Neon Genesis Evangelion:
The Object of One's Desire

by Drakken Fyre (
A Full Impact Laboratory production

Obligatory disclaimerz:
        The following is a piece of lemon fanfiction meaning that it contains mature subject matter and is
not intended for anyone under 18 years of age.  However, if you are underage and do decide to read this, 
you do so at your own risk and the author forgoes any responsibility for any possible consequences that 
may arise if you are caught reading this sort of material.
        "Neon Genesis Evangelion" is the copyrighted property of Gainax, Movic, Nas, King Records, 
and all other applicable entities, including AD Vision and Viz Communications in North America.

Catching One's Breath

        Asuka lay on top of Shinji, her head resting sideways on his chest.  The two of them were in his 
room, lying on his bed, both naked, their hands still clasped together.  As the sweat from their bodies 
slowly cooled and their breathing returned to normal, rational thought that had previously been lost in the 
heat of passion was restored.  Asuka spoke first.
        "I'm so glad that Misato had to work late tonight."
        All that Shinji could manage was, "Uh-huh."
        Asuka smiled to herself and listened to the rhythmic pumping of Shinji's heart with her left ear, 
its constancy giving her reassurance.  Due to their current position, both were unable to look the other in 
the face.  Asuka stared at the far wall while Shinji gazed at the ceiling.  Asuka spoke again.
        "I can hear your heart beating."
        "Want to hear mine?"
        Shinji chuckled lightly.  "Let me rest some more first."
        "Yeah, me too.  You gave me quite a workout."
        Shinji permitted himself a grin.  That wasn't half of it.
        "So...How am I compared to Rei?"
        Shinji instantly tensed.  "How--how did you know?"
        "We had a talk.  I found out and she told me."
        "Wh--what did she say?"
        "She explained everything.  She even made me jealous..."
        "Yeah.  That she got to you first.  I have to give her credit for that."
        There was a pause as Shinji tried to sort things out.  This wasn't sounding right, not from his 
        "You're not mad--"
        Asuka raised her head slightly to look him in the eyes.
        "No, I'm not.  I don't like you any less or hate Rei any more for what the two of you did."
        "But why--"
        "Shhhh.  Don't talk right now.  I'll explain later."
        Asuka put her head down again and sighed in contentment.  Shinji reverted his gaze to the 
ceiling.  The events of the past few hours had come as a maelstrom, and even though three weeks had 
passed since what had happened between him and Rei, he still had to sort his thoughts out.
        He looked briefly at the girl, no, woman, resting against him.  He could feel her breathing as they 
lay together, still joined as one, but not ready yet to separate.  The feeling of warmth and peace that being 
generated by Asuka and him momentarily quieted the raging storm within his mind.
        Shinji put his head back again and lapsed into thought.
        Rei...She and Asuka were such antitheses of each other, poles apart.  The fieriness of Asuka's 
hair was a direct mirror of her personality and her lovemaking, while Rei's more somber indigo hue 
reflected her more reserved person and near acquiescent behavior when he had been with her.  The 
memory was as fresh in his mind as if it had been yesterday, more so now than before.  Now...
        He found himself in the same situation that he had been three weeks ago.  Not that he minded or 
regretted it all.  Shinji was feeling very fortunate at the moment, this was surely one of the most blessed 
moments in his entire life...
        Asuka stirred herself to look at him again, her expression amused.
        "I was just thinking...How did we get ourselves into this?"
        Shinji met her gaze.  "I don't know..."

Part 1
Pattern Blue: The First Child

        About three weeks ago...

        Shinji grabbed the toast as soon as it popped out and put two more slices of bread into the toaster.
        "Hey, is Misato awake yet?" Asuka asked.
        "Figures.  Geez, what a woman..."
        Asuka was frying eggs and bacon on the stove, it being her turn to cook breakfast.  Misato being 
who she was, could not normally be counted on to turn out a decent breakfast, so Shinji and Asuka had 
taken over that role, alternating each morning.  In between making toast, Shinji was also preparing his 
and Asuka's lunches.
        Asuka flipped the eggs over and took the bacon off the frying pan.  She mused to herself, "Next 
time maybe French toast and hash browns..."
        "Don't forget sausages," Shinji called out.
        "Right, although some frankfurters would be even better.  *Sigh*  How I miss good old German 
        Shinji hoped that she wouldn't start up again about German food, not that he had anything 
against it.  But Asuka could go on for hours if she wanted to...
        "When I was in Munich I had some really good--"
        The door slid open and Misato materialized, looking like hell and rubbing her stomach.
        "'Morning," she drawled out.  "I need a beer."
        "Never mind," Asuka said and took the eggs out.
        "Shinji, would you..."
        "Got it."  Shinji handed her a cold can of Yebisu.  He was used to the routine.
        Misato popped the top and took a fat swig before cutting loose her characteristic morning whoop.
        "Now that's the way to start a morning!" she added.
        Shinji shrugged and brought the toast to the table.

        Having recovered her sobriety, Misato briefed the two pilots on the day's schedule as they ate.  
Pen Pen sat reading the paper.
        "All of you are scheduled to complete the wrap up tests today, so hang in there.  Following this 
batch, it'll take Ritsuko at least a week to analyze the results and come up with new ones.  And of course, 
there are your synch rate checks..."
        "Why all the tests?" Asuka asked.  "It seems that all we ever do in between Angel attacks is test."
        "I think that's because no one really knows for sure the true nature of Eva and we need to find 
out," Shinji ventured.
        There was a pause.  This was not characteristic behavior for Shinji.
        "That's...part of it," Misato replied slowly.  She hoped that something hadn't gotten wrong with 
him.  The last thing they needed was a mentally unstable pilot.
        "Give me a break.  What do you mean 'true nature'?"  Asuka was back to her old self.
        "I mean..."  Shinji searched for words.  "...that since the Evas are far from predictable even 
though we can pilot them, we uh, need to find out what's going on, I guess."
        Asuka let out an annoyed breath.  He had started out strong only to deflate.  Although some of 
what he did say was true...
        "Hey Misato, do you know?" she asked.
        Misato looked at Asuka around her beer can as she was in the middle of a swig.  She put the 
Yebisu down slowly and looked at her two subordinates.
        "You know who you should ask that question?  Ritsuko.  'Cos even I don't really know."

        Shinji and Asuka walked out of the apartment complex and headed up the road towards Tokyo-3 
Municipal Junior High School.  Like usual, it was a bright and sunny day to the year-round summer 
climate that had been created by the Second Impact.  Shinji's mind however was clouded as he pondered 
over the enigmatic nature of the Evas, in particular Eva-01.  It seemed so human, so monstrous and alive, 
even though it was only supposed to be just a giant weapon to fight the Angels.  He leaned his head back 
and gazed at the near cloudless blue sky, lost in thought...
        "Watch out!" Asuka screamed as she yanked him back and a car just missed him by a foot as it 
sped by.
        They had approached an intersection as the lights went green and Shinji hadn't noticed.  He 
stared blankly at the now bustling street as cars whooshed by.
        "What were you doing, you idiot?!"  Asuka raged at him.  "You just blindly walked into the street 
without looking!  That type of inattention gets you killed!"
        Shinji looked back at her apologetically.
        "I'm sorry..."
        "Yeah, yeah, I know I know..."  Asuka let out an exasperated breath.
        When the pedestrian crossing sign went on, the two of them walked across the street.  They 
arrived at school shortly.

        "Okay, class, today I'll start with the girls," the ancient homeroom teacher announced.
        "Rei Ayanami."
        There was no response from Rei's vacant desk.
        The teacher looked up as he hadn't noticed her absence.  "Ayanami?"  Again no response.
        "Not here again?"  That girl had racked up so many absences.  He made a notation on his roll 
and continued.
        Shinji looked over at Rei's desk slightly behind him.  It being a Monday, he and Asuka had seen 
Rei on Saturday, although she had disappeared soon after the testing was complete.  She was always out at 
least once a week for apparently no reason.  It was several seconds before he turned around to face forward 
again, once more absorbed in his thoughts.
        Asuka noticed Shinji's action and wondered why he was looking at Rei's desk for so long.  Did he 
actually miss her?  Granted, if Rei wasn't there she wasn't there, but she wasn't exactly the type of person 
one would miss seeing.  Did he like her?  The thought of the two most dullest people she knew actually 
getting together made her queasy, although she didn't know why.  Shinji, that idiot.  Was he blind and 
stupid?  Why wasn't he more interested in her, Sohryu Asuka Langley, the most popular girl at school as 
well as the most beautiful?  She was way more fun than Rei, had such a better personality, was so much 
more sexy--
        "Sohryu Asuka Langley!"  The teacher repeated.
        Asuka looked up suddenly.  "Here!"

        Shinji's introspection for some reason continued to stay with him.  It was easy to stay that way, as 
the continued lecture on the Second Impact and its global effects was something he pretty much already 
knew and he could afford stay to stay lost in thought and hide behind his laptop.  Although the focus of 
his thoughts earlier had been the nature of the Evas, now it had shifted to Rei.
        Rei Ayanami...Surely the most enigmatic person he knew other than his own father.  She was so 
unusual, so strange, so mysterious...Yet who was she really?  Why did she act the way she did?  The 
seemingly unpredictable and inexplicable nature of Rei's actions and her laconic nature made her so, so...
        Interesting, actually.  Shinji found himself wanting to know more, so much more about this girl 
whom he would have to entrust his life if necessary, and had several times, on whom as well the fate of 
humanity also rested.

        At PE, Kensuke asked him what was up.
        "Just thinking about things," was Shinji's somber response.
        "Whoa, pretty sober there, Ikari," Touji said.  He sat down next to Shinji and placed an arm 
around his shoulders.
        "And I think I know what you're thinking about.  Right, Kensuke?"
        "Yup."  They shared a conspiratorial grin.
        "What, what?"  Shinji looked from one to the other.  Their look worried him.
        "Shall we say it, Mr. Suzuhara?"  Kensuke said in a mock-serious tone.
        "I believe we should, Mr. Aida," Touji returned in the same tone.
        "This man has to hear the truth that he refuses to believe himself, but does exist."
        They both stated together loudly, "You're thinking about Ayanami!"
        "What?!  How did you know?!"  Shinji couldn't conceal his shock.  They might have gotten the 
wrong ideas...
        "Ikari, you sly dog!  Not only do you get to work with three beautiful women as well as live with 
two of them, you naturally want to get with one of them!"
        "You lucky bastard!"
        Shinji freaked.  These WERE the wrong ideas!
        "No, no--it's not like that, I was just thinking--"
        "About what, huh?"  Touji had tightened his grip so that Shinji couldn't escape.  He found 
himself looking right at Kensuke, who had gotten on one knee.  For some reason, his glasses gleamed in a 
strange manner.
        "Don't try to fool us, Ikari.  We saw you staring at her empty desk.  You were missing her and 
thinking about her all day, weren't you?"
        Touji added, "And we know just what you were thinking!"
        "What?!  What was I thinking?"
        Kensuke continued.
        "You were thinking about Ayanami's lips, Ayanami's breasts, Ayanami's thighs, Ayanami's...You 
know what..."
        Touji whispered it to him.
        "No!  That's not true!  You've got me all wrong!  I was just worried about her!"
        "Ah, see you DO care about her," Touji pointed out.
        "And when one cares so much about another individual, one needs to express that concern in a 
very particular way."
        "What do you mean..."
        "You want to rock her world."
        "Light her fire."
        "Knock her boots."
        "Fly her to the moon."
        Touji and Kensuke looked at each other.  It was time to be direct.
        "You want to sleep with her," Kensuke stated.
        Shinji was speechless.
        "C'mon, Ikari," Touji said.  "You're human.  Humans get these sorts of urges all the time.  Like 
we do with Misato, for example."
        "Who knows," Kensuke added.  "She may feel the same way about you."
        "No way..."
        "Face it, man," Touji said.  "You probably want to have sex with Rei.  Don't deny it to yourself."
        "Honesty is the best policy."
        Shinji couldn't respond to the barrage of information that was bombarding him.  It was too quick 
to digest...
        He had the feeling that they were being watched so he glanced up.  And froze.  Rei was looking 
right at them behind Kensuke, and seemed surprised, her mouth open and her cheeks tinged with a trace 
of red.
        Touji also happened to glance up and similarly froze with a look of shock on his face.  Kensuke 
was about to continue when he noticed his audience's expression shock and surprise.  He slowly turned 
around and jumped into the air, uttering an unmentionable.
        Touji also got to his feet as two mouthed profuse excuses.
        "A--Ayanami!  Nice to see you here!"
        "Yeah, we were just, just--leaving!"
        "We weren't saying anything bad about you!"
        "Not at all!  Uh, we have to go!"
        The pair raced off in a cloud dust.  Rei watched them go and turned to look at Shinji, who had 
drawn his knees up and had his forehead resting on his arms so that he wasn't looking up, mumbling 
something to himself.
        Although still somewhat unreactive as to what had happened and why she had reacted the way 
she did, Rei was curious and for some reason disturbed at what was going on.  She slowly sat down next to 
Shinji and drew her knees up to her chest as she usually did, looking straight ahead.
        Shinji didn't respond.
        "What were you talking about?"
        "N--nothing, nothing at all!"
        Rei said nothing, but she had heard enough of the conversation to pick up what was being said 
about her, although she was still unsure as to what it really meant.  She sensed that Shinji would be 
reluctant to discuss the subject further, so she did nothing else, but lapse into thought.
        Shinji looked up to see Rei staring ahead.  He was about to breathe a sigh of relief but Rei's 
habitual silence this time was disturbing as he had no way of knowing what she was thinking.  Then 
again, neither did anyone else.
        As he looked at Rei Shinji couldn't help but notice how pretty she was.  Her profile and proximity 
to him allowed him to marvel at the beauty of this girl which it seemed that he had previously been blind 
to.  He wondered why.  Such a shame and a waste, after all this time that he had known Rei, he had never 
taken a good look at her.  Until now.
        Rei turned her head to see Shinji staring at her, catching him off guard.  Although his immediate 
reaction was to avert his gaze, he momentarily hesitated.  His mouth did drop open in surprise.
        "Uh, sorry, I..."  His face flushed.  "Couldn't help looking at you."
        Rei's eyebrows arched in question.
        "At me?"
        "Uh, yeah."
        Shinji's stomach knotted.  Could he really tell her why?  What would she say?  What would she 
do?  He looked at Rei's eyes, filled with question.  For some reason he had been honest with her before.  
He decided to be so.
        "Well...I think you're pretty."
        "Yeah."  This time he had to look away for a second.  This was so embarrassing...
        Rei felt her cheeks heat up and wasn't sure why.  No one, not even Gendo, had said such things 
to her.  She felt a strange feeling rush over her that she couldn't totally control.  Almost subconsciously, 
the words came to her lips.
        "Thank you."
        Shinji looked back at her in surprise, then smiled back.
        "No problem.

        The tests deep within Central Dogma went off with incident, finishing early.  After they 
concluded, the three children returned home.
        There was still light out as the sun was just beginning to set.  Walking in front of Shinji and 
Asuka, Rei turned off to head towards her apartment.  The other two glanced at her as she left.
        "I wonder where she lives," Asuka speculated.
        Shinji didn't volunteer what he knew.  He was almost about to begin thinking about Rei, but 
recalled what had happened that morning and instead looked up at the bright red sky.  Soon, defense 
buildings would rise from the Geofront and transform Tokyo-3's appearance.  The pair reached the 
apartment complex a while later.

        Rei had already returned home and was pondering the day's events, lying on her bed with her 
chin resting on her crossed arms.  What had seemed to be another routine day for her had changed when 
she had encountered Shinji.  What she had heard spoken about her and his compliment set off a series of 
thoughts in her head, which she now pondered.
        She thought of what Touji and Kensuke had said.  Her and Ikari joined together as one for the
 purpose of expressing a mutual concern about each other.  What could it be?  What had the power to do 
such a thing?  Love?  Rei had heard of the concept and contemplated it.  She had never felt love from 
anyone or loved anybody, although there was hers and Gendo's mutual concern for each other.  Yet he was 
more like...a father who cared about her, but didn't express that love for her that he likely had, not openly.  
Yet for some reason the bond between them was one of mutual understanding; for some reason they 
seemed attuned to each other.
        But love also involved mutual respect and concern.  She held Gendo in high regard, but did he do 
the same with her?  He was concerned about her life, that was for sure.  Did he care about her feelings, her 
welfare, though?  She lived alone in bad conditions, had never had any friends, not known a life outside 
going to school and being an Eva pilot.  She was considered expendable if need be.  What had Gendo 
done for her?  Saved her life.  But what had she done for him?  So much.  Obeyed whatever he willed, 
even to the point of death if that was what he asked.  But it was enough for her.
        Or was it?
        Rei's thoughts switched to Shinji.  The commander's son didn't share the same regard for his 
father that she did.  That was one mark against him, but Rei didn't feel any hate or loathing towards 
Shinji.  He had done much to erase that grudge.  He had not only saved her life, but had also shown 
genuine concern for her.  He valued the life and welfare of his fellow pilot, even though he didn't really 
get much in return.  Yet his concern had not ceased, and he still remained the only person she had said 
"thank you" to.
        Why had she done that?  Rei's brow knitted in thought.  No one had complimented her, not even 
Gendo.  Such things were meant to please.  Did she feel pleased?  She had felt some embarrassment 
mainly, and a sudden loss of what to do, like she had when Shinji had said how she would make a good 
mother.  But for some reason she had been able to recover and act accordingly.  Rei turned onto her back 
and closed her eyes.
        A part of her had felt glad that Shinji had said she was pretty.  Glad that a sign of caring had 
been expressed to her, who seemed to lack people who did this for her.  In addition to Gendo, there was 
also Misato, and although she too was concerned about Rei's life and was nice to her, she was not the 
same as Shinji.
        Ikari...He did care for her.  Rei found herself seeing that in some measure, she too cared for him.  
There was the mutual trust and respect that was required and came when putting one's life in someone 
else's hands, solidified by the support they gave each other in combat.  Yet had she not also gone to visit 
him in the hospital after the destruction of the 12th Angel?  Had waited until he regained consciousness to 
see that he was all right?  That done, she had left, satisfied that Shinji was well.  A previous time she had 
come to brief him and give him his plug suit after the encounter with the 5th Angel.  For some reason she 
had not been able to express the concern he had shown for her when he first met her in Eva-01's holding 
bay, although they had hardly known each other.  Her hospitalization and their living distance had also 
contributed to that.
        What could she do for Shinji to repay him?  Something that might account for all that had 
happened so far and would be an expression of their concern for each other.  For some reason she wanted 
so much to repay the debt that she owed him.
        Rei thought hard for several minutes then opened her eyes.  She had the answer.

        The next day Rei showed up at school as if she hadn't been absent at all.  Although she was semi-
attentive during the lectures, she also stole an occasional glance at Shinji, who seemed to be thinking 
about something.  During lunch, she subtly watched him chatting with Touji and Kensuke as if nothing 
had happened the previous day.  Asuka was talking to Hikari and it seemed that they would head 
somewhere after school.
        Which was just fine with Rei.

        Shinji took a few items from his locker and headed out of the school building.  He had not gone 
ten paces when someone called out, "Ikari."
        He turned around and was astonished to see Rei standing three feet away from him.
        "Ayanami?  What is it?"  He hoped it wasn't about the other day...
        "Can you come over to my place?"
        What?!  "Uh, uh...Why?"  This was most strange and sudden...
        "I have something to ask you."
        "Can't you do it now?"
        "Not now.  Not here.  Come."
        Rei walked past him.  He looked at her for a moment, then caught up.
        "Ayanami, what is it?  Is something wrong?"
        Rei surprised him by looking back at him.
        "No, not really."  She turned to look forward again.
        Shinji was about to say something, but didn't.  He fell into pace with Rei, a thousand thoughts 
racing through his head.  Since when had Rei ever displayed any initiative like this?  He glanced quickly 
at her and noticed that she was still looking ahead.  Good.  He was tempted to ask what was going on, but 
decided to wait and think things over a bit.

        They arrived at Rei's apartment and entered.  Construction was still going on in the area, but the 
noise wasn't as loud as Shinji remembered.  He also noted the condition of Rei's room when they entered.  
It looked slightly more untidy from the last time he had visited.  For some reason, Rei didn't seem to clean 
up after herself.  At least now there were no bloodstained bandages or clothes lying around.  She set her 
bag down as Shinji stood watching her.  She moved as precisely as she could, running through what she 
had come up with the previous night.  Since she had never had any prior experience, she was trying to 
respond to things by instinct rather than thought.  It seemed more natural to her.  As for what she wanted 
to say to Shinji, she would have to be direct, as she didn't know otherwise.  Despite her calm visage, inside 
her emotions had begun to churn.  But she didn't show it.
        Shinji watched Rei walk back to him and stand in front of him.  Okay...
        "What was it you wanted to ask me?"
        "Ikari...Do you care for me?"
        The question hit him like a punch and he was taken aback.
        "What--what do you mean?"
        "Ikari...Do you care for me?"
        Shinji couldn't respond right away.  Of all that he had expected, this was not one of the 
possibilities.  He ventured, "I--I--I...I don't know," then looked away.
        Rei for some reason felt a sense of shock.  Why?  Why couldn't he tell her?  Didn't he care about 
her?  She knew he did, had too.  Why couldn't he say it?  She couldn't handle the sudden barrage of 
emotions hitting her, each one a new experience.  The collective result was such that something within 
her broke.
        Rei threw herself at Shinji, grabbing on to his shirt and burying her face into his shoulder as 
tears sprang from her eyes.
        "Why?!  Why?!  Why can't you tell me!"
        Shinji was surprised to say the least by her sudden outburst of emotion.  Things were all so 
strange, so disjointed...Why?  He looked at the blue-haired girl who still gripped him and cried into his 
shoulder.  And felt a sudden rush of guilt for making her cry.  Why couldn't he tell her straight?  Did 
he...Did he...He closed his eyes for a second.
        A sudden rush of memories and images flashed through his mind, of when he had first seen Rei, 
all bandaged up as she was wheeled into Eva-01's holding bay, to when he awakened to see her sitting by 
his bedside in the hospital not too long ago.  He remembered what he had thought the night before as he 
lay in bed, his headphones in his ears but the music off, thinking of her...
        And he realized that he did, in some measure, care for her.  Despite what she was and what she 
wasn't, Rei Ayanami had become too important to him to lose, even though they weren't that close.  Did 
she feel the same way?
        He opened his eyes to look at her.  She still held onto him and was still sobbing.  Shinji put an 
arm around her and placed his other hand against her head, holding her to him.
        Rei's eyes snapped open in shock and she pushed her head back to look at him, a look of disbelief 
and surprise on her face.  Shinji smiled at her reassuringly.
        "I do."
        Rei felt a surge of relief sweep through her and a weight lift.  He did care after all!  She rewarded 
Shinji with a shy smile.
        He looked back at her cute face and noticed the tears in her eyes although she had stopped crying.  
He gently wiped the vestiges of tears gently with his index finger.
        Rei was now looking at him with a glow on her face.  Shinji found himself entranced again by 
those red eyes, which were sparkling at him.  He decided to go for it.  Falling back on what Asuka had 
taught him, he leaned in and covered Rei's open lips with his own.
        Rei was naturally caught by surprise and stood there for a few seconds with no reaction.  
Attempting to copy what Shinji was doing, she was able to kiss back, much to Shinji's delight, as the two 
stayed locked together for what seemed like an eternity before releasing.  Rei's face was red and she 
looked down in embarrassment.  Shinji looked at her with a strange feeling of warmth rushing through 
him.  It wasn't love, more like the need to do something for this girl whom he suddenly realized was more 
important to him than he had thought.
        But could he, though?  No, it wouldn't be right, not if Rei didn't want it too.  But he couldn't 
bring himself to pop the question.  So Rei did it for him.
        Mustering her courage, she timidly ventured,
        "Ikari...Do you want to become one with me?"
        "Unite body and soul?"
        "It's all right with me if it's with you."
        Swallowing a gulp yet steeling himself, Shinji nodded.

        Rei had turned around and begun to undress as if it was the most natural thing in the world for 
her, although inside she was nervous...
        Shinji was even more nervous.  The impact of what he was going to do sank in with each button 
that he unfastened on his school shirt.  Thoughts flew through his head and his heart was pumping like a 
piston on overdrive.  He took the shirt off, then the one beneath it.  For some reason he felt reluctant to 
undo his pants.  Turning around, he saw Rei already slipping her bra off.  In haste, he unbuckled his belt, 
pulled his pants down his legs, then took off his socks.  Finally down to his last piece of clothing, he 
paused to inhale deeply.  I won't run away...
        Shinji slipped his briefs off slowly, feeling the cool air bathe his nether regions, too nervous and 
anxious to have an erection.  He turned around to see Rei already facing him, her hands by her sides, an 
anxious look on her face.  Shinji gasped in surprise as he marveled at Rei's body, taking in the sight of her 
from her face, to her breasts, across her stomach, down to her womanhood, which appeared as a slight 
indigo haze.  Although he had seen her naked before, doing so now was a different experience for him.
        They both stared at each other, then Shinji willed his body to move.  As he approached her, his 
eyes fixed on her face, Rei moved towards him.  His arms encircled her waist as he moved his head in 
again to kiss her, and Rei surprised him by putting her arms around his neck.  This time, his tongue 
inadvertently slipped into Rei's mouth, making contact with hers before he withdrew it in surprise, then 
tentatively reintroduced it.  Their tongues met and clashed, dueling with each other before separating and 
passing into each other's mouth.  Rei moaned into the kiss as Shinji clasped her tighter to him.  His desire 
was beginning to make itself known, as his penis began to stiffen and push against Rei's pussy.
        Rei felt a growing pressure against her sensitive spot, causing her heart to race.  As she rubbed 
her legs together subconsciously, she felt a growing wetness between them and an increasing warmth that 
continued to get better.
        She took one hand to grasp what it was that was touching her and made contact, her fingers 
encircling Shinji's manhood as her hand closed over it in a gentle grip.  Shinji's eyes which were closed 
.opened in astonishment as he felt Rei take hold of him.  Still kissing her he managed to move forward, 
slowly pushing them back until Rei's legs made contact with her bed and she stopped.
        Shinji broke the kiss and slowly lay Rei onto the bed.  She let go of him and arranged herself so 
that she was lying horizontally and ready for him.  Shinji got on the bed and moved on his hands and 
knees so that he was above her.  It reminded him of the first time that he had found himself in such a 
situation, his hand on Rei's breast and himself over her as he was now.  He had felt a slight urge then to 
make love to her, but it was a burning desire now.  As he looked at Rei, she took one of his hands and 
placed it over her breast.  Taking her cue, he placed his other hand on the one next to it.
        This time he noticed that Rei's nipples were stiff, unlike the last time.  Feeling her soft flesh 
beneath his fingers, he began to squeeze and massage Rei's breasts, enjoying the feel and beginning to 
elicit moans from Rei, who felt herself get wetter.
        Still giving her chest manual treatment, Shinji then directed his attention to Rei's nipples, which 
he began to clasp between his kneading fingers, pulling and tweaking them.  Rei cried out and placed her 
hands over his to push the stimulation as cries of pleasure escaped her lips.
        Shinji got an idea and moving Rei's hands aside, he brought his head down.  Focusing on her 
right nipple, he brought his mouth in gave it a lick.  Judging from Rei's reaction, he began to lick it some 
more, coating it and its areola with saliva, then bringing his mouth down to suck.
        Rei couldn't believe the pleasure she was experiencing as it radiated through her.  Shinji 
continued to pleasure her right nipple with his mouth while he kept its twin preoccupied with his fingers, 
capitalizing on its pronounced stiffness.
        He didn't know what to do specifically, but it came as second nature to him, much the same way 
as combat.  He was also playing it by ear, and that seemed to work nicely.  Shinji switched breasts and 
gave the other one equal treatment, making the girl beneath him write in pleasure, thoroughly milking 
her.  He craved an outlet for his desire, but something told him to take it slowly.  He also sensed that it 
was time to move on.
        Giving her nipple one last lick, Shinji began to direct his attention southward until he was gazing 
at Rei's pussy.  It was oozing fluids, already soaking the sheets beneath.  He could see her clitoris, below it 
her lower lips.  Curious, he inquisitively placed his hand on Rei's hot spot.
        She took in a sharp intake of air, surprised by the contact and the sensations that rushed through 
her.  Her eyes were closed as she eagerly awaited Shinji's next move, her hands gripping the bedsheets.
        Shinji began to apply a slight pressure as he moved his hand down, dragging his fingers over 
Rei's clitoris and her pussy lips, accidentally slipping a finger in.  Rei cried out, more from the shock than 
anything else, and he quickly withdrew, but also noticed the increased flow in vaginal fluids.  Since it was 
something he would have to do anyway, he figured that it had given Rei pleasure.  He also noticed the 
fluid coating his finger and took a sniff, then a lick.  It had a taste unlike anything else, and he wanted 
more.  That gave him another idea.
        He positioned himself so that he was staring right at Rei's pussy with easy access, his hands on 
her thighs.  Shinji took a deep breath and brought his face in close, inhaling the scent of Rei's womanly 
musk.  Aroused, he gave her engorged lips a lick.
        Rei's grip on the bedsheets tightened and her head arched back on her pillow as she moaned 
loudly.  Satisfied, Shinji began his attack, assaulting her outer lips, his tongue tracing lines up, down, and 
around them as he drank up her juices.  Noticing her clitoris, he decided to give it some treatment.
        He licked it with broad strokes, then around it in circles, finally sucking on it and teasing it with 
his teeth.  Rei's body was rocked with waves of ecstasy as her head thrashed from side to side and she 
brought her thighs together suddenly, almost locking his head between her legs.
        Caught off guard but managing to hold on, Shinji paused long enough for Rei's thighs to separate 
slightly.  Giving himself more breathing room, he returned to her pussy lips and bringing his mouth fully 
down, thrust his tongue into her.
        Rei lost it as she felt Shinji's hot tongue invade her.  Her inner muscles locked together then 
forcefully released, a flood of warmth engulfing her and heightening the pleasure sensations as a lingering 
cry escaped her lips and her knuckles turned white.
        Shinji felt Rei's body quake as he suddenly found his mouth full of her release.  Swallowing as 
fast as he could, he drank up as much as possible, savoring Rei's exquisite taste.  This was something he 
could start to like...
        Rei lay gasping, her breathing labored as Shinji waited for her to recover.  He was more than 
ready to go, but would wait until she was ready.
        She eventually settled down, then returned her attention to the boy between her legs.  She sensed 
that things were about to come to a head and she was ready.
        "Ikari..." Rei said with pleading in her voice.
        That was his cue.  Shinji moved up and positioned himself between her legs and at her entrance.  
He was fit to bursting and his erection was starting to ache due to the lack of release.  Looking at Rei in 
the eye, he set himself and taking a deep breath, he began to push himself in.  The going was slow at first, 
and he was amazed at Rei's tightness and the warm, wet feeling that was beginning to surround and 
pleasure him.
        He grunted with effort as he sought to keep control yet bring his full length into Rei.  Her 
moaning only encouraged Shinji, and he was making good progress until he hit a barrier.  He slowly 
pulled back, then thrust forward again, to make a slight headway.
        Rei's moans were cut off as sensations of pain reached her, and she was about to say something 
when Shinji quickly pulled back and lunged forward, breaking through her virginity and burying himself 
in her to the hilt.  Rei cried out as tears flowed from her eyes and she near ripped the sheets with her nails.
        Noticing her pain, Shinji looked at her face in concern, taking his attention off of what was 
happening to the part of him in Rei as his pleasure was replaced by momentary fear.  He hoped that she 
was okay...
        Rei looked at him with tear-stained eyes and his heart went out to her.  Temporarily supporting 
himself on one arm, he wiped her tears away with his fingers.
        "Are you all right?"
        Rei had recovered as she felt the pain sensations change to ones of pleasure.  She could feel 
Shinji throbbing within her as she clasped him in a tight, hot, and wet embrace that was beginning to 
yield dividends for them both.  There had to be more...
        She smiled at Shinji and nodded.  Encouraged, he returned to the task at hand.  Noting that he 
could still hold on, he withdrew slowly, then thrust forward.  The pleasure was exquisite, unlike anything 
he or Rei had ever dreamed of experiencing.  Continuing the cycle, his member invaded Rei's pussy again 
and again, drawing moans of pleasure from both of them as Rei's slickened walls facilitated his entrance 
and allowed him to proceed with ease, drawig more and more of her fluids out of her and onto the bed.
        Establishing a steady rhythm, Shinji looked at his lover beneath him, her eyes closed, yet her 
mouth open and issuing forth cries of ecstasy.  Rei opened her eyes to look at him and their gazes locked, 
both seeing the passion and hunger that they both possessed for each other.  Rei suddenly brought her 
arms up to encircle Shinji's neck, gripping her left wrist with her right hand.  She also began to move 
herself to meet his thrusts, bucking her hips up to meet his, increasing the pleasure for them both.
        As they fell into a natural rhythm, their bodies slammed into each other producing a sensation 
that heightened their ecstasy.  Rei's grip forced Shinji to keep his head low as he thrusted with his lower 
body.  He looked at her face, covered with sweat that matted her blue hair to her forehead.  And her 
eyes, those red eyes, burning with a passion and desire that was calling to him...
        It couldn't be like this forever.  There was no slowing or stopping, so Shinji increased his pace, 
pounding into Rei with all the strength he could muster.  The increased tempo speeded up the pulses 
flowing through her body and she began to approach the brink from which Shinji had once before thrown 
her off...
        Shinji felt the pressure within him mounting as he sought to keep it before him and please Rei.  
He couldn't hold on much longer as he pounded forward in concentration...
        Something within Rei snapped then exploded as she was once again flooded with the sensation 
that raced through her body like greased lightning and electrified her every nerve.  Her mouth issued no 
sound for a long second before uttering a low scream, giving vent to her release.  Her vaginal muscles 
locked Shinji's penis in a vice grip, breaking through his control and forcing him to launch his essence 
into her like a flood as it raced through him like magma, while her release gushed from her like a fountain 
and drenched the both of them.  Shinji continued to thrust, feeling himself being sucked dry by Rei and 
his lower body get wet with her juices as he cried out her name.  Rei held onto him and he kept pounding 
into her for as long as he could before collapsing on top on her, his body spent.

        They lay there for a while, collecting their breaths and in no hurry to move, surrounded by a 
feeling of warmth that generated peace and calm.  As he lay with his head to the side and next to Rei's on 
the pillow but not looking at her, Shinji's mind began to function again.  He had done it.  He had actually 
gone and slept with Rei, fulfilling what Kensuke and Touji had said but the previous day.  So it was true 
that he did care for her enough to make love to her.  But did he truly love her?  He wasn't too sure.  But 
for now, the feeling of caring that he knew he had was enough.
        Rei stared at the ceiling.  She felt a great sense of relief as well as of self-worth.  She had become 
one with Ikari, no, Shinji, their souls united in that one moment.  Was this what love was?  Perhaps.  Yet 
she also knew in some way that they weren't meant to be, although they had shared the most intimate 
parts of themselves with each other.  She closed her eyes to think.
        It was more of a feeling than a random thought, but she sensed that it was somehow true, 
although she didn't know why.  But it was enough that they had shared each other.  Shinji had given her a 
reason to continue living her life, wherever it might end up.  She had to do the same for him.  It could be 
        The thought of that other key person in Shinji's life shocked her for a moment, but she pondered 
the question some more.  Those two seemed unfit for each other, but things could change between them.  
Rei was ready to resign herself to the possibility that they too could eventually become lovers.  For some 
reason, she knew that she was ready to let Shinji go if that happened.  Her secureness in the knowledge of 
that as it all came to her gave Rei inner peace.
        Shinji began to stir himself, slowly raising himself up on his arms, then knees, withdrawing his 
shrunken member from Rei and moving to lie beside her.  She turned to face him and they both stared into 
each other's eyes, Shinji noticing the calm and understanding within Rei's red orbs, quieting the questions 
within him.  He smiled at Rei and she smiled back.  She was really pretty when she smiled...
        "Did you like it?"
        "I did too.  Thank you."
        There was a pause.
        "Call me Rei, Shinji."
        "Rei..."  Another pause.  "What do we do now?"
        "Keep on living."
        "Me and you--"
        "Don't worry.  You gave me that part of yourself and I'm grateful."
        "Shinji, don't worry about you and me.  Things will work out.  I promise you."
        "Are you sure?"
        "Yes.  I just want us to be like friends.  Could you do that for me?"
        Sounded like a plan...

Part Two
Pattern Red: The Second Child

        After helping her clean up, Shinji left Rei's apartment.  She had seen him to the door and given 
him a shy kiss on the cheek before he left.  Although he was still unsure about many things, Rei's 
assurance that things would work out stopped him from brooding over the situation.  He felt peace of mind 
and glad to be alive...
        As he got to the apartment complex, Shinji spotted Asuka and Hikari a block away and 
approaching.  Damn!  He raced to an elevator and sprinted for Misato's apartment the second he got to the 
floor.  Thankfully his guardian was still at Nerv HQ and he grabbed some clothes and set his stuff down 
before running to the bathroom and beginning to fill up the tub.  He didn't want Asuka to say he smelled 
weird and get suspicious...
        Pen Pen emerged from his freezer with a towel over his shoulder and holding a pail full of 
toiletries with his wings.  He waddled over to the bathroom, but finding it locked, chattered something in 
annoyance and returned to the freezer.
        As Shinji got into the filled tub Asuka entered the apartment with Hikari.
        "Shinji?" Asuka called out.  She knew he had to be home already.  She checked his room and the 
rest of the apartment.  Going to the bathroom and finding it locked, she returned to the living room where 
Hikari waited.
        "Where's Ikari?"
        "In the bathroom."
        Asuka was about to sit down when she remembered her guest.
        "Want anything to drink?"
        "Juice is fine."
        She went to the kitchen and grabbed two cans of non-alcoholic juice out of a fridge backed with 
Yebisu.  Returning, she gave one to Hikari and sat down.  Hikari popped the top and took a sip before 
        "Thanks for inviting me over, Asuka."
        "No problem.  I thought it would be a change to have someone exciting here for a change."  
Asuka took a sip.
        "What's wrong with Ikari?"
        "You can't mean that," Hikari said in surprise.
        "Oh yes I do."  Asuka took a gulp of juice down too quickly and near choked.
        "You okay?" Hikari asked, patting her back forcefully.
        "Yeah, yeah.  Thanks."
        "At least give him a chance."
        Asuka mumbled something in German, then looked back at Hikari.
        "What do you see in Touji anyway?"
        "Suzuhara?"  Hikari blushed, then continued.
        "He acts tough and all and he might not seem like it if you don't know him too well.  But he's 
really a sensitive and caring person."
        Asuka looked at her skeptically.
        "It's true," Hikari said, overcoming her embarrassment.  "It took me a while at first, but you have 
to realize that sometimes people don't reveal or can't reveal what they're really like easily."
        That comment struck Asuka and she looked down.  The same was true of her, she realized.  How 
long could she keep up her act?  When and with who could she be honest with?  She needed someone...
        Hikari noted her friend's silence.  Asuka might be just like Touji...
        Noticing the awkward silence, Asuka tried to recover.
        "Well, at least you have somebody.  Kaji's the only real man I know, but he treats me like a 
        "He is more than twice your age."
        "True...And him and Misato used to live together too.  It looks like they're getting back 
        "You need someone around our age."
        "Like who?  All the boys in school are a bunch of sick perverts who just want to get with me."
        "They've got good reason to."
        Asuka flushed.  "Hii--kaa--riiii!"
        Hikari raised her hands defensively as she tried to laugh it off.
        "Just kidding, just kidding..."
        Asuka pouted, then thought for a bit.
        Hikari pointed out, "There's always Aida and Ikari."
        "Are you serious?  Kensuke is totally out of the question."
        "Then what about Ikari?"
        "You've been living under the same roof for some time now--"
        "Sleeping in different rooms," Asuka quickly tossed in."
        "Right, right.  You seem to get along fine, whenever you're not arguing, of course..."
        "So...There's nothing between you?"
        Asuka almost spit out her juice.  "Of course not!"  Then with some reflection she added 
tentatively, "Well, we did...kiss, once."
        "You what?!"
        "Kiss, that was it, okay?  I was bored--"
        "You don't kiss someone just because you're bored!"
        "Then why?  Why him?"
        "He was the only guy around."
        There was a pause.  Hikari ventured, "If some other guy was there and it was the same 
situation...would you have kissed him too?"
        "No way!"
        "Then why with Ikari?"
        A pause.  "I don't know, it just happened, I guess..."
        "So.  How'd it go?"
        Asuka flushed.  " was going fine, I guess...then he ran out of air."
        "He what?"
        "He ran out of air.  I was holding his nose shut so he couldn't breathe."
        Hikari looked at Asuka in puzzlement.
        "That wasn't fair for him."
        "I know, I know..."  To cover her embarrassment, she had gone and rinsed her mouth, acting as if 
she had been disgusted by the whole thing, but that wasn't exactly true.  It had actually started to get 
        "Give him another chance and have more patience with him," Hikari advised.
        "Asuka.  I think you're being too hard on Ikari.  You have to cut him some slack or he won't have 
any breathing room."
        Asuka thought for a few seconds.  This was crazy, but...
        "Okay, okay.  I'll give it a shot."
        "Good.  Hey, you never know what might happen."
        "What's that supposed to mean?"
        "Nothing, nothing at all."

        Shinji had been soaking in the tub, contemplating the experience which had occurred not just an 
hour ago.  It had been phenomenal to say the least, and Rei had surprised him pleasantly.  He had never 
had the idea that she could be so wonderful...
        He wondered if there would be a second time.  For some reason Rei had hinted that there 
wouldn't be, and he somehow felt it too.  It was hard to fully comprehend why at first, but their one 
moment together seemed appropriate to leave it at that.  Better to end on a good note than possibly drag it 
out and hurt each other...
        Asuka's return home forced him to concentrate on the pragmatics of his situation.  For sure he 
wouldn't tell her what had happened, and he could trust Rei to do the same.  If Asuka did find out, what 
would she do anyway?
        Shinji lay back and breathed a contented sigh of relief.  The warm water was comforting and 
relaxing to his tired muscles.  For once bad thoughts weren't coming to him while he was taking a bath...

        He emerged from the bathroom dressed to hear voices in the living room.  He went to his own 
room first, then dropped in.
        "Hey, Asuka!  Oh you're here, Horaki!"
        "Hi, Ikari!"
        "Hey, Shinji!"  Asuka returned.  "When'd you get back?"
        Whoa...  "A while ago.  You?"
        "While you were in there taking care of business."
        "Oh.  I didn't hear you."
        Although Shinji now wanted to get out of there as fast as he could, so far the situation seemed 
under control, and it would be suspicious behavior on his part if he was suddenly antisocial.
        Hikari asked him, "Where's Pen Pen?"
        "You haven't seen him?" he answered.
        "Probably in his freezer," Asuka volunteered.
        "Freezer?"  Hikari was curious.
        "Want to see it?" Shinji asked her.
        The two girls got up and followed him to the kitchen.  As they approached Pen Pen's living 
space, the door slid open and he waddled out, ready for his bath.  The three humans stopped and watched 
him.  Looking back at them, he blinked his avian eyes and went around them, opened the door to the 
bathroom, and entered.
        Hikari was amazed.  This was no ordinary penguin.
        "He likes to take baths?" she asked.
        "Among other things," Asuka said.
        "Yeah," Shinji added.  "He also reads the paper each morning and has beer with his meals."
        Hikari couldn't say anything.

        Several hours later Shinji and Asuka sat at the kitchen table having some good old instant food 
for dinner.  Hikari had already left about two hours ago, and Misato would be late coming in.  Pen Pen 
had his food in his dish and was eating it.  Asuka looked up at Shinji as he chewed his food, not looking 
at her.  They usually didn't talk much to each other at the table.  Shinji was habitually quiet and Asuka 
sometimes found him a boring audience, so she usually didn't talk that much to him.  Both of them 
tolerated the situation, though.
        Shinji looked at her and saw her looking back.
        "What is it?"
        "I was just wondering," Asuka said, "Why you were such a good host when Hikari came over."
        "What do you expect me to do?  She's a guest."
        "True, but you're usually not so talkative.  Not quiet like usual."
        A pause.  "Well, I just...felt like being accommodating, that's all."
        "Is that so?"
        The look she was giving him made Shinji nervous.  Asuka could be very unpredictable.  He 
returned to eating his food so he wouldn't have to answer her.
        "Huh," Asuka said, sounding unimpressed.  "Some conversationalist you are."
        Was that a challenge?  Shinji for some reason felt like taking her on.
        "Okay.  What do you want to talk about?"
        Asuka was surprised, then recovered.  "Fine then.  How was your day?"
        "Uh...pretty good.  And you?"
        Asuka saw that he was blushing for some reason, but ignored it.  He was being an attentive 
audience for once, that was encouraging.
        "Well...Let me tell you..."

        Several more hours later Asuka lay on top of her bed, dressed for sleep but not yet succumbing to 
slumber.  She lay with her hands under her head, her long hair beneath her as she stared into the 
        Why had she agreed to give Shinji a second chance like Hikari had suggested?  Certainly it 
hadn't been peer pressure, more like she...wanted to.  Why?  What could there be in Shinji that wasn't she 
couldn't see?  Or that she didn't want to see?
        Granted he wasn't as manly or handsome as her guardian Ryouji.  He could be awkward and so 
unsure of himself at times.  But for all of his flaws, he still remained what she couldn't be...honest.
        The problem she had with Shinji was his meekness and uncertainty, both a reflection of his 
insecurity.  Yet he made no excuses for himself, didn't expect anyone to accept him otherwise, didn't seem 
to care.  And although he appeared weak, he was really very strong inside to be able to still continue 
living given all that he had been through.
        Asuka found herself shuddering involuntarily when she recalled Eva-01's spectacular, yet grisly 
emergence, more like a rebirth, as it had burst out of the 12th Angel.  Nothing had unsettled her more or 
made her question the nature of the machine, more like a being, that she piloted for the sake of the human 
        And yet Shinji, who had been in the same, fearful monster that had been Eva-01, had come out of 
it all right, although she had learned that the LCL had approached dangerous contaminant levels and that 
his life support system was close to giving out.  She had gone on her own to visit him in the hospital, only 
to find Rei before her as she was about to enter his room, and had been annoyed at the fact.  As a face 
saving gesture, she had ended up not seeing Shinji at all, although he knew that she was there, had even 
had a laugh at her expense.  But she had been relieved to find out he was all right.  After all, it had been 
the regard for a fellow pilot, nothing else.
        Or was it?
        What would she have done if she had gotten there before Rei and been the first one he would see 
after he awakened?  What if he had died?  What would she have done?
        Asuka didn't know.  Yet she lived under the same roof with Shinji, went to the same school, had
the same job...It was strange, but somehow they had been brought together and were doing fine in spite of 
mutual reluctance.
        And they eventually ended up kissing.  Asuka still wasn't sure why she had done it, with Shinji of 
all people.  But...What if he hadn't run out of air, what would have happened then?  Where might they 
have gone?  Could they--
        Asuka shook that last thought off.  No way!  Not with him!  There was no way they would--
        She turned over, grabbing her pillow and jamming it on top of her head.  She wanted to stop 
thinking strange thoughts and go to sleep...
        But sleep didn't come while for some reason thoughts of Shinji did.  Not on the same tangent as 
before, more on how he had been acting today.  How had seemed so bright when Hikari had come over 
and how he had been at dinner.  Surprisingly, they had been able to have a real conversation for a change.  
Why was he acting different all of a sudden?  Asuka didn't know why?  But if he kept it up...She would 
likely give him that second chance.

        The object of Asuka's attention had decided to sleep early.  As he lay in bed though, thoughts of 
Rei and what they had done going through his head, he began to worry about Asuka more than anyone 
else.  She was the most likely person to find out, although if he and Rei acted normal enough, her chances 
would be slim.  Rei had said to keep on living...And that was good a plan as any.
        To be like friends, though...What had she meant by that?  He would find out tomorrow.

        Morning saw the two children rise as usual and prepare for school.  Misato had left a note saying 
that she would be sleeping in late, so they ate without her and headed off.  On the way, they spotted Rei 
not far ahead.
        "Let's walk with her," Asuka suggested.
        Shinji couldn't disagree with lack of good reason, so he slowly followed Asuka, bracing himself.
        "Hey Rei!"  Asuka called out.
        The First Child turned around and looked at the other two with her usual detached gaze, 
although she held Shinji in view a few seconds longer than she normally would and she blushed slightly.  
But she returned a lifeless, "Hello."
        Shinji was heartened to see Rei acting normal and breathed a sigh of relief.  He could act as he 
usually did around her, giving her a slight smile.
        Rei's only reaction was to give him a look as the three of them continued on.

        At school Shinji and Rei acted as if nothing had happened with one exception.  During PE, when 
they were doing some co-ed exercises, Shinji was sitting against the embankment.  After completing her 
exercise, Rei sat next to him, but not too close.  They both looked at each other before giving each other a 
quick, nervous smile, not one meant to be noticed by others, then faced forward.  Asuka noticed, however.
        She had been clandestinely keeping watch on Shinji all day, and this one act caught her 
attention.  The two usually didn't do things like this, although now they were only sitting next to each 
other and not saying anything.  But then again, they seemed relaxed in each other's company.  For some 
reason that disturbed Asuka.  It struck her that they seemed closer than before.  How could they have done 
that, leaving her out of the picture?  And since when had Rei been known to smile?
        Asuka began to sprint towards the first hurdle.  She took a quick glance at the two sitting to her 
right, then looked front again as the hurdle was suddenly before her.  She tried to jump over it, bringing 
her right leg up first, but instead crashed into the barrier.  She fell forward, hitting the ground hard with 
her hands and right knee, giving a cry of surprise as she fell.

        Shinji opened the door to the infirmary and entered.  He found Asuka having a treated bandage 
pad applied to her right knee, which she had scrubbed really hard.  He heard her inhale quickly through
clenched teeth as the pad made contact with her wound.  She also had a bandage on the side of her chin.
        He approached her as the nurse left.  "You okay?" he asked.
        Asuka shot him a dirty look, then looked down in embarrassment.  "I'm fine," she said quietly.
        "You took a pretty bad fall."
        "I said I'm fine, okay?"  Asuka felt like blaming Shinji, although she knew she was at fault.  If 
you weren't being so chummy with Rei, I'd have made that jump...
        Shinji looked over his housemate carefully.  Her fall had surprised him, and he had cut out of PE 
to check on her.  She seemed a bit grumpy, but that meant she was okay.
        "At least you didn't fall on your face," he commented.
        "That would have ruined it."
        Asuka was speechless.  Shinji looked into her face, which was full of surprised question, yet also 
beginning to blush.  He also found himself suddenly feeling warm in the face.
        Why had he said that?  It had just come out spontaneously, like when he had complimented Rei.  
Although it was true, it would have ruined her pretty face.  He stopped short.  It was too soon after the 
incident.  What was he doing?
        Shinji decided that he needed more time to think things out.  It didn't seem right to him, after he 
and Rei had done.  It was as if he was putting the moves on Asuka, although he didn't mean to.  His 
experience had heightened his awareness of those around him, and Asuka was one of the closest.  For 
some reason he had just felt like...being nice to her.
        Giving the still bewildered Asuka a nervous smile, he abruptly turned and exited.  Left alone, she 
brought a hand to her cheek to find it burning.  Shinji's comment had struck her all of a sudden, why had 
she reacted the way she did?

        The rest of the day passed without incident at home.  Misato was back at the usual time, 
preventing both pilots from having to fully deal with each other as they had the previous day.  Shinji still 
needed time to think, so he retired to his room early.  Asuka was about to go after him, but went to her 
own room and flopped down on the bed.
        Why was Shinji beginning to notice her all of a sudden?  He never really had before, why now?  
What could it be?  A few minutes of thought, then: Rei?!  But how?  Asuka recalled the behavior of her 
fellow pilots that day, unusual for both.  Why would they be acting like that?  What could have caused it?  
She decided to observe them for several more days.

        Asuka carefully watched Shinji and Rei over the course of a week.  Although while at Nerv they
acted normal around each other, in informal settings like school they spent more time together than they 
usually did, although they hardly spoke to each other.  That was strange, but they seemed to just prefer 
being with each other, although it wasn't like that every day.
        Asuka wasn't the only one who noticed.  Touji and Kensuke had questioned Shinji a few times 
already, but he had denied everything suggested about him and Rei.  Rei's laconic nature kept anyone 
from readily getting anything out of her.
        Towards Asuka, Shinji remained the same, if not nicer.  Nothing like the previous week had 
happened, yet Asuka found herself gradually responding to him, until she gradually stopped calling him 
"stupid" and an "idiot" with less frequency.  The change seemed welcome for both of them and they had 
come to appreciate and enjoy each other's company more.

        Shinji thought of all this as he sat on the side of a hill facing Tokyo-3 with Rei.  They had started 
to do this to get away from the city about a week ago and this was their third time on the hill.  They hadn't 
done anything serious, although the thought had struck Shinji more than once.  But it was enough for him 
to just be with Rei amidst nature.  This was when they usually talked, about their experiences and the 
nature of their job among other things.  Shinji had found Rei to not be as shallow as he had thought.  She 
just had trouble expressing herself given her lack of experience.
        "What's on your mind, Shinji?" Rei asked.  He had been pretty quiet.
        He looked at her before responding.  "Asuka," he answered.
        "What about Asuka?"
        Shinji took a moment to reply.
        "You can tell me," Rei assured him.
        Taking a deep breath, Shinji explained to her the situation, in particular his and Asuka's 
relationship, which had seemed to be getting closer.  He was worried about Rei and what she would think.
        After he had finished, she was quiet for several minutes.  It seemed that her premonition about 
the two of them was coming to pass, could even be fulfilled.  If that was meant to be, she wouldn't stand in 
the way.
        "Shinji..." she finally said.  "Whatever happens between you and Asuka...Don't worry about me."
        "Don't worry about me," Rei repeated.  She turned to face him and place a hand on his.  "I'll be 
fine.  We'll just be as we are now, okay?"
        Shinji was reassured by her manner, which said "trust me."  It was all he could do.

        Over the space of two weeks Asuka had found herself growing closer to Shinji until he was all 
that she wanted.  The only thing that stood in the way was whether or not there was anything between him 
and Rei.  She had asked Shinji once to receive a flat denial.  His attitude toward her because of her 
question hadn't changed though, although he and Rei still acted as they had been towards each other, 
confusing Asuka.
        She decided to talk to Rei.

        Asuka's opportunity came one day after school when she was able to catch Rei.  Shinji had 
already gone home.
        "Rei!" she called out.
        Rei turned to regard her as she usually did.  She wasn't surprised to see Asuka.
        "What?" was her reply.
        "I want to talk to you," Asuka stated firmly.
        She followed Asuka all the way to one of the observation benches that overlooked the city, having 
idea of what would be asked of her.
        Asuka sat on the bench as Rei seated herself beside her, surprising Asuka by turning to her and 
asking, "What is it?"
        Asuka was caught off guard by Rei's directness, but recovered.  She asked bluntly, "Is there 
anything between you and Shinji?"
        "Ikari?  No."
        "Then why are you acting like you two are so close?"
        That had come out with a little force, Asuka didn't know why she was so worked up.  Rei looked 
away from her and said nothing.
        "Rei, tell me why!"
        Rei looked at her.  "Calm down," she said.
        "Calm down?  What do you--"
        Rei cut her off.  "Calm down first.  Then I'll tell you why."  Her seriousness and tone surprised 
Asuka, who spent ten minutes breathing in and out as she sat there before feeling less excited.
        "Okay, I'm calm now.  What is it?"
        Rei gave her a careful look before proceeding.  She was ready to accept the consequences from 
        "Shinji and I...have become united body and soul," she said calmly.
        Asuka couldn't fathom what that meant at first, but as the realization of Rei's words sank in, so 
did the truth.
        "You--you didn't?"
        "Two weeks ago."
        Asuka was too shocked to think of doing anything drastic to Rei.  The only thought consuming 
her now was, "Why?"
        Rei looked at her with a serious yet also emotional expression on her face.
        "You wouldn't understand."
        Asuka was silent.  Rei's face had struck her as she had seen something there she had never 
expected from Rei: genuine emotion.
        The two were silent for a while as Asuka mulled over her own feelings on the subject.  Before she 
could act, she had to understand the situation.  For some reason she wasn't enraged at Rei, nor Shinji for 
that matter.  Things like that didn't just happen.  She looked at Rei and spoke.
        "Rei," she said softly.  "I'm not mad at you or Shinji.  I just want to know why.  I'll try to 
understand.  Please, tell me."  She placed a hand on Rei's.
        Looking back at her, Rei noticed Asuka's sincerity and concern, seeing what she hadn't expected 
to see from the Second Child: understanding.
        "Okay," she replied.  "I'll tell you."

        The two girls were at the bench until the sun began to set before they got up and headed for 
home.  It had been strange for Asuka, hearing Rei tell of what had caused her to sleep with Shinji and 
what they had done, but she understood now.  There was no enmity in her towards Rei, rather a grudging 
respect and sympathy.  She knew how Rei had felt because she too felt the same way...
        She also felt jealous of her getting Shinji first, as if there had been a rivalry between them for 
him, but knew that it was understandable why he hadn't warmed up to her until recently.  But that would 
soon change.  She would see to that...
        Rei walked alongside Asuka.  Relief had also come to her as talked, supported by understanding.  
She also knew what Asuka was planning to do, which didn't surprise her.  What concerned her was that 
Shinji end up happy.  She already was.
        "Asuka," she said after several minutes.
        "When are you and Shinji going to do it?"
        Asuka stopped abruptly and looked at her in shock.  How did she...?
        "You know you will because you want to," Rei said calmly.  Asuka surely had gotten a few ideas 
from listening to her.
        Asuka flushed.  "Well..." she got out, "I don't know yet."
        "Don't worry," Rei advised.  "Just follow your instincts and do what comes naturally.  I was 
nervous too."
        She began to walk ahead.
        Asuka was left standing for a few minutes before she resumed walking, her mind now set.

        "I'm home," she called out as she entered the apartment.
        "Oh, you're back."  Shinji came to meet her.  "Misato called and said she'd been working really 
late tonight, so not to expect her back any time soon.  She also said something about Kaji, but I didn't get 
        "So it's just you and me, eh, Shinji?"  Asuka gave him a smile and a playful wink before walking 
past him.  He wasn't too sure what that meant as he turned to watch her.  Maybe she was just in a good 

        Asuka couldn't have thought of a better time to execute her plan, but it had come so quickly.  Oh 
well, these things happened.  She had gone straight to her room to finish up her homework and catch a 
quick nap.  After all, she would need the rest for later...

        Dinner proceeded as usual.  Asuka watched Shinji covertly.  He didn't look like he suspected 
anything, but for her it was hard to keep her composure.  She tried to behave normally under the 
circumstances, but it wasn't easy with what she had on her mind.  Somehow she managed to make it 
through the meal, help Shinji clean up, then went back to her room.
        Shinji wondered why Asuka was behaving strange.  He shrugged it off as she didn't exactly act 
normal either.  It was still pretty early, only about 7:00.  Having nothing else to do, he joined Pen Pen in 
front of the TV.  It was a nature program on hot spring penguins.
        "Can I?" he asked the penguin, but was denied the remote.
        "Fine, fine."  He sat back to learn more about species like Pen Pen.
        Asuka emerged from her room about 15 minutes later.  She saw the two seated in front of the 
TV, then went to the kitchen where she sat down at the table.  She took a few deep breaths, she was so 
nervous, and closed her eyes for a few minutes, putting her head down.
        When she felt ready, she looked up and called out, "Hey Shinji!"
        "You bored?"
        "Not really.  Why?"
        "I am."
        "Want to do something better than watch penguins on TV?"
        "Like what?"
        "Well, I was thinking...You want to practice kissing again?"
        There was no response as Shinji froze.
        "I won't make fun of you like last time, I promise.  Why, are you afraid?"
        Shinji stood up to look her.  "I'm not afraid," he replied, but looked skeptical.
        Asuka stood up to face him.  "Well, come on, then."
        He looked at her curiously, then walked until he was standing in front of her.  Asuka looked him 
in the eyes to see the anxiety and nervousness also within her.  She had to help him out.
        "I'm waiting, Shinji."
        Shinji found his heart thumping in his chest as he summoned the courage within him.  He felt 
the need to prove himself to Asuka and make up for last time.  Asuka had her eyes closed and her mouth 
open, waiting in anticipation.  She looked so cute...Here goes nothin'...
        He took his hand and taking her chin lightly in it, held her steady as he brought his head in and 
placed his lips over hers.  Asuka opened her mouth wider as their lips locked, and as they kissed as before, 
brought her hands up to clasp Shinji about the neck, surprising him.  He was still unsure of what to do as 
she suddenly began to kiss him with increased fervor, then brought his arms to clasp her about the waist.  
didn't know why Asuka was doing it, but it was starting to feel good.  He was beginning to get aroused as
 her body pressed up against his and they stayed connected.  If that was what she wanted, then
it was time to take it to the next level...
        Shinji brought his tongue into action, remembering what had happened with Rei and how she 
had reacted.  It touched Asuka's, waking it into action as it then began to explore her mouth.  Asuka was 
amazed at Shinji's initiative, then followed suit, probing the inside of his mouth.  They held on to each 
other tighter as Shinji's hands began to move, flowing over the curves of Asuka's buttocks, which he 
stroked.  Asuka's grip on his neck increased as her tongue moved to make contact with his.  Their tongues 
met and intertwined, battling with each other, their breathing increasing in pace as their pelvises began
to grind together.
        Asuka broke contact, leaving a string of saliva falling from their mouths as they momentarily 
separated.  She brought her head close to Shinji's ear while moving one of her hands from his neck south.
        "Shinji," she breathed into his ear huskily, "I want you so bad..."
        As Asuka began to nibble at his ear, her hand made contact with his erection, rubbing and 
stroking it through his pants.  Shinji brought his hands around to grasp her hips and bring his thumbs to 
probe into her center.  As her head arched back and she moaned, he began to kiss her neck.  He couldn't 
how much he wanted her too...
        Not believing the pleasure sensations running through her, Asuka's mind remembered the task at 
hand.  They couldn't continue in their present location, they needed to go somewhere more private...
        "Shinji," she managed to get out.  "Your room or mine?"
        "Mine," he answered.
        They broke contact, looking into each other's eyes, then practically bolted for the room.  Pen Pen 
observed the humans' curious behavior and returned to watching TV.

        As the door slid shut and Shinji locked it, he returned his attention to Asuka and was shocked to 
see her beginning to rapidly undress.  As she pulled her shirt over her head, exposing her chest, she 
caught him staring at her.
        "What are you waiting for?" she asked with urgency.
        Snapping back to reality, Shinji began to strip, trying to follow Asuka with his eyes but unable to.  
He concentrated on getting naked first, then faced her as she faced him also unclothed.  His eyes focused 
at her face, moving to her firm breasts, then down her body to her sweet spot, covered with the same red 
hair on her head..  Asuka's attention immediately focused on the part of Shinji that told her how much he 
wanted her, as she gazed at his manhood sticking straight out from his body at attention.  Moving towards 
him, she grasped it in her hand as she held his neck with the other and they kissed again.
        Shinji felt his pleasure begin to rise as Asuka held him and began to stroke his length, running 
her hand up and down his penis and caressing the tip with her fingers.  He brought one of his hands 
between them to touch her wetness, causing her to shudder as he found her dripping.  Stroking the flames, 
he brought his fingers to rub against her lower lips, drawing more of the wetness from her as Asuka's grip 
on his member increased and she started to stroke him.  Suddenly Asuka pushed him around and began to 
move both of them towards the bed.  She had to slow things down or they would both explode too quickly 
before it was time...
        As they paused to get on the bed, Asuka gently pushed Shinji down first and got above him.  It 
was a little strange to him finding himself looking up at her, but was curious to see what she could do.  
His manhood rubbed against her leg as she bent over him to bring her mouth down on his, her hair falling 
to gently caress his chest.  Shinji brought his hands to grasp at Asuka's breasts, which were hanging 
        He grasped them and began to play with them, rubbing the soft mounds and playing with the 
nipples between his fingers, making the rate of Asuka's flowing increase as her juices began to slide down 
her legs.  Asuka again broke the kiss to move forward some more so that her breasts were above Shinji's 
face.  In position, she lowered one to his mouth.  He opened his mouth to receive the nipple as he held 
onto it with one hand and kept the other breast busy.  He licked the nipple with upward flicks of his 
tongue, then in circles before closing his lips around it and milking it.  Asuka moaned above him and 
lowered herself even further, making him inhale her breast at his tongue attacked the nipple.  With his 
other hand he twisted and pulled gently on the other one, prepping it up for his tongue.  He switched 
breasts, using tongue to dance in circles around the erect nipple and gently teased it with his teeth.
        Asuka couldn't believe the sensations reaching her as Shinji thoroughly milked her, giving her 
aching nipples special attention.  There was another part of her though, that wanted attention, so she 
eased herself up, and adjusted her position so that she was upright and balanced on her shins, the cleft of
her ass just touching his member.  He watched her with his head propped on his pillow, waiting to see 
what would  happen next.
        Asuka brought both hands up to play with her own breasts, rubbing them and pinching the 
nipples with her fingers, erotic moans escaping her mouth as she closed her eyes.  She opened them to see 
Shinji raptly watching her, a hungry look on his face.  Smiling wickedly at him, she brought her right hand 
her mouth and placed two fingers to her tongue, wetting them.  She then moved the hand south until it was 
poised at her entrance.  She dragged both fingers along her pussy lips, getting them soaked and making 
gasp.  Leaning forward and supporting herself with her left hand, Asuka brought her two fingers up and 
her fluids across Shinji's lips.  He licked his lips, getting a taste of her, then grabbing her hand, licked her 
fingers clean.  He had an idea of what she wanted next...
        "Would you like some more?" came Asuka's query.  He nodded eagerly.
        "What if I do the favor for you as well?"  That was something new that he hadn't expected, but 
Shinji was open to new experiences.  He just nodded again.
        Satisfied, Asuka got up and turned around, so that Shinji was looking at her rear.  She lowered 
her body and scooted back until she felt him grasp her hips and she was staring right at his erection.  She 
had heard about this technique while in college and was anxious to give it a shot.  What she had studied 
for to get her bachelor's degree hadn't been the only material she had learned about...
        Shinji found himself gazing right up into Asuka's pussy from below, her juices running down her 
legs and some of it dripping onto his face, she was so wet.  It gave him a new angle to work on his 
technique, so he went to work, opening his attack with strokes of his tongue across her lower lips, licking 
along them and around them and catching Asuka's sweet juices in his mouth.
        Asuka was surprised when he made contact, and couldn't help but cry out as she felt the pleasure 
sensations increase in strength and tempo as they rushed through her body.  She was unable to do 
anything for several seconds as Shinji worked her, then remembered what she was supposed to do.  She 
focused her attention on the erect penis before her and tentatively reached out to grab it.  Holding it in her 
hand, she began to gently stroke, the play of her fingers over Shinji's skin causing him to grip her thighs 
tighter.  With her other hand she clasped his balls, noting their warmth and softness, and gently caressed 
them.  She breathed on the head of Shinji's manhood, her cool breath contrasting to its heat, and feeling 
ready, gave it a lick.
        Shinji felt Asuka start to work on him as she began to lick across his head, getting it all wet as 
her tongue wrapped around it and teased the opening.  He then felt her lips begin to surround him, then 
the pleasure of her warm, moist mouth as Asuka brought her head down, stopping when he hit the back of 
her throat.  The pleasure was intense, it wasn't exactly the same when he had had Rei, but still it was 
enough to make him moan into Asuka's pussy as it began to fill his mouth.
        Asuka began to lick around Shinji's member as she brought her head up, then down again, as she 
slickened it with saliva, enjoying giving Shinji pleasure as he pleasured her.  The idea of taking his 
hardened penis into her mouth had initially struck her as disgusting, but if he was willing to take her wet 
pussy on his, then it must be worthwhile somehow.  She was glad she hadn't backed down as she began to 
suck as well as bob her head, simulating the action she would be applying to Shinji's penis eventually with 
her other set of lips.  As she drew her head up, she took a moment to grasp the slickened member with her 
hand and begin to stroke it, her hand moving up and down with ease.  She continued to stroke it as she 
brought her mouth down again over the head and sucked, teasing it with the wild play of her tongue 
which she dipped into the hole and caught up a few drops of a sweet, white liquid.
        Shinji shifted his attention from Asuka's pussy lips to her clitoris, which stood erect and ready for 
him to pleasure.  He brought his tongue to bear on it, licking at it and then in circles, feeling the flow of 
Asuka's juices increase.  He lifted his head up lightly to suck on it and push his tongue on to it, his nose 
almost sticking into Asuka's pussy.  As he played with her clitoris with his mouth, he brought a hand in to 
keep her pussy busy, rubbing his fingers along its lips in a stroking motion before slipping a finger in and 
starting to pump it.  He took his mouth off Asuka's bud and added a second finger to the first, driving 
them in and out of Asuka and finding her insides hot and wet.  That gave him an idea.  Using both hands, 
Shinji spread her lips wide open as he brought his mouth up and substituted his tongue for his fingers, 
pumping it in and out of Asuka as rapidly as he could as his lips pressed full up against her other set of
        Asuka let Shinji's penis hit the sides and roof of her mouth as she gently teased it with her teeth.  
Bringing her head down, she began to pull slightly each time she withdrew with her lips, locking them 
around the head.  Rubbing it with her fingers, she brought her head down sideways and began to eat at 
Shinji from the side, drawing her head up one way and bringing it down the other.  Stroking on him some 
more and gripping him now with both hands, she then returned to her bobbing action, except this time 
moving faster as her taste buds yearned for the release which both she and Shinji craved...
        The waves of ecstasy flowing through their bodies peaked as dual explosions were triggered 
within them.  Asuka felt her muscles spasm, then contract around Shinji's invading tongue, as a 
shockwave of heat and energy shot through her and she would have cried out had she not had Shinji in 
her mouth.  Shinji felt a boiling within his loins that raced up and shot through his lower body, making 
him buck up as his essence ejected forth into her hungry mouth and down her throat.  He received his own 
reward as Asuka flooded his mouth with her release, her fluids flowing out of her like a torrent as she 
creamed right into Shinji's mouth.  Tongue action was substituted by swallowing action as the two lovers 
sought to drink in as much of the other's juices as possible while their climaxes subsided, leaving both 
drained, but satisfied.  Licking the last of the his release from his penis, Asuka watched it lose its glory 
and begin to grow soft as she held it.  Shinji cleaned up her pussy the best he could as he felt Asuka lift 
herself up and take her crotch off of his face so that he could breathe.
        They both lay gasping, feeling the heat envelop them in its warmth, waiting until they were ready 
before taking the next act, both unable to say anything.  Shinji put a hand to his mouth and wiped it with 
his fingers, licking Asuka's juices off them, while Asuka took her hand off his member and wiped her 
mouth with its back.  She couldn't believe Shinji could taste so good to her while he thought the same.  
They were starting to enjoy the pleasures of sex...
        Sufficiently rested, Asuka moved herself around so that she was looking at Shinji in the face 
again.  She gave him a deep kiss, both of them tasting the inside of each other's mouth.  Checking with 
her hand, she found Shinji ready.  It was time.  She positioned herself so that she was above his member 
with Shinji holding her by the hips, then began to gradually descend.  His penis parted her pussy lips and 
began to make gradual progress as Asuka lowered her body, causing both of them to moan as Shinji's 
throbbing manhood was enveloped by her hot, wet, slippery womanhood.  He made gradual progress until 
he met Asuka's barrier.  Pausing, she looked him in the eye and steeling herself, brought herself up, then 
down quickly, crashing through her virginity as she came all the way down.
        Asuka's head came back as she cried out in pain and tears escaped her eyes which momentarily 
clamped shut.  Looking forward again, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and gave Shinji a 
reassuring smile.  Taking Asuka's hands in his, he clasped them so that their palms were against each 
other and their fingers locked to give her support as she brought herself up, feeling her pain giving way to 
pleasure as she withdrew, then brought herself down again.  She could feel Shinji's hardness within her as 
it slid past her slick, wet walls and probed deep within her, the stimulus reaching her unbelievable.  Shinji 
found Asuka's tightness and wetness comparable to Rei and as pleasurable as he felt her inner walls 
hugging and surrounding him with a grip that was as close to heaven as possible.
        Using her legs, Asuka began to drive herself up and down on Shinji as he drew more and more of 
her juices from her with each thrust.  Looking each other in the face between their clasped hands, their 
eyes locked and they noticed their mutual hunger and desire which grew with each joining.  Planting his 
feet down, Shinji contributed to the action by bucking his hips up to meet Asuka's each time she came 
down, increasing the stimulus as she hung on to him and wouldn't let go.  They both gave way to the 
ecstasy flowing through them, moaning out their pleasure and further heightening the sense of the 
        Asuka could feel herself starting to warm up again in preparation for the ultimate ecstasy as she 
continued to slide up and down Shinji's member.  Feeling the same way, he began to buck against her 
harder and faster, and she responded to the increased tempo.  Their hips slammed into each other as each 
time Asuka felt Shinji invade her as far as he could go before he withdrew, only to invade her yet again 
and again until each joining became blurred.  Her hands grasped his tighter as her eyes screwed shut in 
pleasure and concentration as she felt the stimulus approaching an apex...
        Shinji looked into Asuka's sweat covered face as eyes closed, she continued to hammer into him 
from above and he drove into her from below.  He could feel an itching sensation start to build up within 
his lower body and he sought to drive Asuka off the brink as she was driving him...
        The itching came to a head as he felt something in him snap and his essence flew out of him like 
liquid fire, shooting up into Asuka again and again as he felt her walls lock onto him and suck it out of 
him.  Asuka's willpower broke and she brought herself down one final time and stayed there as her body 
was rocked with pleasure, her muscles latching onto Shinji as she felt his burning release splash against 
her inner walls and she lost control, creaming all around him, her fluids gushing onto her lover below and 
the heat spreading through her body like wildfire as she arched her back and cried out Shinji's name, still 
hanging on to him.  He held her hands as she held him below, until feeling her energy drain and unable to 
continue, Asuka fell forward onto him.

        The present...

        "And I don't care," Asuka said back as she looked at Shinji with a gentleness in her eyes and a 
smile on her face.
        Slowly their hands unclasped and she brought one up to stroke his cheek.  Shinji put an arm 
around her as he looked back at her, her red hair forming a blanket that covered them both.
        "I want some more...Let's fly to the moon again..."
        He hadn't expected her to be so lustful, but it suited him fine.  They were both rested and ready to 
resume.  He could feel himself begin to reawaken within Asuka, and she was aware of it too as she moved 
herself up so that she was above him again.  Still connected but now at an angle and supporting herself on 
her knees with her hands on his chest, she pulled back, then began to push forward, entrapping Shinji as 
he moved to meet her.
        Asuka brought her mouth down to lock her lips with his as she drove herself onto him, his 
manhood slipping in and out of her with ease and a wet, slippery sound that was arousing her greatly.
Shinji placed his hands on Asuka's breasts as they both heaved against each other, connected by their sexes 
and mouths as they gave each other ecstasy.  To further drive that ecstasy, his hands flowed over Asuka's 
breasts, paying particular attention to her nipples as her mounds swayed back and forth with her thrusting.  
held onto them with his fingers, not letting them go and bringing added stimulation that helped moved 
further towards her release.
        Due to the added stimulus, she came faster than before, bathing Shinji's lower regions with her 
juices as she moaned into his mouth and kept thrusting onto him, the wonderful release washing through 
He  was still holding on however, and as Asuka slowed her thrusting down, he gripped her by the shoulders 
pulling her down, rolled, turning her on her side.  He then completed the motion by rolling on top of her so 
he was now above her as she lay on her back.
        Returning his hands to clasp her breasts, he began to drive with increased vigor into Asuka as 
she moved her hips up to crash into his and bring her hands up to grip him about the neck, pulling his 
head down.  Their mouths met and their tongues dueled as Shinji drove harder and faster into her, and she 
moved herself up to meet him, her breasts mashed in his hands as they both approached their climax.
        Their mouths broke contact and Shinji began to moan Asuka's name as he felt himself 
approaching the brink.  His control burst and he held himself down on Asuka as his member rapid-fired 
his essence into her again and again of its own accord, blissfully becoming gripped by her inner muscles 
as he felt her juices wash up out of her and splash onto him and he heard Asuka cry his name out as she 
hung on to his neck.  The burning heat and desire swept through them and engulfed them in its tide as 
they were lifted up and suspended for that ephemeral moment in euphoria before gently settling slowly 
down to earth and Shinji brought his head down to kiss Asuka one more time as they lay together in a 
warm bliss and drifted off to sleep...

        The next morning Asuka quietly slipped out of Shinji's room with her clothes and went to take a 
quick bath.  Shinji got up soon after, and also went to take a morning bath, passing her in the hallway as 
she headed for her room, both of them exchanging shy smiles.  Asuka had breakfast going when he was 
done and not long after that they were on the way to school.
        They walked in silence for a while, then Shinji felt Asuka take a hold of his hand.  Looking at 
her and seeing her smile, he smiled back as his hand closed over hers and they continued on.

        At school Asuka noticed something critical missing from her bag at lunch time.
        "Shinji, where's my lunch?" she asked.
        "Your lunch?"  A pause.  "Oops, I forgot to make it--"
        "You what?!  How could you?!"
        "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!  I was too tired!"
        That cut through Asuka's anger and she calmed down.
        "That's okay," she said, giving him a quick wink.
        Touji had been watching them and had been expecting an argument.
        "At least you two seem to be getting along," he commented.
        Both Shinji and Asuka blushed involuntarily at that.
        Rei was watching them closely and she noticed.  She smiled to herself...

        It wasn't until two days later that Shinji found himself ready to talk to Rei about what had 
happened between him and Asuka.  He had to be honest with her, which she appreciated, but she didn't 
want him worrying about her any more.
        "Shinji," she asked him, "Are you happy now?"
        "Well...Yes, actually."
        "That's all that matters to me.  I wish you and Asuka happiness."
        "Don't worry about me any more.  I only ask that you not forget as I will never forget you."
        "I'll do that."  How could he not forget her?  Not only was she one of the most unique individuals 
he had known, she had also been his first...
        Rei got up and left him sitting on the hill.  She saw Asuka approaching and waited for her.  
Asuka stopped when she reached Rei and they shared a quick word before Rei left.
        Asuka sat down beside Shinji on the grass.
        "The view's beautiful, isn't it?" she asked.  He looked at her in surprise.
        "Oh, it's you..."
        "Just here for the view.  And you, of course."
        They sat in silence, gazing at the city before them as the wind gently blew the grass around them.
        "It's nice and soft here," Asuka said after a while.
        "It would be great for making love here."
        Shinji looked at her in alarm.  "You're not saying--"
        "If it wasn't for the wind," she added.  "You're so serious, Shinji.  I like that."
        Shinji gave her a look as she smiled at him.  He lay back on the grass with his hands behind his 
head.  It had been a week since he and Asuka had united together, body and soul, and since then they 
hadn't done anything yet.  He wouldn't initiate anything unless she also wanted it or vice versa, but the 
rules could also change...
        He and Asuka stayed on the hill a while longer before going home as the sun began to set.

The Depths of Passion

        That night as Shinji and Asuka cleaned up after dinner Misato popped into the kitchen, looking 
stunning.  Pen Pen had retired to his freezer.
        "Well kids," she announced, "I'm off to dinner with Ritsuko and Ryouji."
        "Aren't you dressed for it," Shinji commented as he looked at her.
        "Where are you going?" Asuka asked.
        "A French restaurant."
        "Oooh...Good food," Asuka replied.
        "Try not to throw up your nice dinner later, okay?"  Shinji advised her.
        Misato looked blank for a second before grabbing him in a headlock and giving him a noogie.
        "And just what do you mean by THAT, Shinji?"
        "Nothing, nothing!"
        Asuka couldn't help laughing.

        They both saw Misato to the door.
        "You two take care of yourselves now, okay?"
        "Have fun," Asuka called out.  She and Shinji sure would...
        As the door slid shut and Shinji turned around to walk back, Asuka put her arms around his neck 
from behind and brought her mouth close to his ear.
        "Shinji..." she seductively said, "It's been a week since you and I made love and that's WAY too 
        He swallowed a gulp as Asuka paused to lick his the rim of his ear.
        "What are you saying, Asuka?" he got out.  He already had an idea...
        "We'll be all alone for a few, likely several hours with no one to disturb us..."
        "Sooo...How about we go to my room for a little action?"
        "What did you have in mind?"  There was no resisting her.  What was the point anyway?  Shinji 
wondered if Asuka was turning into a freak...
        "Well...I've got some strawberries and whipped cream...How would you like to place them in my 
hot, wet, pussy and just eat my up?  I'll do the same with your long, hard, pussy pleaser..."
        Or maybe a superfreak...
        Shinji turned around to grasp Asuka as she drew him in for a kiss, her tongue eagerly moving up 
to meet his own as they slowly began to progress towards her room, starting to leave a trail of clothes on 
the floor...

The End

Stuff to read before you mail me
        With regards as to when this story takes place, it would be roughly before Touji is tested in Eva-
03 but some time after the appearance of the 12th Angel Leliel.  Obviously the story twists the Eva 
storyline and characters around a bit so that they are not exactly the same.  Obviously, the events depicted 
in it never happened.
        The Rei Ayanami portrayed here is not the one you are used to seeing in the series as she has 
been grafted with a personality.  My theory here was that being human (although she has Angel blood), 
Rei is capable of human emotions and desires, but given her experiences, doesn't know how to react or 
express them.  I don't think that she's oblivious to what goes on around her and she can function well 
enough to take care of herself.  Basically here she begins to come alive in response to instinct more than 
anything else.  I also know who she really is, so don't ask me about that.
        Neither are the Asuka and Shinji portrayed here the exact same ones in the series.  I wanted them to go
buck wild on each other, given what eventually happens to them, so there you have it...
        In case you are wondering, Asuka is my favorite character, but I also like Rei.  My sympathies 
naturally go out to Shinji, but sometimes he's too much of a wuss for my taste.  But given all the junk that 
he has to deal with, I guess it's understandable...I know he's a babe in the woods regarding sexual matters, 
but him and the others are a little more knowledgeable so they know what to do...
        Why there are no Angels: these kids worry about enough stuff here and it would involve writing 
on what can be seen in the series.  This sort of occurs during a quiet period, so nothing like an attack is 
intended to happen.  There will also be no pregnancies.  One of the things that Evangelion doesn't deal 
with is stark realism, so I don't have to either.
        My apologies if anyone finds this a bit long.  I don't consider it appropriate if attempting to try 
and write a good story of this type to just throw the lemon action in at once unless it's justified.  It has to 
be established and built up, so that it comes out as natural as possible.
        Is there a sequel in the running?  I don't know and don't think so.
        How's my writing?  This is my first effort at writing a story of this type and having posted it, so 
feel free to send me any comments, suggestions, or constructive criticism at  As 
for flames...Heh heh, dragons aren't affected by fire...
        Thanks for reading.

Drakken Fyre


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