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Here's a picture of the "evil" Queen Beryl. She is the evil ruler of the "Negaverse". She controls Zoicite, Jedite, Neflite, Malochite, and Neflite. She also controls Prince Darien for a short time.

Here is Jedite, the first commander of the Negaverse in the Sailor Moon series! He likes to lure in big crowds and steal their energy.

Here is Neflite, the second commander of the Negaverse in the Sailor Moon series! He likes to catch a person when their energy is at its "peak" and steal it to give to his queen.

Here is Zoicite, (s)he is the third commander of the Negaverse in the Sailor Moon series! (S)He is the one who removes the 7 raindow crystals from the people who possess them.

Here is Malachite, the last commander of the Negaverse in the Sailor Moon series! He is the most powerful of all the commanders with his magical abilities. Malachite aids in transforming Darien from good (Tuxedo Mask) into evil (Prince Darien)

Here is a picture of Darien and Malachite together. Darien has been brainwashed by the "negaverse" to think he is evil and not good. This is one of times Darien is learning to serve evil from Malachite as the evil Prince Darien!

Shawna Fountain at FVFOUS2O@UCFV.BC.CA * OR * Craig Obery at FVOBEC2B@UCFV.BC.CA

Last Updated January 17, 1997

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