Here you go! Some little tidbits of the party chat that didn't make it into the main log, but I still found amusing enough to post. Some are in character, some are out, and not all concern Yaten and his birthday. ^_^ Enjoy.


Before the party... we played with font colors. ^_^ I started out with dark pink...

Nyanko Rocket: Pink!

Nyanko Rocket: Chibi chibi?

AnimeGirlQuoth(Minako): ::moaning::

Chibi Taiki Kou: Pink? Why pink? *hates the colour pink*

Nyanko Rocket: Oh my. Minako?

AnimeGirlQuoth: Too...cute... must... not... kill.. chibiness...

Nyanko Rocket: YAH!

Nyanko Rocket: Chibi!

Nyanko Rocket: *whisper* Chibi!

AnimeGirlQuoth: I heard that!

Chibi Taiki Kou: Hey! None of that!

Ruka23 (Seiya): ChibiChibi wa kawaiiiiii desu. ChibiUsa wa... AKU desu! o.O; (ChibiChibi's cute. ChibiUsa is a demon. ^^;)

Nyanko Rocket: Yah! *does the Chibi Chibi dance*

Chibi Taiki Kou: I like Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Chibi. . .in anime! Not in chats!

Nyanko Rocket: Chibi chibi chibi!

Nyanko Rocket: Chibi!

Nyanko Rocket: Chibi?

AnimeGirlQuoth: Nyanko, if you insist on 'chibi' ing I will tell Galaxia-samam to remove your bracelets.

Ruka23: (Unlike ChibiUsa) ChibiChibi doesn't have a father complex.

Nyanko Rocket: Chibi! *flees*

AnimeGirlQuoth: No, she has a "let's pull down Seiya's towel" complex.

Nyanko Rocket: I like that complex.

Nyanko Rocket: I have that complex.

Nyanko Rocket: *blush* I said that out loud... didn't I?

AnimeGirlQuoth: Yes you did.


Naia-chan, on the oddness of the whole afair...

Chibi Taiki Kou: *is trying to explain this party to a friend, and failing*


Yaten doesn't bleach. -_-

Addict Taiki: *whispers* Yaten bleaches! Yaten bleaches!


Minagi-chan: *laugh*

Yaten: *whaps Taiki with a throw pillow*

Minagi-chan: *picks through Yatens pretty hair, looking for roots*

Minako: He doesn't! Believe me I've taken a very close look at...

Yaten: *swats Nagi away* Quit quit!

Minako: At his roots to check. What? What did you think I meant? Ecchi!

Yaten: *sweatdrop* Minako...

Yaten: *sighs and starts opening presents*

Taiki: Yaten's too looks-conscious to get roots, that's why none show up. . .

Taiki: Frequent bleaching! Frequent bleaching!

Yaten: *pauses to whap Taiki again!*


Me and Naia-chan on stuff. Deep thoughts ahead.

Nyanko Rocket: o_O Stuff.

Chibi Taiki Kou: Stuff is good.

Nyanko Rocket: Stuff Rocks!


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