyes out?"

Asuka (blushing):  "Well, only when you wake him up too early in the
morning, I guess."

Asuka and Rei look over inquisitively to the older man sitting near
them.  He turns to face them.

Watson:  "Hey, don't ask me.  I just deal with the final results.
Pass the popcorn, please."


CAPTION 2:  Body Heat


It's a Monday morning in Tokyo-3.  Sohryu Asuka Langley looks out at
the shining sun from the apartment balcony.

Asuka (happily):  "What a wonderful day!"

However, fate demands that Ikari Shinji should interrupt her moment of

Shinji:  "Asuka, we're going to be late for school."

Asuka (turning back towards him and frowning):  "I know that, you

Shinji:  "Sor-"

Asuka:  "Yeah, I *know* that you're sorry!  Humpf!"

Shinji (to himself):  "Great.  She's in a bad mood already."


School.  Asuka and Shinji enter their homeroom class at the same time.
Only Hikari and a few other students are here at this time.  Of
course, Rei is here, sitting at her usual desk, looking out the

Hikari:  "You're finally here!"

Asuka:  "Yeah, late.  Thanks to Shinji!"

Shinji:  "Huh?  Thanks to who?"

Hikari:  "It's strange.  The weather report today said it was going to
be hot, but don't you think the air is a bit chilly for this sun?"

Asuka (shivering a bit):  "Now that you mention it, it was warmer only
a few minutes ago."

The teacher walks in, and Hikari does her 'rise, bow, sit down'
routine.  Five minutes later, Kensuke and Toji walk into class, and
they end up holding buckets of water out in the hallway as punishment
for their tardiness.


After the school day finally ends, Asuka, Rei and Shinji are walking
home.  Asuka has both her arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to
keep some warmth in her body.

Asuka (shuddering):  "What's this damn weather doing!?"

Shinji:  "I don't know, Asuka.  The sun disappeared behind the clouds
really quickly this morning, and..."

He is interrupted by the feeling of drops of cold on his face.  Snow
is now falling, and within a few seconds, it starts coming down
heavily, whipped around by a sudden gust of wind.

Asuka:  "And now a SNOWSTORM!  This SUUUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!"

However, Asuka isn't able to complain for long.  Misato suddenly pulls
up out of nowhere in her car, stops beside them and rolls down her

Misato:  "Get in, you three!  There's an Angel attack!"

Shinji:  "Really?   Then why don't we hear all the sirens?"

Misato:  "I'll explain it to you all on the way.  Quick, jump in!"

The three do as ordered by the Major.  Once everyone is inside, the
car quickly peels away from the curb.

Shinji:  "Misato-san, you shouldn't drive so fast!  All the roads must
be really slippery by now."

Misato:  "Don't worry about that."

Asuka (in the back seat, voice dripping with sarcasm):  "Shinji!
Aren't you forgotting that Misato is the safest driver in all of

Shinji (chuckling):  "Oh, yeah, right."

Misato:  "Here's the situation:  The MAGI detected a Blue pattern
right in the middle of the mountains west of Tokyo-3.  It's strange,
but... the Angel seems to be just sitting there doing nothing.  That's
why we're gonna start with a recon mission.  This weather won't help,
obviously, and besides..."

Shinji sighs while Asuka smiles happily at the thought of another
victory.  Rei simply listens to Misato's detailed briefing.


Command Center.

Misato:  "Are you all ready to go?"

Shinji, Rei and Asuka (in perfect unison):  "Yes."

Misato:  "Okay!  Evas, Launch!"

The three giant robots are launched towards the now-snowy surface of
Tokyo-3.  Asuka opens a comm channel to the Command Center.

Asuka:  "We can't see anything out here!  The storm is screwing up
our visibility!"

Misato:  "Advance with caution.  NERV didn't really have weather like
this in mind when they created the EVAs, so we really don't know if
the ice and snow will have any effect on your mobility."

Maya:  "The MAGI report the pattern to be north of your current
position, about 600 meters."

Shinji:  "Got it."

The three Evas slowly begin to head towards the mountains.  They walk
carefully, not knowing what dangers the excessive wind and the icy
terrain might pose.

Misato:  "This is so strange."

Ritsuko:  "Too strange to be real.  The barometer has been dropping
for a few days now, but this is just so sudden."

Rei (quietly):  "Is this what winter is supposed to be like?"

Misato:  "Errrr, well, kinda." (to herself:) "In Canada before Second
Impact, that is."

As the three Evas carefully crawl up the hill to check out the Angel,
a long and loud beep can be heard inside the Command Center.

Shigeru:  "Contact with the Angel lost."

Makoto:  "The Blue pattern disappeared!"

Misato:  "Huh?!"

Ritsuko (muttering):  "I hate mysteries."

Shigeru:  "MAGI have picked up a transmission.  Three nanoseconds
long, seems to have been fired off upwards into space, ma'am."

Ritsuko:  "Space?"

Makoto:  "Confirmed.  All MAGI agree, the transmission beamed off into
outer space, no apparent reception, possible passive reception.  The
signal will collide with Neptune, eventually."

Asuka:  "We're at the top of the hill now.  We can't see anything but

Fuyutsuki arrives at Gendo's office via an elevator and walks over to
stand at his side.

Fuyutsuki:  "Ikari.  I have disturbing news..."

Gendo:  "About the weather?"

Fuyutsuki (with a brief smile):  "Heh.  Interesting cliche, but rather
relevant now.  Reports on the surface show that the weather change was
manufactured.  These kinds of patterns in the weather are just not
possible under the current circumstances.  People are still using air
conditioners in other parts of Japan, no more than 13Km's from the
edge of the city."

Gendo:  "Interesting.  Call in agent Ryuji Kaji.  I have a job for

Fuyutsuki:  "Is this part of the scenario as well?"

Gendo (through a slight smile hidden behind his gloved hands):  "No.
Not even an accelerated one."


The next day.  Rei is walking to school, bundled up in every piece of
winter clothing she had just purchased earlier.

Rei:  "What strange weather."

She watches the snow lightly cascade to the ground, covering it in a
blanket of white.  She finally arrives at school, a bit later than
usual, due to the fact that she had to learn how to use a NERV credit
card, then actually use it to buy some cold-weather clothing.  That,
and she had spent some time inspecting the snow carefully, wondering
at how pure and cold it was.  Half of the students were absent.  The
only ones who were there were freezing and shivering, even in the
warmest clothing they could find.  Obviously, Toji and Kensuke took
this opportunity to skip classes.  Asuka, Shinji and Hikari were
already there.

Asuka (shivering):  "This damned weather!  This REALLY sucks!"

Shinji (freezing):  "W-we already k-know, Asuka."

Asuka (whining):  "Why couldn't Misato let us stay at home like
everyone else?"

As the class is about to begin with the arrival of their teacher, the
three pilots' cell phones ring in unison.  Asuka digs through all the
layers of clothing she had bought earlier, frantically trying to find
her phone.  Everyone can hear her curse loudly in German until she
finally finds it.  Shinji and Rei are already listening to Misato's
voice over their respective cell phones.

Misato:  "Listen, everybody.  Another Angel popped up out of nowhere.
I'm on my way to pick you up, so get ready to go.  There's no time to


Asuka, Rei and Shinji put their phones in their schoolbags and leave
the classroom under the curious looks of the few present, envious
students.  On their way to the street facing the school, Asuka decides
to break the silence.

Asuka:  "Damn, I bet we're going to end up wasting our time again!"

Shinji (shivering):  "I'm afraid so..."

Rei:  "The Major seemed to be in a hurry.  It might be more important
this time."

Shinji:  "Let's hope you're right, Ayanami."

Asuka:  "Hmpf..."

Misato finally arrives, and everyone jumps into her car.

Misato:  "Ritsuko will explain everything at Headquarters."

With that, they set off, Misato trying to drive carefully to avoid
skidding across the icy roads and crashing.


Half an hour later.  Asuka, Shinji and Rei are in their plugsuits,
waiting for the briefing to begin.  They'd managed to make it there
without any accidents, but the car did skid a little on the way, which
had put everybody (except Rei) on edge.

Ritsuko:  "Okay, children."

Misato is sitting on a chair next to her, listening carefully.

Ritsuko:  "The same Blue pattern appeared in another spot in the
mountains to the west.  But we've a got problem."

Asuka (sighing):  "Which is?"

Ritsuko:  "A severe storm is quickly approaching.  All the roads and
tunnels to and from this valley have been blocked off by snow.  That's
why Eva-01 and Eva-02 will have to be airlifted there.  This means
you'll have to complete your mission without any power cables.  Then,
break your way out of the valley before your batteries run out.  The
MAGI will be doing most of the surveillance through your Evas'
sensors, but a running commentary would be welcome."

Shinji:  "It's gonna be tough."

Ritsuko:  "Once you two get there, you'll have the standard five
minutes to make your way out of the valley.  Do not engage the Angel."

Misato:  "Rei will be airlifted to just outside the valley, along with
three portable power generators.  If the Angel engages with you,
she'll cover you while you connect to the generators."

Asuka:  "Sure.  It'll be fun being chased by an imaginary Angel."

Ritsuko:  "This is not a joke, Asuka.  The MAGI indicated an error
percentage of 0.0001%.  This is just a recon mission."

Asuka sighs.

Misato:  "Your mission is simple.  You land inside the valley, take a
look around, then go to Rei's location, where she'll be waiting for
you with your power cables.  Understood?"

The three children snap to attention.

Rei, Asuka and Shinji:  "Yes, ma'am!"


The two giant robots are now being lifted high into the air by F-type
jets, like they were during the first battle against the Seventh
Angel, Israphel.

Asuka (whining):  "What a stupid mission!  And the storm is getting

Shinji (looking down):  "Strange.  The clouds are getting really heavy
over our landing site.  I have a bad feeling about this..."

Asuka:  "Quit whining!  At least Wondergirl's already there."

Shinji:  "Who's whining!?"

Asuka:  "Awww, come on..."

Looking down, they can see Unit 00 and various NERV technicians,
recovering from their own drop, rushing to get the portable generators
up and running.  They seem to be having a little trouble; however,
it's difficult to tell from that height.

Maya:  "Tech crews report difficultly in getting the generators
started, Sempai.  They have Rei's working, but the others aren't
engaging properly."

Ritsuko (grimly):  "Well, if we have to, we can plug all three Units
into the one generator."

Misato (into the comm link):  "Are you two ready?"

Asuka and Shinji:  "Yes, ma'am!"

Misato:  "Okay!  Evangelion, disengage!"

As soon as Misato's words come out, the two Evas are released from
their aerial restraints.  They fall on the snowy ground inside the
valley with a loud crash.  As the children fully activate their Evas,
Shinji notices something strange.

Shinji:  "Misato-san!  We only have three and a half minutes left!"

Misato:  "Ritsuko?!"

Ritsuko:  "The batteries must be affected by the cold.  This is

Misato:  "Shinji, Asuka!  Cut your search time to an absolute minimum,

Asuka:  "Yeah, we hear you!"

Ritsuko (looking at a display screen):  "The MAGI all agree on that.
We should have guessed.  The Evas still have time to do a full search
and get out."

The two Evas began to slowly walk through the valley, searching for
traces of the Angel.

Asuka:  "That's absolute nonsense!  My Eva shows a Blue pattern on the
monitor, but there's nothing here--"

She is interrupted by the loud crashing sound of Eva Unit 01 falling
to the ground.

Asuka:  "Shinji, you idiot!  What happened!?"

Unit 01 painfully stands up and looks over its shoulder.

Shinji:  "I...I just stumbled on something..."

As the snow begins to clear a bit, Asuka sees the round, red object
which Shinji had caught his Eva's foot on.

Shinji (confused):  "Looks like an Angel's core!"

Asuka:  "Well, that must be the source.   We can't waste time.  Let's
get out ...auuuugh!"

Then, without any warning, it explodes.

Misato:  "Shinji!  Asuka!"

Shigeru:  "The Blue pattern just disappeared!"

The two Evas were caught in the explosion.  It wasn't big enough to
damage the Evas, but it did rip open the ground and exposed a large
underground cavern.  The giant robots fall deep inside the cavern,
hitting its floor with a strong, rumbling crash.

Misato:  "Dammit!"

Ritsuko:  "Communications with the Evas are fading out!  The storm is
moving in extremely fast.  Its central cell has accelerated and turned
directly for the valley."

Makoto:  "The F-jets can't stay any longer.  The wind is building too
fast.  They're returning to base.  In about 37 seconds the relays on
the jets will be too far from the Evas to be effective.  We're gonna
lose communications with them completely."

Misato:  "But we can't leave them alone like that!  We can't abandon

Ritsuko:  "I'm afraid there's no other solution right now.  The
blizzard is getting too strong."

Misato (slamming her fist on the table next to her):  "Shit!  WHY DO


It's very dark inside Asuka's entry plug.  Asuka rubs her head and
groans a bit from the pain.  She then tries to open a comm channel to
the Command Center, but to no avail.


Asuka:  "Oh, great!  And I only have 30 seconds of power left. I
guess the best thing to do is shut down the Eva for now."

Asuka's entry plug gets even darker, and the humming of the life
support system can be heard, but only for a few seconds, before it
completely shuts down, too.

Asuka:  "W-what!?"


Asuka:  "Mein Gott, this suc-"

She is interrupted by some noise outside.  She feels her entry plug
being ejected.  Soon, the light comes back inside her plug, via the
opening safety hatch.  It's Shinji.

Asuka:  "Aaaah!  What's that cold!?"

Shinji:  "You okay?"

Asuka:  "Y-yeah, I am!  But why's it so damn cold!?"

Shinji:  "Come out and you'll see."

Asuka follows Shinji out of her entry plug.  Their Evas had fallen
next to each other in a very large underground cave, the only light
present coming from above.  Asuka looks up and sees, with horror, the
giant hole where they had fallen in, where the cold was also coming

Asuka:  "Great.  Simply great."

They had fallen into a huge cavern with no apparent exits.  The walls
are cast in shadowy darkness, as the only source of light is the hole
overhead and not much was coming through that.  Snow slowly falls in,
lightly dusting the Evas.  The air in the cavern is still, but the
wind whistling high above makes the two pilots shiver.  It isn't too
cold now, but the temperature will drop soon, and they know it.


NERV's Command Center.  Misato is slumped in a chair on the main
bridge, drinking a hot cup of coffee.

Maya:  "We can only get status reports through this storm, Major."

Misato (taking a sip of her coffee):  "And what do they say?"

Maya:  "Life support systems from both Evas have been damaged."

Misato:  "What!?"

An elevator behind them opens.  Ritsuko steps out and looks at Maya's

Ritsuko:  "They're probably freezing by now."

Misato:  "Can't we go and rescue them!?"

Makoto:  "Negative, Major.  We don't have any flying machine strong
and stable enough to face this storm.  Plus, parachutists wouldn't be
able to make it.  The high winds would steal the chute long before
they could make it to the cavern they seem to be in."

Misato:  "Dammit...!  And Rei?"

Shigeru:  "Still on standby at the edge of the valley.  The crews
have all found shelter.  They reported that the other two generators
had run for about 1.5 minutes before seizing up completely in the

Misato opens a comm channel to Unit 00.  The image and sound are very
blurred and unstable.

Misato:  "Rei?"

Rei:  "Yes."

Misato:  "Shut your Eva down for now and lay it down on the ground to
lower wind resistance.  We can't bring you in while the roads are
still blocked.  Just wait for further orders."

Rei:  "Yes."

She then closes the communication link.

Misato:  "Now, I guess all we can do is wait."

Shigeru:  "The MAGI report that Rei's power generator has just
partially seized up, probably from the cold.  None of our equipment
was designed to work in this environment."

Misato:  "Oh, god, anything for some good news."

Ritsuko:  "Well, it's still working, a little.  Rei has gone into
life-support mode.  She's handling her situation well; everything
by the book.  The generator has shut down its own cooling system and
shifted its last turbine into high.  It'll use up the last of the fuel
quickly but it should still run hot for some time."

Misato:  "Good.  At least Rei will be fine.  We can worry about the
others for now.  Any ideas?"

A stillness descends over the room as the occupants consider how to
rescue the young pilots.  Eventually, Misato finishes her own coffee
and accidentally picks up Ritsuko's for her next sip.  The Major
doesn't know that it's freshly made and still boiling hot.

Misato (in a high octave range):  "EEEEEEIIIIOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!
Ritsuko!  This must be yours!"

Misato hands back the coffee with a slight blush as the rest of the
crew hides their quiet chuckles as best as they can.

Maya (excitedly):  "I know!"

Misato:  "What?  That it was hot?"

Maya:  "No.  Well, yes, but that's not what I know!"

Misato (confused):  "Huh?"

Maya: "I think I know a way to help the children..."

Maya then explains her plan, to the smiles and frowns on everyone's
faces.  If the authors had listened, they might have been able to
include her dialogue here, but Axel was too busy trying to fit more
WAFFy scenes in and Disaster was occupied with his hair.


Asuka and Shinji are both sitting against a shallow corner of the
cave, their breathing making streams of mist in the cold air.

Asuka (shivering):  "We're all alone here."

Shinji (shuddering):  "Y-yeah.  In the cold... I hope the rescue teams
will come soon."

Asuka:  "Hmpf, with this weather?  Those loafers from NERV aren't
going to come for us this soon!"

Shinji (through chattering teeth):  "I'm s-sure that Mi-misato-san is
doing her b-best!"

Asuka (sarcastically):  "Oh, sure!  Misato would do anything in order
to save her sweet little Shin-chan!"

Shinji:  "Come on, sh-she'd do it for you, t-too!"

Asuka:  "Tssssk!"

She looks away, faking a pout, and pulls her legs close to her body to
try to keep some warmth.  Shinji shrugs, shifts his weight against the
stone wall behind him and closes his eyes.  The silence after that is
almost deafening.

Asuka (to herself):  "What a baka!  Of course, she'd do it for me,
too!  But he's her favourite!"

She sighs.  The time passed slowly and snow continued to cover the

Asuka (to herself):  "Snow.  It's the first time I've seen some with
my own eyes since I came to Tokyo-3.  I wonder if Shin... what is the
baka doing!?"

She turns to face Shinji.

Asuka:  "Say..."

Shinji:  "..."

Asuka:  "SLEEPING?  We're stuck in this storm and this idiot's

Shinji:  "..."

She grabs his shoulders and shakes him.

Asuka:  "BAKA!  WAKE UP!"

Shinji (slightly opening his eyes):  "Mmmmh..."

Asuka:  "Wake up, I said!"

Shinji (not fully conscious yet, teeth chattering):  "Hmmm...?  Wh-
what...?  The-the-the r-rescue teams... are c-coming?"

Asuka:  "No, but the Ev..."

Shinji (sitting back against the stone wall):  "T-then lemme sleep."

Asuka, to herself:  "Shit!  This imbecile will freeze!  He'll end up
in a coma!"

She grabs and shakes him again, and shouts in his face.

Asuka :  "S-Stay awake!  Baka!"

Shinji:  "W-what?"

Asuka:  "S-sit up a-against m-me, to warm you u-up...but d-don't you
dare try t-to take a-advantage of me, got that?!" (to herself:) "Damn!
It's so cold... NO!  Why did I say that?  I mustn't think about that!"

Shinji (faintly, closing his eyes):  "I would... n-never do that..."

Asuka:  "Shinji!  S-stay awake, please!  Say something to me!"

He opens his eyes again, with difficulty, as he feels the cold trying
to shut him down.

Shinji:  "S-say w-what...?"

Asuka:  "A-anything..."

Shinji (drifting back to sleep):  "I-I want to sleep..."

Asuka:  "I-I k-know, but you sh-shouldn't... Shinji!"

Shinji (suddenly opening his eyes again):  "Y-yes... don't shout like

Asuka:  "It's j-just..."

Shinji:  "W-what...?"

Asuka (smiling):  "I d-don't want you to d... die in my a-arms!"

Shinji (closing his eyes again):  "...oh..."

Asuka doesn't know whether to laugh or cry now.

Asuka, chuckling:  "H-hey, don't be s-stupid.  You know p-perfectly
well th... Shinji!  S-SCHIEST!!  Don't go to s-sleep!"

Shinji (eyes still closed):  "...Th-this..."

Asuka:  "W-what?"

Shinji (sighing):  "It's not your f-fault."

Asuka feels a strange impulse overtake her.

Asuka:  "Shinji!!"

With that, she leans over him and kisses him.  The kind of kiss that
the heroine gives to the hero when she knows it'll be his last.
Feeling the warmth of her lips on his, Shinji thinks that he's already
dreaming, but a tear drips onto his cheek, and he opens his eyes
again.  He can see Asuka wipe her eyes.

Asuka (in a shaky voice):  "Shinji?  Are-are you okay?"

Shinji (blinking):  "I-I think so."

She then hugs him with a strength born of both kindness and relief.
Surprised, but too groggy to realize what's happening, he closes his
eyes and lets himself sink into Asuka's warm embrace.  Then, again, he
feels their lips meeting.  This time, he returns the kiss, in the same
way it was given to him.  A blast of hot air invades his mind, and he
decides to be more bold.  Asuka then slowly breaks the kiss.  She
notes that the closeness to Shinji was more pleasurable than she had
thought possible, especially in the cold.

Asuka (whispering quietly):  "Shinji?"

Shinji:  "Y...yeah?"

Asuka (softly):  "Your breath is very warm."

Shinji (a bit confused):  "I-It is?"

Asuka (grinning):  "Yeah.  Do you mind if I borrow some?"

Shinji (now very confused):  "H-how?"

He has no time to ponder this, as Asuka takes his head in her hands
and plants a firmer kiss right on his lips.  At least, this kiss was
more enjoyable than the first one they did at home, when she
sadistically pinched his nose, or the kisses they'd shared just now.
He quickly finds himself welcoming the closeness this kiss involves.
The cold becomes almost secondary as he unconsciously wraps his arms
around her in a firmer and more intimate embrace.  Responding to his
new enthusiasm, Asuka moves her arms down, hugs him even tighter and
adjusts her weight, pushing into him as he rests against the wall of
stone behind his back.  The plug suits they're wearing are definitely
not the best clothing for cold weather, though they are arguably the
best thing to wear for passionate embracing.  Asuka's nipples are
erect, hardened from the cold and now from the passion she had found
in Shinji.

Oddly, the press of Asuka's nipples into his chest had a new effect on
Shinji.  Normally, he would be terrified of her if he thought that she
knew he could feel her body, but he's somehow sure that it's different
for her now.  His hand roams down her back, leaving a trail of warmth
along the back of her thin plug suit, and comes to rest on her shapely
posterior.  Asuka moans into the kiss and stiffens a little, though
the nervousness of her first real passionate experience is quickly
replaced by the feelings that are suddenly overwhelming her.  Her fear
of being touched is being replaced by a desire to have Shinji touch
her constantly in places where she wouldn't have let anyone put their
hands before.

Shinji suddenly feels Asuka's hands grope his chest and eventually
make their way down to his groin.  As her lips warm his own, he feels
his blood rushing and his body rising to the moment; literally, in
some areas.  He's surprised at his own reaction, allowing Asuka to
fondle that which he would never let her near otherwise, for safety
reasons.  Lust streams through his body as he squeezes her ass with
one hand and brings his other hand up to her breasts.

The plug suits leave very little to get through as they explore each
other's body.  It never once occurs to either of them that taking off
the suits would make it feel even better.  Shinji notices that Asuka
has closed her eyes as his hands cup her breasts.  He softly squeezes
her through the plug suit, which causes Asuka to shiver, finally from
something other than the cold.

Shinji (whispering):  "Asuka, turn around."

After giving him a curious look, she turns so that she is pressing her
back into his chest.  He can now smell the mix of LCL and shampoo in
her auburn hair.  The smell is literally intoxicating to him.
Wrapping his arms around her once more, Shinji tilts her head up so
that he can kiss her again.  With her attention focussed on his mouth
and away from her own body, Asuka is rather surprised when Shinji's
hand suddenly falls from her breast to between her legs.

Asuka (moaning):  "Hmmm..."

Remembering something that Kensuke told him about a video he'd seen,
Shinji starts to rub Asuka's groin, and keeps her legs wide open by
trapping them with his own.

Asuka (smiling):  "Pervert."

Her own hand now covers his, pressing it into the fabric of the plug
suit, causing further friction on the fabric over her vagina.
Meanwhile, Shinji's other hand softly kneads her breast.  Asuka starts
to squirm under his touch.

Asuka:  "Shinji... pinch my nipple..."

Wondering why he hadn't done this yet, Shinji presses the little nub
of flesh between his thumb and forefinger, which makes Asuka yelp.

Asuka:  "Ouch!  Hey, not so hard!  You're not trying to take it off,
you know!"

With that, she jumps a little, breaking the embrace and the moment.
She's not able to get her legs free from Shinji's, so she doesn't get
very far.

Shinji (mumbling in defense):  "Uh, well, umm, I'm sorry.  It's my
first time, you know."

Asuka (smirking):  "Well, you're not doing too badly for a first-
timer.  Just do it a little gentler, okay?"

Shinji:  "Don't try to fool me into believing that this is your first

Asuka (sly grin):  "Oh, you'll find out, sooner or later."

Asuka's wicked grin seems to give Shinji more confidence than he ever
had before.  She takes his hand and gently places it between her open
legs again, before closing her eyes to enjoy the feeling to the

Asuka (softly):  "Hmmm, more, please..."

He presses his hand into her suited flesh and works it around again.
Shinji's willing captive shudders with the sensation and gladly falls
back under the assault of his gentle hands.

Shinji (whispering into her ear):  "Practice makes perfect."

Asuka is a little surprised when Shinji starts to nibble her ear.
She had relaxed into his arms, resting on his body and letting him
control the situation.  She turns her head and kisses him as deeply as
she can, using both of her hands to hold his head to her mouth, as her
now undefended body surrenders completely to his ministrations.

Rubbing hard and fast, Shinji is soon rewarded with a squirming and
wiggling Asuka to handle.  He presses his hand as hard as he can into
her womanhood and fondles her breast more aggressively.  Asuka
responds by kissing him harder, and starts to gyrate her hips, lifting
herself up off the ground, as Shinji holds her down with his hands,
pressing her back into his body.  He can feel her body start to tense
up, and he knows it won't be much longer until... unable to breathe
fast enough through her nose, Asuka breaks the kiss and looks into
Shinji's eyes.

Asuka (groaning):  "Shinji, I'm, I... uh, I..."

That's all she's able to say before wave after wave of orgasmic energy
tear through her body.  She stiffens, pushing herself back into Shinji.

Asuka (mouth wide open):  "AAAAHHHH!  God, don't stop, keep going!"

She screams her request, and Shinji obliges, resuming his frantic
rubbing against the groin of her plug suit, almost without pause.
Asuka writhes and squirms, breathing erratically as her passion
engulfs her mind and body, driving out the cold.

Asuka (panting):  "Aahh... ahh... ah..."

As her orgasm finally dies away, she resumes a more regular breathing
pattern.  She falls back into Shinji, only to notice something
pressing up against her backside that she hadn't felt earlier.  She
looks up at his face, the two of them blushing heavily.

Asuka:  "Shinji, if Misato or your idiotic friends ever find out about
what just happened, I'll make sure you'll never be able to have

Shinji (not expecting that):  "W-what!?"

Asuka (blushing):  "Well, that was... pleasurable.  But I swear that if
I hear about this from anyone else, you're gonna pay for it!"

Shinji (looking away):  "Huh, sure..."

Asuka (sighing):  "At least I don't feel the cold anymore."

Shinji:  "Me, neither.  Just being close to you makes me forget about

Asuka:  "Oh, cut the crap."

Shinji (reflexively):  "I'm sorry..."

Asuka:  "Hmph..."


Asuka:  "We can't fall asleep, otherwise we'll freeze to death here.
Maybe we should talk.  What do you think?"

Shinji:  "Yeah.  We should keep each other busy."

His hand roams a bit around her breast.  Asuka let a slight moan
escape her lips.

Asuka:  "Well, I'll ALLOW you to rub my breasts like that.  It keeps
me warm.  You're good enough for that, at least."

Shinji (smiling):  "If you say so."

Asuka (whispering into his ear):  "Do you really think Misato will
come for us?"

He nods.  His hands had never left her body all this time.  Instead,
he had gripped her tighter, wrapping himself around her as best as he
could.  She really seemed to be a lot warmer now.  They try to keep
each other awake by talking and errr, well, doing some other...


NERV's Command Center.

Ritsuko:  "The MAGI report that the storm won't blow over for another
two days.  However, it might calm down in a few hours."

Makoto:  "The UN will lend us one of their super jets for a supply
drop, but that's all they can do right now."

Misato (grinning with excitement):  "Well, for now, that's great!
Just as long as they can stay alive!"

Ritsuko:  "A supply drop is all we can do for them at the present
moment.  At least we can get it done in only two hours with little
risk to all involved.  Maya, how's the work on the communications

Maya:  "Good news, Sempai.  The MAGI have identified a pattern in the
storm.  A very erratic pattern, but it's there.  Apparently, at
different times, various useful wavelengths can get through the
storm's interference.  However, the channel will be open only for a
little while and the signal will probably be weak, but sound should be
relatively clear."

Misato (sighing):  "Finally, a plan that seems to be working."


In the meantime, Rei is still waiting in her entry plug for some
instructions.  However, none are forthcoming.

Rei:  "..."

Rei sighs, closes her eyes and starts to think.


Gendo's Office in Terminal Dogma.  Kaji is seated on the front edge of
Gendo's desk.

Kaji (placing a yellow envelope on the desk):  "That's all I discovered
during my investigation."

Gendo (ignoring the envelope):  "SEELE is responsible for the weather?"

Kaji nods.

Gendo:  "How?"

Kaji:  "I heard that they are using a satellite above Tokyo-3 in
coordination with ground modules to modify the weather.  As far as I
can tell, it's only for experimental reasons.  It does have something
to do with Angel-related technology, though.  That could explain the
disappearing Angel we've been having trouble with.  The ground modules
are very similar to the cores of the Angels we've encountered so far."

Gendo:  "So, we're serving as Guinea pigs?"

Kaji:  "Looks that way."

Gendo:  "You are dismissed, Agent Ryuji."

Kaji (in an irritatingly unintimidated voice):  "Have a nice day."

He then turns around and leaves Gendo's office.


Outside, the storm seems to finally let up a bit.  Inside the cave, we
can see Asuka tightly wrapped in Shinji's arms and resting her head on
the torso of his plugsuit.  The two teens had fallen asleep, despite
their best efforts to stay awake.  Suddenly, the muted screaming of
the wind over-head is broken by a weak and distorted voice.  It's
Misato.  It seems that the Command Center had succeeded in opening the
comm channel to Eva-01.

Misato:  "...nji?  Shinji?"

Shinji slowly opens his eyes.

Misato:  "Shinji!"

Shinji:  "Mi...Misato-san!  Asuka, wake up!"

He shakes her to wake her up.  She scowls at him for waking her up
that way, but at least she wakes up.

Asuka (to herself):  "After what we did, a kiss would have been much
nicer, baka!" (to Shinji:) "Hmm... Shinji, what's going on?"

Shinji:  "Unit-01!  NERV is contacting us now!"

Asuka (enthusiastically):  "Really!?"

Shinji:  "Really.  Misato-san woke us up!"

He then shudders, thinking about what Asuka had said would happen to
them if they fell asleep.  Both of them jump to their feet and run
towards Unit 01.  They then climb up to the little holographic screen
on its side.  The image is still unstable, but the sound is coming
through clearly.

Misato:  "Shinji!  Asuka!  Are you all right!?"

Shinji (happily):  "Misato-san!  We're so happy to see you!"

Asuka:  "What's going on?"

Misato:  "The storm is keeping us from communicating freely, so I'm
keeping this short.  We've borrowed a super jet from the UN.  It will
allow us to drop some supplies for you into the cave."

Asuka:  "Really!?"

Misato:  "Unfortunately, we can't come and rescue you yet.  The wind
is still too strong for a VTOL [Vertical Take Off and Landing
aircraft] to approach."

Shinji:  "Oh."

Misato:  "Don't worry, though.  We'll be dropping food, coffee,
thermal clothing, things like that.  Ritsuko might want to add a few
things.  I'm not sure yet."

Asuka:  "Finally!  I was beginning to starve to death, never mind the

Misato:  "The supply drop will come in one hour, okay?  Cheer up,
we'll rescue you soon.  The storm will calm down enough for us to get
you two out a lot sooner then we can get the Evas o--"

The comm link sputters, crackles and cuts out before Misato can finish
her sentence.


Command Center.  Misato slumps back in her chair and lets out a tired

Misato:  "I hope they'll be all right..."

Ritsuko puts a hand on Misato's shoulder.

Ritsuko:  "They're good kids.  I'm sure they'll be fine."

The door opens and a technician pokes his head in.

Technician:  "Excuse me, Major."

Misato:  "Go away, I'm thinking."

Technician:  "But, it's about Unit 00."

Misato (nervous):  "What is it?  Is Rei in trouble?  Has the Eva been

Technician:  "Well, errr, no, not..."

Misato (irritated):  "Well, then don't bother me unless it's an
emergency, like an Angel attack!  Got it?"

Technician (jumping to attention):  "Yes, ma'am!  Sorry, ma'am!  I
won't bother you any more."

With that, the poor man practically runs from the room.  Ritsuko is
curious, though.  She had heard nothing about Unit 00 since the
operation was cut short.

Ritsuko:  "I wonder what he was going to say..."

Misato (getting even more irritated):  "Who cares?  Our main concern
now is Shinji and Asuka's well-being.  If the Evas aren't destroyed,
then they're fine!  I don't think we really have to worry about Rei."

Ritsuko isn't quite sure, though.

Ritsuko (to herself):  "Well, if it's important, we'll find out."

The scientist and chairperson for Project E decides to make the well-
trained staff at NERV HQ fully responsible for alerting them to any
possible major disasters.


Meanwhile, in Eva Unit 00, Rei is still waiting.  She still hasn't
received any instructions.  Apparently, she has been forgotten about,
but this doesn't occur to her.  She waits.

Rei (thinking):  "I wonder why I am out here?  What purpose does my
presence serve out here?"

Questions like these wander around in her mind almost randomly, and
yet all in a specific order that is comprehensible only to her.
Still, she waits and waits... and waits, confident that Gendo had a
purpose for her presence out here, never once thinking that he wasn't
in control of every situation.


Back inside the cave.

Asuka:  "Do you hear that?"

How could Shinji not hear it?  A loud screaming jet sound can be heard
from over the lip of the cavern.  On the surface, a UN super jet is
screaming at full speed, ripping along as close to the ground as
possible.  It's trying to counter the violent winds that tear at its
flight path, trying to overpower it with the kinetic energy gained
from pushing the throttle all the way forward after requesting one of
the higher-yield fuels.

Right at the split second when the pilot gets it in front of the hole
in the snowy ground, the restraints of the container on its underside
explode, sending the small black case hurtling downward.  Timed by
technology, the violent release of the high-impact container took an
arcing path toward the cavern in the ground.  As good as technology
is, though, Mother Nature overrode it once again, so the case is
slightly off course.

The wind had taken a random turn, which caused the calculations that
fired the case to become invalid.  It collides with the lip of the
hole in the ground, deflecting through about three meters of solid ice
before hurtling through the cavern air to hit the wall, shattering
some of the stone with a loud boom.  Shinji and Asuka hold their arms
in front of their faces and turn and run away to keep from being
showered in ice and rock.  That, however is the last of the dramatic
impact scenes.  it simply falls to the ground after that.
Unscratched, of course.

Shinji:  "Wow.  I doubt we'll find anything in good shape in that

Asuka walks towards the container, as they hear the jet gaining
altitude to try and fly over the storm, then return home.

Shinji:  "It's smaller than I expected it to be.  I wonder how they
put all the things Misato promised inside."

Asuka (opening it):  "You'd be surprised what you can pack into a
small container.  When I moved over here they gave me only half of the
boxes I asked for.  However, I managed to pack everything after a few
tries.  You just need a little organization."

Shinji (thinking): "That was HALF of the boxes?"

The container was easy to open, despite the long and eventful fall it
had taken.  Asuka rummages through it.

Asuka:  "So, let's see.  There's the thermal clothing, a field stove
with heat tabs, some camping pots, something that looks like Misato's,
or NERV cafeteria's, cooking... mmm, oh, good, here's the thermos with
the coffee.  Here, set up the stove and heat some of this up, would

Shinji:  "Just a minute."

He grabs some of the thermal clothing and puts it on over his plug
suit, then grabs the thermos and starts struggling to open it.  Asuka
stops going through the container and puts on her own set of the
thick, warm clothes.

Asuka:  "It's better with these on!"

Shinji:  "Definitely."

She resumes her rummaging.

Asuka:  "A thermos of tea, two hand-held video games... oh, great.  I
hate both of those ones!"

She put the games down next to the other things on the ground, as
Shinji continues to fight with the vacuum bottle of coffee.

Shinji (to himself):  "This damn thing's as hard to open as a pickle

Asuka:  "Oh, my teddy bear!"

She hugs it and lets out a small sigh of relief.

Shinji:  "I didn't know you had a teddy bear."

Asuka (grinning):  "Of course.  You never came into my room before."

Shinji:  "Well..."

Asuka:  "There are two sleeping bags as well and..."

She digs deeper into the container, and her eyes widen.

Asuka:  "What's a *condom* doing here!?  'EVA Brand Condom:  When you
need protection as good as an A.T. Field.'  What is that crap!?"

Shinji:  "Huh!?"

Asuka (perplexed):  "Who the hell would put something like this in the

Shinji:  "Who would come up with such a corny slogan?"

Asuka (ignoring Shinji):  "Hmm... you think Misato would have put this
in here?  As a joke, or something like that?"

Shinji (getting nervous):  "Well, what are we gonna do?  If we get
caught in here with that..."

Asuka:  "Hey, it's not like either of us brought it."

Asuka goes back to the container and produces something Shinji
recognizes at first sight.

Asuka:  "Isn't this your walkman?"

Shinji (surprised):  "Misato put my SDAT in there?"

Asuka:  "Oh.  You always listen to this."

Shinji:  "Yeah, when I have nothing to do."

Asuka:  "Yeah, yeah."


Asuka:  "Say, Shinji, errr..."

She tries to look at him, but she can't help but blush and look away.
Apparently, the feeling is mutual.

Shinji:  "Uhhh, yeah?  What is it?"

Asuka:  "You... you liked what you did to me earlier?"

Shinji:  "Huh?  Yeah, I enjoyed it."

Asuka:  "Would you mind if we..."

Still too embarrassed and awkward to say what she wants to say, Asuka
makes a gesture with her hands.  Shinji immediately understands what
it means and he's shocked.

Shinji (gasping):  "Ummmm, Asuka... you're not serious, are you?"

Several images run through Shinji's mind as his eyes are drawn to
Asuka's curvy body, each movement making him blush just a little bit

Asuka:  "Shinji, if you blush any more, your head's gonna explode and
I don't want that to happen.  Not like that, anyway!"

Choking, Shinji starts to gasp.  He would have blushed even more, but
the temperature in the cave has made that technically impossible.
Asuka starts to laugh.

Shinji:  "Asuka, you have an...'interesting' way with words!  Here,
let's get the sleeping bags unrolled, okay?"

Asuka (chuckling):  "Wait a minute, you horny jerk!  Let's eat first!
I'm hungry!"

Shinji:  "*I'm* the horny one now!?"

Asuka (giggling):  "Heh heh..."

Shaking his head, Shinji finally gets the coffee heating and starts on
the tea, for himself.  Asuka finds a spot in a little corner of the
cavern to lay out one of the sleeping bags, leaving the other one on
the ground next to the container.

Asuka (yelling from the corner she had decided on):  "Shinji, it's

Shinji:  "Okay.  So's the food!"

Shinji did the best he can with the food that had been included in the
container.  Not a bad effort, though nothing like at home, where he at
least had a kitchen to use.  Still, it's food, and the hot drinks
include caffeine, which stimulates them both.  No, not that way; at
least, not yet.

Asuka sits in front of Shinji, taking her cup of coffee in her hands
and slowly drinking it.  He does the same with some hot tea.

Asuka:  "Wow, it's so good to feel some warmth inside!"

Shinji (happily):  "Yeah!"

She then takes a bite of one of the instant meals.

Asuka (with a disgusted look):  "Ugh.  This is worse than Misato's

Shinji:  "That doesn't really make me crazy about eating."

Asuka (grinning and placing her hands on her chest):  "I think I've
got something better here."

Shinji (shocked):  "Asuka!"

Asuka (giggling):  "I was just kidding!  Seriously, though, we better
get this down us.  Something tells me we're going to need the energy."

Shinji's eyebrows knit as he wonders what exactly she meant by that.
They finish their meals and then sit facing each other.  The food in
their stomachs definitely made them feel better, but there's still
something that makes them both uneasy.  The silence between the two of
them looms like a wall.  Until...

Asuka:  "I'm sorry, Shinji."

Shinji:  "Why are you sorry?"

Asuka (looking away):  "I don't know what came over me earlier.  Now
you'll get wrong ideas about me.  I can't believe I let a pervert like
you touch me like you did!"

Shinji:  "But didn't you enjoy it!?"

Another pause.

Asuka:  "That's what frightens me the most."

Shinji:  "Huh?"

Asuka (sighing):  "Yes, Shinji, I enjoyed you touching me like that."

Shinji:  "And I enjoyed holding you in my arms, Asuka."

Asuka:  "You did?"

He nods.

Asuka:  "I want to check something here."

Shinji:  "What?"

Asuka (with a serious look):  "Shinji.  I'd like us to be honest for

Shinji (gulping):  "Honest?"

Asuka (looking down):  "I think I'm... attracted to you."

Shinji (stunned):  "A-attracted!?"

Asuka (shrugging):  "Come on, you know what I mean, don't you!?"

Shinji (shaking):  "I... I think so."

Asuka:  "What about you?"

Uncomfortable pause, mostly for Shinji.

Shinji:  "I don't know, Asuka.  All of this is so weird, so new to

Asuka:  "Same here.  But I'd like to know for sure if I'm only attracted
to you in a... sexual way, or..."

Shinji (gulping again):  "Or?"

Asuka:  "Or if I really love you... or whatever.  I don't know exactly
what love is, anyway."

Shinji nodded in agreement.

Shinji:  "I've once read that you can't know what love is exactly...
but... you know when you're feeling it.  You know it is love..."

Asuka:  "So, don't get any ideas yet about me loving you.  I want us
to make love, just to be sure."

Shinji:  "Asuka!  You're not serious, are you!?  This is--this is

Asuka:  "Oh, the most beautiful girl in Tokyo-3 wants to sleep with
you and you find it 'disgusting'?  I bet Suzuhara or Aida wouldn't be
like that!"

Shinji:  "But Asuka, m-making love... that's... something you should do
with someone you love!"

Asuka:  "That's exactly what I want to check.  If I love you."

Shinji (looking away):  "You talk about this so casually."

Asuka:  "I know.  If I were to... discover that I don't love you... I
mean, I wouldn't hate you for taking my virginity.  That's something I
want to give to my true love.  If you're not him, I won't hate you.  I
told myself to check that with you, because, right now, I trust you
the most."

Shinji:  "You're using me."

Asuka:  "In a way, yes."

Shinji (angrily):  "I don't want to be used."

Asuka (sighing):  "Shinji, if it turns out that I don't love you
afterwards, I'll let you at least satisfy your fantasies with me,
okay?  Even the wildest ones."

She winks at him, but this doesn't really convince him.

Shinji:  "You mean you would let me make love to you and..."

Asuka:  "Yeah."

Shinji:  "No way."

Asuka:  "Why's that?"

Shinji:  "I don't want to hurt you.  I don't care if I'm being used,
as long as it's by you, Asuka.  But I don't want to just use you."

Asuka:  "You're sure?"

Shinji (a bit embarrassed):  "Yeah.  So... when do we start?"

Asuka (serious):  "I... I don't know.  I'd like to talk with you about
this a bit more.  I'm a bit... afraid about this."

Shinji:  "You are?"

Asuka:  "Of course I am, baka!  I know the first time hurts a lot!"

Shinji:  "Uhhh, sure."

Asuka:  "Yeah.  And, plus, I don't exactly know what to do.  Have you
ever seen a porn movie?"

Shinji (gulping):  "Should I tell you?"

Asuka (shrugging):  "I never saw one.  Back in college the girls used
to talk about that stuff a lot.  I pretended that I wasn't really
interested, because I didn't want to look like a pervert, but I still
listened as carefully as I could.  It was all new to me.  And it still

Shinji:  "Yeah, I saw one, once.  Kensuke and Toji made me watch it."

Asuka (narrowing her eyes):  "That doesn't surprise me, coming from

Shinji (blushing):  "I thought it was... a bit gross, to be honest."

Asuka:  "What do you mean?"

Shinji:  "I didn't feel any true love in the sex scenes I saw."

Asuka:  "I... see."

Shinji:  "And I think that's what's gonna happen if you decide to... go
through with your idea."

Asuka:  "You don't want to have sex without love?"

Shinji:  "I... don't believe in it.  I don't think it's right."

Asuka:  "This is a problem.  I mean, for me."

Shinji:  "No, it isn't."

Asuka (puzzled):  "Why?  You don't want to have sex without love, but
you also say... do you mean you're..."

Another uncomfortable pause.  For both of them, this time.

Shinji (looking down):  "Y-yes.  I'm... well, I think I... what I'm
trying to say is that I'm... in love with you, Asuka... at least, I
think I am."

Asuka is speechless.  She sits there with her mouth wide open for a
few seconds.

Asuka (shocked):  "You're... in love with me?  Why?"

She felt stupid asking that question as soon as it left her mouth.

Shinji:  "I don't really know how long it's been since I started
feeling that way.  Maybe since the first time I saw you.  Anyway, I
know you don't feel the same about me."

Asuka (smiling):  "How do you know that for sure?  Maybe it could
change.  Maybe it already did."

An awkward silence follows.

Asuka:  "Then you accept?"

Shinji (nodding):  "Yes.  I do.  I would do anything for you, Asuka."

Asuka:  "Shinji, I promise I'll try to make it up to you later if it
doesn't work out.  And Sohryu Asuka Langley is a woman of her word."

Shinji (grinning):  "Even if I want you to become my slave for a

Asuka:  "Errr, that depends!  I still have my dignity!"

Another long pause, during which Shinji stares at Asuka's curvy body
with obvious desire.

Asuka:  "You really want me, right?"

Shinji:  "Asuka!"

Asuka (grinning):  "Heh heh." (a little more serious now:) "Well,
Shinji, right now... I really want you, too."

With that, she gets up and heads towards the sleeping bag.  Rolled
out, it looks huge compared to the two children.  Asuka quickly strips
out of her clothes and her plug suit.  Shinji, of course, can't look
anywhere else or do anything himself, as he is enjoying seeing, in
more vivid detail, the body he was holding close to him not too long
ago.  Those curves, those legs, those round breasts, those hard
nipples.  Asuka looks up at Shinji after she climbs into the bag as
quickly as possible.

Asuka:  "Well?  The best thing to do in cases like this is to undress
before sharing body heat.  Didn't you know that?"

Of course, she's grinning from ear to ear.  Shinji smiles back.  He
gets up and sheds his own thermal clothing and plug suit.  After he
joins her in the bag, Asuka doesn't waste any time pressing her curves
up against him and planting what is becoming one of her favourite
attacks, right on his mouth.  Shinji returns the kiss right away and
starts to run his hands all over her body again, showing a lot more
confidence this time, as he had already learned from the last time
what Asuka enjoyed the most.

Asuka (breaking the kiss, softly):  "Shinji?"

Shinji:  "Hmm?"

Asuka (whispering into his ear before kissing him again):  "Please be

Shinji (after the kiss):  "I will."

He cups a hand around one of her round breasts again, rubbing and
pressing the nipple with his thumb, while his other hand can't resist
moving down to her tight ass and caressing the firm, erotically smooth

Asuka finds that she has a lot more to do this time, as she isn't the
only one who has to be pleasured now.  As the sleeping bag heats up,
she feels her own courage building.  Nothing is said between them as
Asuka reaches out and and gently pinches Shinji's nipple.  Shinji is
surprised at how good that feels.  His manhood had grown as stiff as
the armour of his EVA, and Asuka takes the opportunity to inspect his
member carefully.  Surprised a little by its size and warmth, Asuka
gently fondles it, making him a little nervous.  She kisses him even
harder and his uncertainties vanish as the heat in his own body starts
to rise.

Asuka:  "You like that, don't you?"

How could he not like was she was doing?  She was returning the deep,
intimate touch he had given her earlier.  Sometimes as fast as she
could, sometimes very slowly.

Shinji (moaning):  "Hmmm... yeah, this feels... good!"

He continues to slide his hands all over her body, warming it up with
his gentle caresses, enjoying the delicate softness of her tender
skin.  Asuka then suddenly reaches up and grabs his hands, stopping
his course, and looks him in the eyes.

Asuka (almost whispering):  "Shinji, I'll be right back.  I wanna try

Shinji:  "Huh?  What?  Where are you going?"

Asuka (smiling softly, with a twinkle in her eye):  "Down!"

She then disappears into the sleeping bag.  Confused, Shinji can only
lay there, wondering.

Shinji (to himself):  "What the hell?  Have I done something wrong

He is rather surprised to suddenly feel a warm moist sensation wrap
around where her hands were a little earlier.

Shinji:  "MMMMMMMMMM!  Ah, god!  That feels so wonderful, Asuka!"

Asuka, meanwhile, has started what she was told was a blowjob.  She
wasn't really fond of the idea at first, since she wasn't sure when
the last time he had washed was, but that didn't bother her right now.
She had heard that boys loved it, and she wanted to pay Shinji back
for earlier.  As she got into it, she found that his response to her
tongue is worth the effort, and she gets lost in her job.  She
remembers something else the girls at college had said about it, and
curls her lips back so he wouldn't feel her teeth.

Asuka, in the warm darkness of the huge sleeping bag, is kneeling
between Shinji's bent knees as she gently cups his testes in one hand
and strokes his shaft with the other, while sucking lightly on the
head.  She swirls her tongue around his sensitive purple flesh as he
moans in pleasure, lifting his hips, wanting more and getting lost in
the sensations.  She is also very turned on by the length of his
manhood.  To add to her already extreme level of excitement, she
thinks about how all this length would feel inside her.  She doesn't
notice it right now, but the other side of her body is dripping with
anticipation.  Her thoughts are interrupted by the feel of Shinji
tensing up in her hands and mouth.

Shinji:  "Ooooooh, gooood!"

Asuka's eyes open wide as she feels a salty yet sweet liquid suddenly
invading her mouth.  She quickly realizes what it is and backs off his
shaft, only to feel more of Shinji's hot semen sprinkle onto her
pretty face.

Asuka (surprised):  "W-wow!"

Shinji:  "Oh, no... Asuka... I'm sorry!"

Asuka looks up at him in shock, some semen dripping off her chin and
landing on Shinji's stomach.

Shinji:  "Asuka, I'm sorry!  I swear I..."

Asuka:  "It's..."

She runs a hand over her face a few times, licking it off after every
pass, and then gulps it down, making an audible swallowing sound.

Asuka (to herself):  "The girls in college used to say it had an awful
taste.  But it's great!  Could this mean I...?"

Shinji:  "Asuka, are you okay?  I'm sorry."

Asuka (giggling):  "I guess I made a big mess here, didn't I?"

Shinji:  "Errr... I guess so."

Asuka:  "It's like... I tasted your soul, Shinji.  It was... wonderful."

Shinji:  "Re-really?  You're not angry at me?"

Asuka:  "Why should I be?"

With that, she resumes her work on Shinji and sensually cleans off his
body with her tongue, like a cat.  She wants to make Shinji hard again
as soon as possible.

Shinji:  "Uhhh... Asuka..."

Shinji is greatly arounsed by the sight and feel of Asuka licking his
own essence off him.  His member grows hard again in no time.

Asuka:  "Seems you can't resist me, can you?"

Shinji (smiling):  "Who could?"

Asuka rips open the plastic cover of the condom she had snuck into the
bag with her.  Working by feel, which Shinji really didn't mind one
bit, she gently rolls the ribbed condom over him, and after a few
quick licks...

Asuka (grinning):  "Do you want to be on top?  Or should I?"

She had wanted ask Kaji that a hundred times.  But now, she finds that
it feels more right asking Shinji.

Shinji:  "Hmmm, I don't know.  I'm having a hell of a time here on the

Giggling, Asuka slides up so that her face is flush with his.
Restricted to the confines of the sleeping bag, her smooth curvy body
is hanging just over Shinji's.  His eyes wander down her torso for a
brief but full view of her exposed breasts, her fully erect nipples,
and her bright red pubic hair.  She looks him in the eyes the entire
time that she uses her left hand to gently hold and guide him into
herself.  Asuka trembles with pleasure as it makes contact with her
tender slit, the tip of his sex parting her lips and slowly
introducing itself into her hot vagina.  But, very soon, Shinji meets
a barrier of flesh inside her.

Shinji:  "Asuka..."

Asuka gently put a hand down to caress his cheek.

Asuka:  "Don't worry about that.  I... I'm sure it won't hurt that
much.  Not if it's you."

Shinji:  "Then you..."

Asuka gently puts a finger on his lips, silencing him.

Asuka:  "Sshhh.  If you see that I'm enjoying it, then... then it means
that I feel something."

Shinji slowly nods.  When Asuka sees that he's ready as well, she
backs off a little, takes a deep breath, and then completely impales
herself on him in a violent thrust.  She frowns and grits her teeth in

Asuka (moaning in pain):  "Ahhhh..."

Shinji slowly reaches up with one hand and wipes the single tear
sliding down her left cheek.

Shinji:  "I love you, Asuka.  I hate to see you in pain..."

Asuka responds by slowly, gradually rocking on top of him, thrusting
his member out and then in again, soon masking the pain and making her
feel the pleasure Shinji is providing her.  He's nervous as hell.
This is the first time for both of them, and he can only suppose that
they're doing it the right way.  He looks at her face and sees that
she doesn't have the painful expression she had just earlier.

Shinji (to himself):  "Ah, what the hell.  I'm enjoying it and she's
enjoying it, too, so... then... this means she..."

Asuka rests her body on top of his for a moment to enjoy the over-
whelming sensation of having him inside her, breathing erratically
next to his ear.  She loves the feeling of being penetrated, of
willingly being violated by the boy she loves.  It's a surrender that
she had been looking for, a release that allowed her to let go of the
challenge of being the best.  Because here, there was no best, and no
sense of competition.  Just simple mutual satisfaction between two

Asuka (whispering and looking into Shinji's eyes):  "Are you ready?"

Shinji just nods as Asuka lifts her body off of him just a little,
supporting herself with her hands on the sleeping bag lining on either
side of his head.  Shinji places one of his hands on her waist to
guide her as she starts to slide back and forth, travelling the entire
length of his manhood, letting it penetrate her as deeply as it can
go, breathing heavily, the new feelings of pleasure a little too much
for her mind to handle.  Shinji's other hand goes back to tweaking her
nipple.  She loves planting her hands on the ground just over his head
as she feels his own on her body.  Letting him have total access to
her and imagining that she couldn't stop him was going to be one her
favourite scenarios in the future, she thought.

Shinji (dreamily, to himself):  "She looks so cute when she moans... so

She pumps him on and on, faster and faster, with an energy and an
enthusiasm Shinji never saw in her before.  They both let out loud
moans of pleasure as the sensations assault both their minds at the
same time, exciting each other more in the process.  Shinji is in
heaven.  The feeling of something hot, wet and tight surrounding and
rubbing his manhood is better then he ever imagined it could be.  He
starts to squirm and his hips lift with her body as if by reflex, as
he feels his own passion flow through his body to meet her eagerness.

Shinji:  "Asuka, yo... you... you're... so tight!"

Asuka:  "Hmmmm, it's not me!  You're so damn bi... AH, god... ummmm,

Asuka is starting to get as excited as Shinji is, and she can feel
another orgasm start to rise out of her body.  She lays her head down
next to his and breathes heavily into his ear again.  He responds by
groaning and getting suddenly even harder, and putting both of his
hands on Asuka's shapely ass and squeezing it hard.  His breathing
comes in gasps as he fights to keep from exploding in his second
orgasm.  However, since it was only his first time making love, Shinji
loses it a moment later as Asuka thrusts down, lost in her own
pleasure.  His back stiffens up, his hips thrust upwards one last time
and lock, and his voice catches in his throat as he feels himself
pulsing inside her.  She then began to reach her climax as well, as
her vision suddenly blurs for a few seconds, while her inner walls
clutch around Shinji harder than ever, as if they're trying to suck
all of the seed out of his member.  Her sweet love juices flow down
the inside of her womanhood, drenching the condom.  The two of them
hold each other tightly as the flows of orgasmic energy course through
their bodies like lifeblood.

After a few minutes laying panting in each other's arms, Asuka picks
herself up a bit and gives Shinji another deep kiss.  It isn't as
strong as the last few were, but it's no less intense for either of
them.  She rolls off of him to lay next to him in the sleeping bag and
looks over at him with the dreamiest smile he has ever seen.  Shinji
returns a smile through his own heavy but clearing haze, and then
reaches down to take the condom off.  Asuka looks over as he reaches
out of the sleeping bag so he can drop it on the cave floor.  She sees
it drip a little bit on the cold rock before he lets it go.

Asuka:  "Oh, no."

Shinji:  "What is it?"

Asuka:  "I think... the condom broke."

Shinji:  "What?  Oh, no!"

Asuka:  "Well, it seems that even an A.T. Field can't resist love...
heh heh."

Shinji (worried):  "You know what this could mean, right?"

Asuka just shifts onto her side and kisses Shinji's neck.

Asuka: "I don't care.  It feels so hot down there.  So good."

Shinji:  "But what if I get you pregnant?  Misato will kill us."

Asuka:  "I don't care.  We'll run away from NERV and raise our child
together.  Far from Misato.  Far from your father."

Shinji:  "No.  I won't run away any more, Asuka."

Asuka (smiling):  "So baka Shinji's not a wimp anymore?  Then I can
say something to him."

She nibbles his ear a bit, before whispering the three words he'd said
earlier to her during their lovemaking, in a very sweet voice.

Asuka (softly):  "I love you."

Shinji:  "Asuka, you..."

Asuka:  "Yeah, I think I really do."

He holds her even closer to him.  They may be too young to know
exactly what love is, but just saying 'I love you' and hearing it told
to them meant a lot to both of them.  This fills their hearts with
warmth, as they knew that they will now never part.  Asuka continues
to rest her head next to his.  She is naked, she's lying on top of a
boy she usually scorned all the time, and she was touched by his
gentle hands in places no one had touched before.  He was the first to
place his hands there and it felt wonderful to her.  For once, she had
completely given herself.  She gave him one of her most precious
treasures, and yet, she didn't care at all about anything that could
have gone wrong.  As far as she was concerned, it was the most
righteous thing she had ever done.  She whispers softly in his ear,
but he hears it as loudly and clearly as a bell.

Asuka:  "I have to ask you something, Shinji.  A favour, in fact."

Shinji (in a shaky voice):  "Anything you ask, Asuka.  I just can't
say no to the one who returned my love for the first time in my life."

Asuka:  "Please... don't leave me."

Just the idea of that alone saddens Shinji deeply, and tears start to
pool in his eyes.

Shinji:  "Why would I?"

Asuka:  "I mean, with what we just did, we can't go back to how we
were anymore.  I think that there'll be great changes in our lives
from now on."

She looks in his eyes again, and sees the tears.  Worry immediately
crosses her face.

Asuka:  "Shinji.  Why are you crying?"

Shinji (holding her even tighter):  "You're the (sniff) very first one
to... to love me back, since mother died..." (voice cracking badly:)
"Thank you, Asuka, thank you.  I love you so much..."

Asuka:  "Really?  As weird as it may seem, I think I love you, too,
Shinji.  I don't care what Hikari, Misato, or those idiot friends of
yours will think.  I don't care at all.  Because... I feel so peaceful
with you."

Shinji (sniffling a bit):  "Thank you.  I never thought somebody would
say that to me.  I felt like everything I'd been doing until now
didn't really mean anything.  But now... you make me feel like I mean
something now."

Asuka:  "You do.  I just realized that you're completing me.  You're
my other half.  You complete me in a way no one ever did.  You've got
everything else that I should have, but don't."

Shinji:  "It's the same for me.  I wish I could be like you.  So
strong, so energetic, so full of life..."

Asuka:  "Hey, it's not like you weren't doing anything!"

She then thinks a little more, and changes the subject.

Asuka:  "We'll have to ask Misato before we can actually live closer
to each other, I guess."

Shinji:  "Yeah.  I'll ask her if you can move into my room."

Asuka:  "Yesterday, I couldn't possibly have imagined that we would've
done this.  This seems so unreal.  But if it's an illusion, or a
dream, I don't want it to end.  Ever."

Shinji:  "Me neither."

Asuka:  "I feel so good.  Feeling you inside me and around me at the
same time... I felt whole, complete.  And safe, as well.  I feel like
nothing bad can happen to me now."

Shinji:  "And I felt your warmth around me.  And I never want to let

Asuka:  "I never said I was going to leave your arms, Shinji.  I feel
so comfortable in them, so at peace, like I never have been before.
Like I never have been in my life, I think.  I wish we could stay like
this forever."

Shinji:  "You know, when you want to, you can be so lovely, and

Asuka (kissing his neck again):  "I know.  Are you aware that boys in
school would kill to be in your place right now?"

Shinji (chuckling):  "Yeah, I know.  I'm very honoured to be the
chosen one."

Asuka:  "I don't really know what it is that attracts me to you.  But
I can't resist.  Not any more.  I don't want to ask why I love you,
but rather why I didn't admit it sooner."

Shinji:  "Errr... maybe because I have a big one?"

Asuka (giggling):  "Idiot!  I'm not some kind of slut!"

Shinji:  "Sorry."

Asuka:  "If you apologize again, you'll be really sorry this time."

Shinji:  "What will you do to me?"

Asuka (chuckling):  "You'll have to pleasure me until I tell you to

Shinji (smiling):  "What a sweet punishment.  I might not stop,

Asuka:  "Fair enough.  Guess I've been warned.  Let's go to sleep now.
I never imagined sex could be so tiring."

Shinji:  "Neither could I."

He reaches out and grabs his SDAT walkman, which he had set down near
the sleeping bag earlier.

Asuka:  "You really need that?"

Shinji (shrugging):  "I like to sleep with some music on."

Shinji starts putting the earbuds into his ears.

Asuka:  "May I?"

She looks at him with her lovely blue eyes.  Shinji understands and
hands Asuka the earbud he was about to insert.  She puts it in her
right ear and then gently put her head back on his chest, as he
presses the PLAY button.  They are soon listening to the tape's
26th track, both sharing the same music, the same warmth.

Shinji (nodding and kissing her forehead):  "Sweet dreams, Asuka."

Asuka (softly):  "Just hold me.  Just stay here, holding me, and I'll
always have sweet dreams, in... your arms..."

Shinji tightens his hold on Asuka a little and gently caresses her
soft red hair.  With her head on his chest, she listens to the music
of Shinji's tape with one ear and the sound of his soft heartbeat with
the other.  Both of them look so innocent and peaceful.  For Shinji,
Asuka's touch is soft and provides him with a warmth he never knew
before.  As for Asuka, she is nestled in Shinji's arms, and feels like
she's in the safest place in the world.  For once, she feels secure.
For once, she doesn't feel the need to push anyone away, or to stand
alone any more.

The two fall asleep, bathed in their own fluids, holding each other
as tightly as they could.  For them, the cold wasn't there any more.
There was only warmth.  There was only love.  The outside world had
effectively disappeared.


Meanwhile, Rei is still in her Eva, waiting for instructions.

She has answered all of her questions by now, given the amount of time
she had to answer them.  She has discovered the meaning of boredom.
As well, she has also discovered fear, loneliness (though she suspects
that she was supposed to discover that one later; go figure), anger
and a craving for sardines.  In addition, Rei has also decided that
she is going to hit the first person who opens her hatch.

The next few moments are spent deciding exactly *how* she is going to
hit the person, depending on what position they are in.


One day later, in a staff lounge inside Central Dogma.  Misato is
sitting at a table, a half-empty cup of coffee in front of her.
However, she isn't alone.  Kaji is standing against the wall to her
right, arms crossed in front of his stomach.

Misato:  "This is all my fault."

Kaji:  "I don't think so."

Misato (sighing):  "I hope they're okay.  Maya couldn't open any
more communication channels.  I'm so worried."

Kaji:  "I'm sure they're okay.  Shinji and Asuka are good kids.  And
they did receive some survival training."

Misato:  "Yes, but none of it was designed for this kind of

Kaji:  "You know... it's fun to look at how you act like their mother."

That statement hits Misato like a hammer.  She opens her eyes wide.

Misato:  "Me?  A mother?"

Kaji (carefully):  "Do you care about the pilots?"

She looks up at Kaji with a determined look on her face.

Misato (slowly):  "No, I care about the children."

Kaji:  "It's almost as if you raised them yourself."

Misato:  "Yeah, we're like a family.  I'm the mother and they're the
two children I never had."

Kaji leans towards Misato, his face close to hers.

Kaji:  "Do you think they could use a father?"

Misato:  "Hmmmm, perhaps.  But aren't you occupied enough as is?"

Kaji:  "Errrr, hmm, right."

Kaji goes over to the coffee machine to refill his disposable cup,
instead of trying to kiss Misato, again.

Misato:  "It's funny."

Kaji:  "What?"

Misato:  "I have a feeling that we forgot something."

Kaji:  "You too?  Don't worry, there are lots of technicians here to
watch over everything and report if anything strange happens.  I'm
sure that, if something important was forgotten, we would find out
about it soon enough."

Misato (sighing):  "You're right.  Probably just my motherly concern

Misato's sigh ends in a thoughtful smile.  Her, a mother?  A little
more thinking and she decides that she kind of likes the idea.


Just outside the officer's lounge.  Maya and Ritsuko chat while
walking toward the Command Center.

Maya:  "Could the cold have any effect on the Eva's organic

Ritsuko:  "The Eva's organic components are similar to those of a
human.  Thus, they may very well become frostbitten out in that cold.
But there shouldn't be too much of a chance of that happening if we
can retrieve them within the planned schedule."

Maya:  "I hope we'll be able to rescue Shinji and Asuka soon."

Ritsuko:  "Once the storm calms down, it'll be okay, so don't worry.
Though we should consider preparing for any kind of damage to the
Eva's extremities due to the cold, in addition to the damage they took
in the fall."

Maya:  "Noted, Sempai.  Maybe we should redesign the Eva's batteries
so they're insulated from the cold as well."

Ritsuko:  "Yes, the effects were unexpected.  I *told* NERV that we
should have commissioned the batteries that had been designed in
Canada, but they refused, on the grounds that they cost eight times
more than they were willing to pay."

Maya:  "By the way, have you seen Commander Ikari and Sub-commander
Fuyutsuki today?"

Ritsuko:  "No, they have a meeting."

Maya:  "Oh, I see.  By the way, when are we going to recall Re--"

Maya is interrupted by Makoto running up to them.

Ritsuko:  "What's going on, Hyuuga-kun?"

Makoto:  "The storm is clearing sooner than we expected!  We can now
dispatch troops to rescue Shinji and Asuka!"

The two women smile with obvious relief, then determination.

Ritsuko:  "Let's hurry!"


Outside, the snow seems to have stopped, and NERV snowplows are
clearing the roads so the APCs can finally advance towards the valley.
VTOLs had already flown overhead to scout out the best route to the
pilots.  If there is nowhere to land, then they can at least report
that and save the rescue teams some time.  As they approach the
valley, one truck stops in front of a giant robot.  The driver opens a
comm channel to the Command Center.

Truck driver:  "We've found Evangelion Unit 00 laying on the ground."

Misato bursts into the command center, followed closely by Kaji.

Misato:  "What's going on here?"

Ritsuko (horrified):  "They've found Unit 00 laying on the ground

Misato (eyes wide):  "Unit 00?"

A long pause follows.

Everyone (in unison):  "REI!"

Misato:  "I completely forgot about her!"

Truck driver:  "Pilot of Unit 00 has been retrieved.  She ummm, err...
strange, she punched the rescue worker right in the face!  Hell of a
right hook for such a skinny kid!  We're giving her some food and
drink now.  She'll be fine.  However, one of the rescue team will need
a day of sick leave, I think."

Misato:  "Bring her back to HQ as soon as you have the other pilots.
I want them all here ASAP."

Truck driver:  "Acknowledged."

A VTOL pilot opens a comm channel.

VTOL pilot:  "We're inside the valley now.  We can see Evangelion Units
01 and 02 inside the cavern.  We can't get into the cavern itself,
there's nowhere to land.  Hmmm, on the zoom, it looks like the
children are huddled together in a corner of the cave."

Misato:  "I hope they're okay..."

Some rescue troops are now descending into the cavern with ropes.

Rescue team leader:  "We've spotted the two Evangelion pilots.
They're alive!  I can see them breathing, and moving."

Inside the Command Center, a visual display from one of the nearby
VTOLs is displaying what the rescue team is doing, and giving a clear
view of the interior of the cavern.

Misato (a bit scared):  "Why are they in the same sleeping bag???"

Kaji (grinning):  "What did you give them?  I'm sure they made good
use of it.  That does look like a grim place to spend some time in.  I
definitely wouldn't want to be alone..."

Misato gives him a steely death glare.  She isn't in any mood for his
jokes *at all*.  Not now, anyways.

Misato:  "I have a bad feeling about this."

Rescue team leader:  "The children are asleep.  Due to the cold,
probably.  They appear to have been sweating earlier, though."

Misato:  "Sweating!?"

Ritsuko (serious):  "What's going on, Misato?"

Rescue team leader:  "We've found something next to the sleeping bag.
It appears to be..." (suddenly embarrassed tone:) "...a condom.  Used.
With a tear in it."

Misato (slapping her forehead):  "Oh, shit!  That must be where it

Realizing what she has just said, Misato becomes very quiet and turns
a vivid shade of red, under the curious looks of the entire Command
Center staff.


Later, in Misato's car.  It's night time in Tokyo-3.  The storm had
strangely and quickly disappeared, leaving only melting snow on Tokyo-
3's streets.  Still, Misato is driving carefully, for once, mainly
because of the numerous water puddles on the road.

Misato:  "What do you think you were doing in there?"

She is obviously very upset.  Asuka and Shinji are in the back seat,
close to each other, as if they are trying to protect each other from
the fierce element in the driver's seat.

Misato:  "I'll save you the medical report Ritsuko gave me about you,
Asuka!  You can't lie to me now.  I know you two had sex in there!"

Asuka (trying to be defiant):  "So?  What's wrong with that!?"

Misato:  "'What's wrong with that?'  Think about it, Asuka!  You're
only 14, and you... you did that!"

Asuka:  "Don't play the prude with me, Misato!  In fact I'm glad my
first time was with Shinji."

Shinji didn't dare open his mouth until this moment.

Shinji:  "I'm glad you were my first too, Asuk--"

Misato (interrupting them):  "You don't understand, do you!?  This
will certainly affect both of you as Eva pilots!  I'll have to make
one of you move to another apartment now!  I can't imagine you two
under the same roof any more."

Asuka:  "W-what!?"

Lumps form in the two teenagers' throats, both to their surprise.
The idea of being separated from each other is frightening them a

Shinji:  "Mi...Misato-san, you can't!"

He puts a hand on Asuka's and squeezes it gently.  Asuka returns the
squeeze, as if to lend him the power to emphasize what he just said.

Misato:  "I'll have to, unless you can control your hormones.  But
that's obviously too much to ask from 14-year-olds.  That's why I want
one of you two to move!"

Shinji suddenly shouts, almost stunning Misato as she drives.


Asuka (also surprised by Shinji's outburst):  "Me, too!  If Shinji
moves, I'm moving with him!"

Shinji (angrily):  "Misato-san!  There's no way we're gonna be
separated from each other, unless an Angel kills one of us!"

Misato (sighing):  "Shinji-kun..."

Asuka:  "Misato, you know me better than Shinji does, right?  Well, I
mean, you knew me since a long time ago.  You know how much I cherish
my Evangelion Unit 02.  But I grew up.  Yeah, I'm not the little girl
you knew anymore.  Things are different now."

She squeezes Shinji's hand harder and continues.

Asuka:  "I truly opened myself up to someone for the first time.
Shinji.  I learned how to love, too.  Again, my first time was with
Shinji.  He'll be the only one, ever.  I swear it in front of you,
right here and now!"

Shinji smiles at this.  As for Misato, she thinks about this a little,
and sighs again.

Misato:  "It's just that you're both still so young.  We've been
together, not for a long time, but there's been a few tough times,
like Angel attacks, family problems, and waking up in the morning.
I'm starting to feel like a family, umm, like a mother, I guess.  So,
I guess this means I feel protective of you two, like a mother.  At
first I thought of taking care of you two as another duty as a Major,
and as a way to have some company in my home, but... it's come to mean
so much more to me.  Do you know what I mean?"

Shinji slowly nods.

Misato:  "However, now you've both grown up a lot. Eva did that to
you.  And I guess I should let go a bit and let you live your lives."
(to herself:) "Oh, god.  I need a beer when I get home."

Shinji:  "I'd just like... to tell you that... well, I think--I *know*
I'm in love with Asuka."

Asuka looks into Shinji's eyes.

Asuka (softly):  "I am, too, in love with the sweetest baka I have
ever met."

Shinji (smiling):  "Asuka..."

The two of them draw closer to each other and meet in a tender and
passionate embrace, kissing each other deeply.  Misato sees them in
her rear-view mirror.

Misato (to herself):  "Forget one.  I need a *lot* of them.  NOW."


Misato's apartment, later that night.  The dark corridor of the
Katsuragi residence is full of snoring.  Pen-pen is asleep in his
fridge, and the Major had relieved her stress by getting drunk and
collapsing on the couch.

The air is still cold, as the weather conditions still hadn't reverted
to their normal patterns.  Instead, they seem to be remaining wet.
Ever since the last snowstorm died away, it seems to be almost
constantly raining.

Shinji had placed a blanket over Misato soon after she had fallen
asleep, so that she would be warm during the night.

Shinji (looking down at her, to himself):  "To think that she's a
Major at NERV..."

>From the kitchen comes a cool light glowing in the eerie darkness of
the apartment.  A brief clatter is followed by a soft German curse and
a door shutting, casting the kitchen back into the darkness it was in
before the fridge was opened.  Back in the hallway, Asuka tiptoes past
Shinji's door, trying to get to her room with her stolen can of beer,
when suddenly Misato turns and mumbles in her sleep.

Using all of her EVA training, Asuka just manages to keep from
screaming and quickly opens the closest door.  She then slips inside
quickly, shutting it behind her, hoping that Misato had not seen her.
Opening the door a little, she peeks back outside, only to find that
Misato has settled back into sleep.

Asuka (thinking):  "Phew.  That was close..."

Looking into the room she had rushed into, she finds Shinji asleep in
his bed, snuggled up under the covers.  Shivering a little in her
nightgown, Asuka suddenly gets another 'new' idea.

Shinji is having a (relatively) pleasant dream.  He's back in the cave
with both Rei and Asuka.  Each girl is very demanding and he is, of
course, very busy.  There are extra blankets to get, Asuka needs
another cup of coffee, Rei wants a fruit salad, TV channels and video
games need to be changed every so often, a massage table seems to
always have one of the girls on it, an outdoor heater is either too
hot or not hot enough, they need to get spare condoms.  Time to wake

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Shinji senses something moving in
his bed.  Then he sees Rei lean towards him and cover his mouth,
cutting off his breathing.  The fact that his nose is clear doesn't
really matter, since it *is* a dream.  Asuka, in the meantime, had
slipped under Shinji's covers next to him.  She also had the foresight
to cover his mouth in case he woke up and made a lot of noise.

Shinji (muttering):  "MMMmmmMMmm, Rei, let me brea... damn..."

Asuka is, of course, really surprised by this.

Asuka (to herself):  "Wondergirl?  What the HELL IS SHE DOING IN MY


Shinji (waking up with a hand over his mouth):  "Hmm, what th..."

He panics a little.  Here he is, unable to breathe in his dream, mouth
covered as he woke, sudden pain on his head and a warm body under the
covers with him.  Freaky.  He grabs the hand and arm that is holding
him down, and the covers wrap around both bodies as they turn and
twist in the bed.

Asuka, a little surprised by this, gives out a little 'eep'.  Shinji,
hearing her, quickly stops.  Too quickly.  His struggling had moved
them over to the side of the bed, and when he stopped, Asuka was
hanging over the edge.  She falls, and drags him along with her to
the floor.  Thanks to the bed covers, their impact on the rug was
soft, undamaging and (most importantly) quiet.

Shinji:  "A... Asuka?  What are you doing here?"

Asuka (giggling):  "Shin-chan, that's a little rough for our second
time, don't you think?"

Shinji blushes a little at this.  His mind is running images from his
dream and reality around in circles, since he isn't quite awake yet.

Shinji:  "Where's Rei gone?  I though she wanted a massage..."


Asuka wakes Shinji up.  Definitely.  He rubs the back of his head and
takes a look at the clock.  Then he notices the can that Asuka had
dropped on the floor in the tumble.

Shinji:  "Uh, Asuka, what are you doing here in my room at midnight
with a can of Misato's beer?"

Asuka:  "We're doing her a favour by helping her drink some of it."

Shinji (gulping):  "WE'RE doing her a favour?"

Asuka:  "Don't tell me you don't drink beer?"

Shinji (hesitating):  "Well, errr, no."

Asuka wiggles out of the blankets that are binding her to Shinji, and
grabs the can.  Flipping it open with ease, she takes a sip and then
offers it to him.

Shinji:  "Umm, I don't know, Asuka, I don't want to get drunk..."

Asuka:  "Don't lose the spine you got in that cave NOW, Shinji.  Come
on, it won't kill you.  Just this little bit."

Shinji looks unconvinced, but takes the can, anyhow, and has a small
sip.  After that, he looks at the can with a new expression on his
face and takes another sip.  This time, he doesn't stop until Asuka
pulls the can out of his grasp, clearly annoyed.

Asuka:  "Don't drink it all!  God, you can be so selfish sometimes."

She then stands up and finishes off the can quickly.  Watching Asuka
standing in the middle of his room in nothing but her nightgown is
bringing up various memories in Shinji's strangely muddled mind.

Shinji (to himself):  "Geez, I'm drunk already."

Grinning, Shinji can't take his eyes off of Asuka's lovely curves as
she puts the empty beer can in the wastebasket.

Asuka:  "What the hell are you looking at, pervert?  Get those
blankets back on the bed!  I'm freezing!"

Shinji untangles himself and stands up in his t-shirt and boxers,
which show off his excitement at seeing Asuka's barely-clad body.
Giggling a little, Asuka crawls under the covers as soon as Shinji has
made his bed again.

Shinji:  "Asuka?  What are you doing in my bed now?"

Asuka (cutely whining):  "I'm cold!"

Shinji (a little confused):  "Where am I supposed to sleep?"

Asuka:  "Anta baka [Are you stupid]?  In your bed, of course!" (to
herself:) "Gosh, low alcohol tolerance, it seems..."

Before he can say anything else, she grabs his arm and pulls him into
his bed, planting a kiss on his lips to shut him up.  He, of course,
complies.  His raging hard-on is starting to win the war to decide who
is going to think for him for the rest of the night.

Shinji (between kisses):  "Asuka... (kiss) we... (kiss) don't... (kiss)
have... (kiss) a... (kiss) condom... (kiss) this... (tongue war) time...

Asuka (quickly):  "There are more ways to make love than like that,
you know!"

Then, without further explanation, she pokes her tongue into his warm
mouth to fight with his, as she slides a hand into his boxers.  She
grabs his manhood, and starts to play with it by taking a firm grip on
it, then sliding her hand up and down it.

Shinji, meanwhile, is enjoying Asuka's fondling, and reaches out for
her own body.  Cupping her firm breasts through her nightgown, he
pinches her nipples, as he now loves to do, making them erect and
making Asuka moan in pleasure.  Her breast fits perfectly in his hand,
and he begins to squeeze it firmly, causing little seductive moans to
escape Asuka's lips.

His other hand goes lower and stops around her waist, as he slowly
lifts her nightgown, exposing the lower part of her body to the air...
He also loves to squeeze her smooth ass, kneading the soft flesh with
his bare hands, caressing it, and feeling their heat.  Asuka smiles as
she feels Shinji's erection get even stiffer from her handiwork.

Asuka (softly):  "You're really hot, Shinji.  I think you need cooling
down again!"

Shinji:  "I am?  Uh, err, oh, yeah!  THAT!"

He snickers at his own slowness.  Asuka then disappears under the
covers--one of her own new favourite activities.  However, this time,
she squirms around for a while and, suddenly, Shinji feels her grab
his feet and yank him down under the covers as well.  With a quick
yelp, Shinji found himself in a dark environment, apparently between
Asuka's slender legs.

Asuka (seductively):  "Here, Shinji, take care of this."

She then pushes her womanhood against Shinji's mouth, as she goes down
on him at the other end.  The feeling of Shinji's face rubbing against
her petals made her shiver in anticipation.

Shinji (to himself):  "Hmm, not bad.  A little sudden, I wish she
would stop with all the surprises.  At least we won't need those
irritating condoms!"

He is obviously now too drunk to realize what he's thinking.

Shinji begins to lick and slurp up Asuka's honey pot quite
enthusiastically.  She squirms and wiggles on top of him, enjoying
the new feeling of a very warm and velvety tongue running over her
sensitive flesh.  His hands run along the sides and the insides of her
legs, and she shivers each time his tongue makes contact.

Asuka's attention to Shinji's own assets is not going unchecked.  She
pumps him in her fist a little, while giving the head of his stick
quick licks.  She then places her head directly over it, opens her
mouth wide, and quickly let her head fall on it, trying to slide his
long shaft all the way down her throat.  Once her prey is inside her
mouth, she lets it rest there for a while, using only her tongue and
her saliva to slowly devour it.

For Shinji, Asuka's tender slit alone isn't quite enough fun for his
tongue.  Grabbing her soft ass in his hands, he uses both his thumbs
to open her lower lips wide, exposing her inner self to his warm
breath.  He then dips his tongue back in to lick it a little before
sliding it in and out, like he knows he will in a different way soon.

Asuka gradually bobs up and down on him, using her hand to stroke and
fondle his shaft while the other massages his balls energetically,
sometimes rolling them around, sometimes sensually caressing them.  He
reacts as much as can be expected:  He gets harder and harder and
starts to squirm and moan a little himself.  Asuka can't believe how
long his member had became.  She has trouble putting it all inside her
mouth, but just having it touch the back of her throat excites her to
no end.  Shinji is now having his own sweet difficulties with her.

Shinji (to himself):  "She must be getting close to coming."

She's wiggling back and forth too much for him to keep his tongue
where he wants it to be, so he reaches up to grab his meal and hold it
down.  Wrapping his arms over Asuka's waist, a hand on each cheek of
her lovely ass, Shinji clamps her body to his face and sucks up as
much of her juices as he can, and his chin accidentally brushes
against her clitoris.  This drives her almost totally wild, sending
surges of intense pleasure to her brain.  She can't keep her attention
on his shaft any longer, and she comes up for air.

Asuka (panting):  "Shin... -ch... chan, I... l-love it!  Mmmmm, uh, hmm,

To keep herself from screaming, she plugs Shinji's manhood into her
mouth again.  She could taste his pre-come on its head now.  The taste
drives her mind over the limit, and she clamps down on Shinji as hard
as she could as her orgasm rips from her pelvis up through her body,
causing her to convulse in spasms.  Her love juices now flow freely
from her, flooding Shinji's mouth with their sweet taste.  He backs
off a bit in reflex, then goes back to drink most of her essence with
a loud slurping sound.

Shinji (between moans):  "Asu... ka... this... tastes great..."

Wanting to get more, he licks all over her mound, cleaning it in the
process.  As he does this, he notices the place where his chin brushed
earlier, and works his tongue around it a little.  When he realizes
that his licking is making Asuka moan and suck him harder, he decides
to return the favour as well.  Shinji takes her little clitoris
between his lips and happily sucks on it, running his tongue over it,
sometimes in long swipes, sometimes more energetically.

Realizing that his fingers are free for use, he slowly slides one
inside Asuka's tight slit, and starts to wiggle it a little.  He then
moves his other hand over and slides one of its fingers in.  When his
two fingers were inside, he started to work them in and out of her,
pushing one in while pulling the other out.  As Asuka is still eagerly
sucking his member, he gradually increases the speed of his work,
still tonguing her button the whole time.  Shinji feels Asuka tremble
even more as he picks up his efforts.  He himself is close to an
orgasm.  Asuka's gentle tongue licks all over and all around his
shaft, her breath making the head of his member even hotter.  This
drives him to work even harder, almost violently crushing his mouth
right into her clitoris while he plunges three of his fingers into
her, drenching them with her love fluids.

Asuka (barely a strained whisper):  "Ah, god, Don't... s... stop...
hmmmm, err, ah, ah!"

Listening to the whimpering around his shaft makes Shinji feel that he
is taming the great Sohryu Asuka Langley, the girl no one else could
control.  This feeling of total power over her drives him over the
limit as he explodes right into her last moan of pleasure.  Asuka's
mouth is soon filled with Shinji's essence as well, as hot and sticky
semen coats the back of her throat in four long shots.  She is amazed
at how much sperm he is shooting, but doesn't mind.  She loves the
unique taste.  It's Shinji's, therefore, to her, it's good.  Once it
is finished, she licks the head of his manhood, wanting to get more,
and then swallows the traces of it in her mouth, savouring his seed
one more time.

Then, as she sees Shinji's member lose its hardness, she immediately
resumes her enthusiastic sucking method, wanting to get it hard again,
and knowing that he would surely do the same thing for her.  His own
moans and groans are silenced by Asuka's clamping technique.  His
convulsions push his face deeper into Asuka's womanhood, which, in
turn, causes her to moan louder, even if her mouth is blocked by his
now-hard-again member.

Shinji suddenly pushes Asuka off of him, to her great surprise.
Before she realizes it, he has turned her body around so that her head
is now resting on his pillow.  She feels scared and a bit defensive
about the sudden change of events, but she is too weakened by the
powerful orgasm she'd just had to do much of anything.

Asuka:  "What the... aaaah..."

She resumes her nice moaning melody as Shinji enters her womanhood
without any other warning, making a wet slippery noise with each of
his thrusts.

Asuka (between moans):  "Uuuh... you... wanted to be... on top... this
time... mh, aah..."

Shinji doesn't listen to her words as he begins to pump himself faster
and faster, getting almost all the length of his member inside Asuka
with each stroke.  Asuka is in ecstasy.  Not being in control this
time drives her beyond wildness, and she can't explain why.

Seeing two free orbs of flesh bouncing up and down in front of him, a
slightly drunk Shinji decides that he has to do something with his
hands.  He gently puts one on each of her breasts and began to knead
them in synch with his thrusts inside her.  This is something Asuka
highly enjoys, making her moan even louder.  Not fully aware of what
he's doing, he starts to change his rhythm.  He pulls out, pauses,
violently pushes in, and then repeats the action over and over.  In
addition of that, he squeezes Asuka's breasts harder each time he
thrusts in, making her whimper.  For once, she is not the one being
aggressive, and it makes her feel inexplicably good.

She almost passes out as her vaginal walls suddenly tighten around
Shinji's member, milking it with her love juices.  Her loud orgasmic
moaning turns him on as well, and he suddenly stops pumping in and out
of her.  His face twists with the tension as he shoots his warm load
deep inside her, letting out a last moan of pleasure, before finally
collapsing on top of her.  Shinji is now like an Eva after the end of
its activation time, completely silent, completely still on top of
Asuka.  She is under him and despite his weight, feels very good.
She feels secure and more importantly, whole.

She soon recovers from her orgasm, inwardly savouring Shinji's
essence, which is warming her body from inside.  She looks at the
ceiling before closing her eyes, and wraps her arms around Shinji.
Once again, they fall asleep, both surrounded by each other's warmth,
after another tiring but heavenly experience.


Gendo's Office.  Gendo peers at his staff, who are gathered in front
of his desk, through his orange-tinted glasses.  Ritsuko, Kaji and
Misato are right before him.  Fuyutsuki is standing in his usual place
behind his desk.  The reports they are about to deliver had come too
easily for his liking.

Kaji:  "Four more.  They should be distributed around the outskirts of
Tokyo-3 more or less evenly."

Ritsuko:  "Well, we've already located all of them, then.  Taking into
consideration their distribution, I thought that there would only be

Misato:  "Could something like this really be the cause of the unusual
weather we've been having?"

Ritsuko:  "It wouldn't surprise me.  They're based on Angel
technology.  That is, they are mostly organic and operate on what I
would guess are small S2-type organs.  The MAGI have completed the
analysis of all the data we have so far managed to collect.  They
report that there's a 98.999897% chance that they're the cause."

Fuyutsuki:  "Small S2-'type' organs?"

Ritsuko:  "Yes.  They're not the S2 organs that we're familiar with,
though they appear to have the same function, which is to provide the
power.  These are not Angels we are dealing with here, that's obvious.
The best way to describe them is that they are some sort of

Fuyutsuki:  "I suppose that they would have something to do with the
Blue pattern we kept locating, then losing."

Ritsuko:  "Yes, sir.  Every so often, the orb's S2 engine picks up and
surges, provides power almost identical to that generated by an Angel
for a few minutes, and then seems to go into some sort of inactive
mode where it cools down."

Gendo (quietly):  "Are they a problem?"

Ritsuko:  "No, sir.  I have shut them down."

Kaji (surprised):  "Shut them down?"

Ritsuko (amused):  "There's a switch on the side of each one.  It's
clearly marked 'on' and 'off'."


Later, after the rest of the staff have left, Fuyutsuki turns to
Gendo.  After a moment of thought, he gives voice to his fears.

Fuyutsuki:  "SEELE are not playing by the rules they hold so dear!"

Gendo:  "No, they are not.  What are they doing?"

Fuyutsuki (with a slightly agitated voice):  "This is not supposed to
happen.  What the hell are they playing with weather control for?"

Gendo:  "Testing... but what?  Us?  The pilots?  NERV?  Or something
else?  For once, Professor, I don't know what is happening."

Silence descends over the office, the distant walls hardly visible in
the darkness, the ceiling depicting a pattern that may or may not be
relevant any more.

Fuyutsuki (tiredly):  "What about the Second Child?"

Gendo:  "What about her?  I can't allow a third of my advantage to
become useless, can I?"

Fuyutsuki:  "No, of course you can't."

Gendo:  "Our own objective remains the same.  We will simply have to
treat this like we treat all our problems.  After all, it's a proven


Seven weeks later.  Shinji is sitting on a secluded patch of grass
during lunch time at school.  Asuka is sitting in his lap and has one
arm around his neck, while the other is squeezing his left hand on her
lap.  Two lunch boxes are lying next to them.

Shinji:  "I still remember Kensuke and Toji's faces when they first
saw us together like this."

Asuka:  "Yeah.  It's already been nearly two months."

Shinji nods.  Asuka takes a deep sigh.

Asuka:  "Say, Shin-chan."

Shinji:  "Hm?"

Asuka (smiling):  "What would you do if I was pregnant?"

Shinji (chuckling):  "Ha ha.  I would buy us a big house with a lot of
things inside.  One of those very expensive houses out there, you

Asuka grins, takes his hand and gently sets it down on her stomach.

Asuka:  "Then you better start saving some money."

Shinji goes pale.  Very pale.

Asuka:  "Shinji?"

Shinji (guessing her question):  "Don't worry, Asuka... I'll be there
for both of you."

Asuka (giving him her most precious smile):  "Thank you."

With that, she puts her arms around his neck and leans over him.
Their lips tenderly meet in their passionate embrace.  Every time they
kiss, the world disappears around them.  They don't know exactly what
love is, but they feel it deep in their hearts each time they're
together, and that's all they need.  They are far from and close to
Eva at the same time.  Among the battles between giant robots and
unknown creatures, two teenagers are deeply in love.  This isn't a
crush, or an attempt to justify them having sex.  They needed each
other, and it took some time for them to realize it.  The first thing
that they thought about when they would close their eyes was each
other... there was only each other, and that was enough for them.


Author's notes:

Axel:  "Okay, you'll probably ask, "who did what?" for this fic.  Let
me explain the scheme to you ^_^ Disaster first came out with a plot.
Then I began writing.  When I got to the first lemon scene, he wrote
it, and then I retooled it, adding bits and pieces here and there.
And it went like this for the rest of the fic.  So, in a way, I think
we can say that we each did 50%-50% for this fic.  It's not entirely
My work.  It's Disaster's, too.  Remember to send him a copy of any
email you would send me about this fic."

Disaster:  "Don't forget the work we did during the pre-reading, Axel.
A lot of roles changed about that time.  Axel started modifing the
lemon scenes and adding WAFFy elements whilst I started fleshing out
the plot.  We constantly modified each other's work as well.  So the
roles kinda overlapped and twisted into knots!"

Axel:  "I put a lot of effort into this fic.  Same goes with Disaster,
of course.  We both tried to make it stand out from the tons of awful
lemons we see nowadays.  Except for a few of them, they're all pieces
of shit."

Watson:  "After these two hashed out seven different pre-readers'
drafts, some of which came about due to my own criticisms, Axel sent
the final one to me so I could edit, polish and add a few tiny details
to it, like I have previously done with his work.  I caused Disaster
some worry about what exactly I would be doing to his work, but I
think he's happy with this.  If he's not, I'm in big trouble."

Disaster (Looking over the fic): "Hmmm, try as I might, I can't really come
with an excuse to thwack you" (sulks)

Axel:  "Dave, what are you doing here?  You're not an author!"

Watson (sheepishly):  "Well... I ate nearly all of Asuka's bag of
popcorn, and she told me to buy her another one or she'd give me a
vasectomy.  Without anaesthetic.  So, excuse me..." (Exits.)

Disaster (grumbling):  "WARNING.  AXELs have been know to cause severe
lack of sleep!!!"

Axel:  "And I'd like to say that the EVA Brand Condom obviously comes
from Neon Genesis Evanjellydonut by Andrew Huang.  Despite the comment
about the slogan, it's a homage.  Anyways, I hope you had a great
read.  The special thanks go to Alain Gravel, Juju/Asuka, Cedric
Ranson and RG-01 for all the help they provided!  Thanks to my pre-
readers!  :) :
Alain Gravel
Borderline Case
Cedric Ranson
Cyril Tessereau
David Templar
Dave Watson
Greg Thomas
Jayson Deare
Jeff T.
DJ Lesser
Kaoru Nagisa
N K (Mekat)
Readiosys Fisher
Sammy Sy
Sanderson Leslie
Shadow's Madness
Shinji the 10 O'clock Assassin
Sushi Boy
Ted Hsu
Tim Lee
and Yousef Al-Samshi."

Disaster: "No Eva's were hurt in the production of this fic! ... Sorry,
I just always wanted to say something like that!" *GRINS*

Axel:  "Ah, and on a final note, let me say that what happened to
Asuka in the end was bound to happen.  I mean, they had sex two times
without being efficiently protected.  Don't think of me as some kind
of pervert who wants to get 14-year-olds pregnant :->"

Disaster (guilty look): "Errrr, ummm no of course not Axel, heh..."

See you soon!
Axel Terizaki & Disaster

AxelT -   ICQ# 34301980
ASUKA's Notebook 
Présent sur #eva-01 et #teri-chan

---Asuka : "Toutes ces émotions et ces sentiments, je veux qu'il n'y ait
que toi qui les voie. Je ne veux montrer à personne ce que je ressens
pour toi... Je pense que... être gentille avec toi... t'embrasser... et
à tes côtés la nuit, c'est un peu trop intime pour que d'autres personnes,
même Misato, le sachent..."

D'aprés "Shinji, will you dance with me?" Fanfiction sur Evangelion.


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