Lighting the Way: Chapter Two

Written by: Liz Donovan

Ranma ½ Homepage
Lighting the Way: Chapter Three

Hiroshi blinked back any feeling of remorse as he ran after Akari. She wasn’t moving fast, crying, hands waving as she ran, down by her side, making her way through the night. She seemed to know exactly where she was going, and tore out of the street and soon was running though the city park. Her gait was becoming slower and her breathing more ragged.
Hiroshi was catching up to her and finally reached out to grab hold of her arm, but hesitated. His feet slowed and she ran up a bridge over looking the canal and slowed, looking over the top of the railing, at the moonlight hitting the waters surface.
Hiroshi waited a moment before stepping onto the bridge and walking up it. He put his hands in his pockets, and stood behind Akari a moment, totally unsure of what to do or say.
She looked over the edge, lightly crying, confused. Hiroshi began to speak. "Unryuu-san…I…I’m sorry I mislead you. That was wrong. You…just…seemed so sad…I wanted to help you…" he paused, took a step forward, then stopped.
She released the railing and wrapped her arms about herself, chilled. The moon was nearly full and the sky fairly cloudless. He took a step forward again, and paused as she lightly turned her head away from him. Then she sighed and looked up at the field of stars above them.
"Do…do you believe in destiny?" she softly questioned, plainly.
Hiroshi blinked. "’Destiny’?" he repeated and looked at her, thinking. "In saying that we all have preset paths to follow before we are born? I, I’m not sure. I think everyone can make or break their futures…" he paused, then started to ask if she believed, but she began speaking softly, so he stepped along side her by the rail to listen.
I…was always raised to believe everything in life is predestine. It’s just the way I was brought up." She paused and bowed her head, sadly. "But that makes so many…limitations." She whispered.
Hiroshi blinked a bit and shrugged. "Only as many as you let it." she didn’t say anything and after a lapse of silence, he spoke again. "Are…you alright? Are you lost? I…I’d like to help you…to make up for what I did back there…" he trailed off a bit, allowing her to reply.
"I’m looking for my fiancee." she softly said. "He lives here, but I…don’t know where."
Hiroshi nodded, thinking, then took hold of the railing. "Are you alone here?"
She nodded, and swallowed, a hand wiping a few tears back. "Yes." She whispered.
"Do…you have a place to…stay?" he inquired softly, glancing at her. She shook her head and swallowed.
Hiroshi remained silent a moment and then said. "I….I’d let you stay at my place. It’s the least I could do for you…"
She nodded a bit and swallowed once more, shivering lightly. "I…don’t know…"
Hiroshi nodded, and then noted her chilliness. He was cold too, in his pants, shirt and jacket, but all she wore was a plaid dress. He unbuttoned his jacket and took it off, stepping back, and gently draping it over her shoulders.
She turned lightly towards him, blinking up at him. He spoke and smiled. "I’m Sato Hiroshi. I…thought I should at least offer my name…" he smiled a bit, nervously.
She nodded a little, grateful for the jacket, and smiled, but only faintly. "I’m Unryuu Akari…" she said, and smiled a trifle bit more. "I think, I will take you on your offer, Sato-san." she said.
Hiroshi blinked and sort of stood in shock for a moment himself. "Hai, Unryuu-san. Can…can you walk a bit, or should I call a cab?" he asked, uncertain of how he would pay for a cab, but would call on if she asked.
"I can walk, its alright." she softly said, and waited. "Lets go please."
Hiroshi nodded, and went over the bridge, walking next to her, a little both silent the entire walk home.
To Be Continued…