History Archive

Rurouni's Note: All research and write-up in this section are done by Tracy Lim.

Note: The Japanese way of counting their ages is somewhat different back then. It's done in the 'traditional Chinese way'. Eg, if you're born in 1978, then according to their way of calculation, your age this year would be 1998 - 1978 + 1 = 21.

Important reminder: Whenever it is mentioned that someone is a 'handsome total knockout', remember that the comment is based on the 19th century Japanese's standards, which is very, very different to ours. If you don't believe me, and think you can handle the shock of having your images of Okita and Saitou ruined, e-mail me.

4 Hitokiris of Bakumatsu
- Kawakami Genzai
- Okata Izou
- Nakamura Hanjirou
- Tanaka Shinpei


Sagara Souzou

Sakamoto Ryoma


Takasugi Shinsaku

The Boshin War

1. Watsuki's comments
2. Kenshin Hiden
3. Encyclopaedia Britannica (on Tokugawa Yoshimune)
4. Oi! Ryoma (a manga, by Takeda Tetsuya and Koyama Yuu)
5. Shinsengumi Kebburoku (a historical novel, by Shiba Ryotarou)
6. The Story of Kondou Isami (a historical novel, by Ikenami Shoutarou)
7. History of Japan: Famous Individuals (history reference, by Owata Tetsuo)
8. Museum of Famous Figures in Japanese History: Bakumatsu and Ishin times (history reference, by Kota Kodama)
9. http://www.watanabe.nuie.nagoya-u.ac.jp/member/student/nara/shinsen/shinsengumi.html
10. http://toshizo.com/name/name.htm

Anyone having any information and queries concerning the Shinsengumi, Seikihoutai, Oniwabanshuu or any other historical persons/organisations, please feel free to e-mail me!

~Tracy Lim~

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