Kiyone's Slayers Pics

These are my Slayers pictures. This is Lina Inverse. She's my best friend so if any of you make me mad ummmmmm ya better not! hahaha just kidding! This is Zelgadis (he's a little guy in this pic) This is Lina's favorite picture, even though she won't admit it. Lina, Lina your the one! Through that fireball like you always could! Find the treasure you will do! GOOOOO LINA!! *LOL* The whole cast. This is for all the girls who love Gourry. Lina play nice with Gourry. Ok you can hit him for that remark he just made! Well I know Miranda will like this! I like this one........ Uh Oh!!!! Gourry super deformed!! She really is mad when Gourry makes fun of..........her problem.

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