The Inner Sailor Scout Profile Page

Most of the info is from Meat Ball Head Homepage. I really like that page. *shrug* :)

Sailor Moon
NameSerena E. Warren
BirthdayJune 30
Bood TypeO
Favorite Colorpink, white
Favorite Food/LeastIce Cream/Carrots
Fave. Subject/LeastHome Ec./Math
Fave. AnimalBunny Rabbit
EnjoysShopping, Eating, Video Games
HatesBeing called "Meatball Head",Homework
Strong PointsCrying, Whining
Transformation PhraseMoon Prism Power, Cosmic Moon Power, Crisis Make-up, Moon Crisis Make-Up, Moon Eternal Make Up!
At the begining the girls start out as 14 year olds but are 16 year olds in the last season. Serena is a bit of a klutz at times and can also be a mega-wimp. Serena isn't very responsible and she's very lazy. Sometimes it's hard to believe she's even a scout. As Sailor Moon, she isn't always the best leader either but when times get tough Sailor Moon can find the hidden power within herself and become the defender of the weak and righter of wrongs: SAILOR MOON! As Princess Serenitiy she gets this weird acent and seems to be wise beyond her time. In all truth, Serena is a loyal, trust worthy friend who doesn't always deserve Raye's rude comments.
As the show progresses so does Serena's attitude towards life. In the last season Darien propses to her but then leaves for collage in America. The theory is that they'll get married when he gets back. After becoming Eternal Sailor Moon, she's given a new power by Chibi Chibi. The middle part of the stick is put on the middle of her tiar and she's powered up for her Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss. Sailor Moon becomes powerful and more couragous by the end of the series. She's also more together than before. So to put it simply, she becomes an all around better person.
Sailor Mercury
NameAmy Anderson
BirthdaySeptember 10
Blood TypeA
Favorite ColorAquamarine, Light Blue
Fave. Food/LeastSandwhiches/Tuna
Fave. Subject/LeastMath/None
Fave. AnimalCat
EnjoysSwimming, Reading, Studying, Working on Computers
HatesWasting Time, Love Letters, Fights
Strong PointsCalculating
Transformation PhraseMercury Crystal Power Make Up!
Amy is 14 as well and turns 16 in the last season. Some where in between she aquires glasses. Amy is very bright and often sensitive. She spends most of her time studying for school. She wants to be good so she can help people and be a docter. If anything, that's Amy's dream. Amy is a true and loyal friend. Amy often has to break up Raye and Serena's fights. Amy lives with just her mother, I think she might be devorced or something. Amy is always there for her fellow scouts, and is very determined. She is calm and always thinks things through. With her visor and computer she can solve all problems the scouts run accross.
In the 4th season Mercury becomes Super Sailor Mercury. Though she is the weakest of the scouts when it comes to attacks, she's the smartest. Her attacks are mainly for defense but she does have a few good ones. Through out the series Amy is a loyal friend. As the series goes on though she learns to let loose a bit more, but then again this is Amy we're talking about so any kind of looseness is an achievement. Amy even has a boyfriend, his name is Greg and he has psychic powers. Greg was also one of the Rainbow Crystal carriers.
Sailor Mars
BirthdayApril 17
Blood TypeAB
Favorite ColorRed, Black
Fave. Food/LeastFish/Canned Asparigus
Fave. Subject/LeastReading, Ancient Writing/Modern Society
Fave. AnimalPanda
EnjoysMeditation, Reading Comic Books, Fortune Telling
HatesListening to Serena Whine
Strong PointsMeditating
Transformation PhraseMars Crystal Power Make Up!
Raye is 14 when she joins the scouts and is 16 at the end. Raye lives with her granfather at his temple. Her father is a polition, she feels her father doesn't care much about his family so she moved in with her grandfather. When Raye was little her mother died. Raye can be very pushy at times. She's just as stuborn as Serena too. Raye is often bosy with Serena and shows her little respect. Raye doesn't act very friendly to Serena and Serena once thought Raye hated her, which isn't true. In the first series Raye felt Serena wasn't a very good leader either but changed her mind when the Silver Crystal was revealed. Though the two still fight they're still friends.
For a while Raye was going out with Darien but it didn't work out. It turns out Serena and Darien are really destined for each other. Raye hopes to be a singer, song writer, actress, and a good wife when she gets older. In the 4th series she becomes Super Sailor Mars. Sailor Mars is very good at being a scout. She is powerful, and fast. Mars is usually one of the first to act, Serena is usually the last. Sailor Mars has many powerful attacks but as a priestess she has a ward against evil which she also uses to stop the Negaverse. She lives with a guy named Chad who she likes. Chad is training with her gradfather, to be what I'm not sure.
Sailor Jupiter
BirthdayDecember 5
Blood TypeO
Favorite ColorGreen, Sugar Pink
Fave. Food/LeastCherry Pie, Meat Loaf (will try anything)/None
Fave. Subject/LeastHome Ec./Physics
Fave. AnimalHorse
EnjoysCooking, Romance Novels
HatesBad Cooking, Bad Service
Strong PointsFighting, Strong, Cooking
Transformation PhraseJupiter Crystal Power Make Up!
At the begining she's 14 but she is 16 at the end. Lita loves to cook. She hopes that one day she can open her own restaurant. Lita is a better cook than all the other scouts. Lita has a problem with comparing all the cute guys she sees to her X-boyfriend Freddy. Lita loves to fight as well. She has a short temper sometimes and hates people who pick on the weak. Lita is a very laid back, fun loveing scout who gets along with every one, with the exception of Yaten (Sailor Star Healer) and the Negaverse. Lita is a loyal, trust worthy friend who the scouts are thankful to have. She's very powerful and often doesn't even need her powers, but she still uses them. I think Lita lives alone, which is why she really loves her friends. Then again, it's hard to tell.
In the 4th series she powers up into Super Sailor Jupiter.
Sailor Jupiter proves to be a loyal friend. She's always standing up for the scouts and never lets anything weaker than her get in her way. She is usually the first to act, the leader of action you might say. Sailor Moon is more likely to run, Mercury to compute, and Mars to be right behind Jupiter. Jupiter is strong but she usually acts before thinking, her motto is "Shoot first, ask questions later". Jupiter isn't the best in school either. Jupiter has been kicked out of 11 schools for fighting, big surprise there. Serena first meet Lita when she saved her from a bunch of bullies before school. Lita is a pretty nice person, if you're on her good side.
Sailor Venus
NameMina Lockheart
BirthdayOctober 22
Blood TypeB
Favorite ColorRed, Yellow
Fave. Food/LeastCurry Rice, Pasta/Mushrooms
Fave. Subject/LeastPE/All The Others
Fave. AnimalBirds
EnjoysWasting Time, Sports, Gymnastics, Dancing
HatesShow Offs
Strong PointsFast Thinking, Acrobatic
Transformation PhraseVenus Power, Venus Star Power, Venus Crystal Power Make Up!
Mina was discovered by Artemis, unlike the others who were given their powers by Luna. Sailor Venus has been fighting evil for a lot longer than the others, she was going under the disquise of Sailor V. Mina is very friendly and outgoing, that's why her, Lita, and Serena get along best. Mina loves to dance and do gymnastics. She's street smart, and very determined. She's fast and strong, just like Lita. Though Mina was the last to join them in the first series she's definetly not the least. Mina has the most ecperience and often takes over when Sailor Moon can't or won't. Mina expresses her true worth by defending the scouts time after time. Mina is a true blue friend that the scouts really enjoy haveing. Kind of like a fresh breath of air, or something.
In the 4th season Sailor Venus is transformed into Super Sailor Venus.
As Sailor Venus, she's determined and strong. With the most experience she knows what to do in most situations. Venus is very protective of her friends. She comes into a close second right next to Jupiter. All the scouts value each other but some more than others. Venus can often spot what the others can't. She can sense evil but Raye is tuned into the forces and is much better than anyone else. Venus works well with Jupiter, being as their really close friends, and the two prefere to double team the evil monsters.

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