
About Me

Picture/Music Galleries:
Lunah's Lunar
Nocturnal Miyu no Yume

Picture Galleries:
Fushigi Yuugi
Magic Knight Rayearth
Marmalade Boy
Please Save My Earth
RG Veda
Sailor Moon
Tenchi Muyo

Music Gallery

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(NOTE: None of these pics are mine (except for certain SD pix). I got them all from the net. If you see any that is yours personally and do not want me to put it up on my page, please tell me. I'll be glad to take it down.

Disclaimer: The pictures on this page are all copyrights of their respective owners.

This page was created on January 16, 1998... Last updated: June 14, 2000

Konnichiwa minna. I'm Lunah (aka. Nocturnal Miyu and many other names that I don't use as often...). If you are wondering who "Lunah" is, well she is a character from the RPG game on Sega CD (I know it's old), "Lunar: The Silver Star." It has nothing to do with Anime, but I think she's pretty cool. Well, my page started out as just an Anime Picture Gallery, but it's grown since then... Well, this page may contain some spoilers, but not much, since I don't know much about some of the Anime myself. :p Oh yeah, my Lunar Page, Vampire Princess Miyu Page, and my Music Gallery are independent of this page, so if you want to know of updates in those pages, you must visit them. You won't find anything out from this page. Other than that, all my updates on my other pages are posted under my updates.

New site:
Note!!!: The new site is made of frames, so if your browser does not support frames, this site is a nonframes version of the new site.

 Here are banners for you to use if you want to link to my page. If you do plan to, please e-mail to let me know, but you don't have to... There's a small one for those of you who dislike banners to take up too much room... ^-^
The drawings for the banners on the right are courtesy of Tsuminakihito.

[Anime Web Turnpike]
Anime Web Turnpike