
Hello and welcome to my personal libary.=^.^=

diamondThe Trooper Report
Katari introduces Touma and Seiji to her cousin and her friends. Things start to get messy very fast when a youki criminal escapes and Katari's sister is it's prey.

diamond Chains Of Time
Seiji is wounded during a kendo tourniment, or is he? A dream, a forgotten fate and a trip to the past is all that can save Seiji and the human world.

Yuu Yuu Hakusho and all characters created by Yoshihiro Togashi. Samurai Troopers and all characters are the property of their proper copyright corporation, Sunrise. Rurouni Kenshin belong to NobuhiroWatsuki, Shuiesha, Sony Music Entertainment, and associated parties. Dragonball Z and all characters are the property of Toriyama Akira Bird Studios and Toei Animation. NO infringements of their rights are intended. All other characters are the property of either Lady Koneko (Shin-chan) or Himi Lili (Seiji-chan). The characters of the above series are used without permission for the purpose of entertainment only. This work of fiction is not meant for sale or profit.

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