Jet Li's Filmography

The following information was courtesy of the Hong Kong Cinema. Please visit their site for more information on these movies and some excellent reviews.

Abbot Hai Teng of Shaolin [Actor]
Black Mask (11/1996) [Actor]
Bodyguard from Beijing, The (7/1994) [Actor] [Prod]
Born to Defence (1986) [Actor] [Dir]
Dr. Wai in "The Scripture with No Words" (3/1996) [Actor]
Dragon Fight (1988) [Actor]
Dragons of the Orient [Actor]
Fist of Legend (12/1994) [Actor] [Prod]
Fong Sai Yuk (1993) [Actor] [Prod]
Fong Sai Yuk II (1993) [Actor]
High Risk (7/1995) [Actor]
Kung Fu Cult Master, The (12/1993) [Actor] [Prod]
Last Hero in China, The (1993) [Actor] [Prod]
Li Lian Jie's Shaolin Kung Fu (1994) [Actor]
Martial Arts of Shaolin (1986) [Actor]
Master, The (1989) [Actor]
My Father is a Hero (3/1995) [Actor]
New Legend of Shaolin, The (3/1994) [Actor]
Once Upon a Time in China (1990) [Actor]
Once Upon a Time in China 2 (1991) [Actor]
Once Upon a Time in China 3 (1992) [Actor]
Once Upon a Time in China and America (2/1997) [Actor]
Shaolin Temple (1/1982) [Actor]
Shaolin Temple 2: Kids from Shaolin (1/1984) [Actor]
Swordsman II (6/1992) [Actor]
Tai Chi Master (12/1993) [Actor]