Sailor Mars

N. American Name: Raye Hino
Japanese Name: Hino Rei (note:last name first)
Birthday: April 17th
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: AB
Characteristics: Black hair, great singer

Voice done by: Katie Griffin

Raye is the rival of Serena, they are always argueing on something. Raye is mad that Serena their leader and that Serena is an under acheiver. Raye has the fire spirit within.

Special Powers (Sailor Mars)

Mars Power
Raye says this to transform into Sailor Mars.
Mars Fire Ignite
Burst of fire attacked at the enemy, capable of being combined with any power from the other scouts.
Anti-evil Sign
Magical scroll-like sheet of paper which attaches to the forehead of the enemy and stuns them.

Mars Star Power
Raye says this to transform into Sailor Mars.
Mars Firestorm Flash
Continuous stream of fire, fired at the enemy.
Mars Firebird Strike
Firebird striked at the enemy.
Mars Celestial Fire Surround
Several rings of fire that surrounds the enemy.

[ Sailor Moon | Sailor Mercury | Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Venus ]
[ Luna | Tuxedo Mask | Chibi Usa | Artemis ]