Episode 6-"Hooray for Hollywood Vehicles! Enter:Thunder Dolby THX!!

Recap: Previously, the Scanranger crew found themselves the main protest of an anti-rally against them.. MAYHEM had sent a spy named Malcolm Lord, who was one of Vin's high school rivals, to influence the crowd. As Vin and Kunio investigate, Professor Alex had been kidnapped by Malcolm, who revealed himself as Lord Maliss. The remaining rangers fought to rescue Alex, but is shot in front of their eyes by the MAYHEM spy. Now, with Vin and Kunio arrested for alleged murder, Toni, Nick, and B.C. are defenseless against the now enlarged KuroDragon.
Vin and Kunio pace around in the town's prison cell, about to be indicted. "The professor can't be dead!" said Vin. "I'd break my back to risk my life for her!" "At this point, my man," said Kunio. We can't do anything, and we don't have any proof to show our innocence!"
"Excuse me fellows," said the police captain. "..but your lawyer is here.."
"Well, guys," said the lawyer. "I'll make it simple for you.. I'ts an open and shut case..You've been framed!" "Well, Duh!!" said Kunio. 'Listen up, fellows!" said the lawyer. "Dr.Markby sent me..My name's Inspector Axel Rosewood..(Note to readers: If you can figure what cops this character's based on, e-mail me!)Like I said, you've been framed..and I've got a tip for you.. Meet me outside.." Inspector Rosewood secretly hands Vin and Kunio their VCP players and FilmBraces and teleport out of the cell. The captain in charge saw the empty shell,and said "They're gone! But how? There's no evidence of a break out!"
"Your friends are in danger.." said Rosewood. "Check out the video screen.." They see the other rangers fighting a losing battle against KuroDragon.
Meanwhile, back at Nebutopia, Blackorg, Vixen, and Ug gloat at their victory, seeing the movie task force on the run. "HA! Look at that! The two rangers are arrested by the Earth's forces, and the other three are about to be terminated by my KuroDragon!" said the overlord. "And now that their precious Professor is finished, victory shall be ours!!"
"I'm critically low on power, Pink.." said GreenScanner. "Can't hold out much longer.." "Same here, Green.." said BlueScanner. "Where's Vin and Kunio?" At that moment, a portal opened up as Red and Yellow call out the three Scanrangers. "Red! Yellow! You're all right!" said Pink. "Narrow Escapes, Retreats, and Counter-attack plans for later- This way, watch yor step!" said Red. Yellow gives Pink back her VCP teleporter, and the five barely escape being crushed by KuroDragon's foot.
"No! They've escaped me! But KuroDragon is still under my control! Find Scanranger! Level the city until you find them and stop them!" said Blackorg.
Back at Cape Paramount base, the rangers meet with Inspector Rosewood and Markby as they plan a counter attack. "TS Pegasus.. HP Sphinx.. NS Peacock..MGUA Lion..and TP Seahorse..Your Hollywood Vehicles are almost ready.. We are 3 hours ahead of schedule.. and they're in post-production.. This should give us a couple of hours to get the bugs out.. We are extremely sorry abou Commander Alexandria.. She gave her life for this entire project. Yet, we must move on, and we shall dedicate the next battle to her.." The siren goes off as the Cape Paramount crew look at the video screen.
"Attention, Earthlings! Soon we will claim this planet in the name of the MAYHEM Corps!" Ug's voice is broadcast all over the world. Even now, our giant cyber-creature is wreaking havoc in your cities! Unless you surrender Scanranger to us, your entire world will be destroyed by our monster cyber-creatures and this Earth shall become a living tomb! You have 12 hours..Do choose wisely! Have a nice day!"
"Blackorg's calling us out again, guys," said B.C. "so let's pick-"
"Don't say it, B.C." interuptted Nick. "We got the joke.."
"Wait, rangers!" said Rosewood. "There is still one more thing that needs to be added to your Hollywood Vehicles.."
KuroDragon terrorizes the city. Scores of people run for the nearest shelter, as the National Guard attempt to slow the monster down. Cannons, missle launchers, even fighter jets couldn't slow it down. KuroDragon swats the fighters out of the sky, and ignites the tankers with his fiery breath.
Dr. Markby and Rosewood finish downloading the coordinates for the Hollywood Vehicles. "It's completed!" said Rosewood. "Now, get your butts out there and save the world!"

Act two

As the Scanrangers transform into their battle suits, RedScanner begins the command. "TS Pegasus! Ready to ride like the wind!" Pegasus snorts, rising from the top of Cape Paramount.
"TP Seahorse! Hatsu Shin!! I mean Ignition!" said the zealous BlueScanner as the mecha rises from a nearby lake.
"HP Sphinx! Ready!" said YellowScanner, calling his mecha from the sand dunes of the Jersey Shore.
"MGUA Lion! Hear the Roar!" said GreenScanner. His mecha comes from the east side of Stokes State Forest.
"NS Peacock! Ready to fly!" said PinkScanner, calling her mecha from the side of Cape Paramount.
"All right! Roll 'em! Hollywood Vehicles!" cries Red.
Nebutopia descends towards the city preparing the attack. "These Earthlings had plenty enough time to surrender!" said Ug. "In this case, we'll start the invasion earlier.. Too bad Scanranger was stubborn and didn't surrender.. I want to taste the satisfaction of their sweet defeat.." Suddenly, the base was interrupted by heavy gunfire. It was Red in Pegasus slicing the bases' engines with his Wing Cutters. Nebutopia ascends back into the stratosphere back into space. "Okay, people! We have met the enemy and he is big! Target: KuroDragon!" Sphinx fires his missiles to get started with the giant. "Yeah! Wham! Bam! Crash! Ready to spin with the Sphinx, baby!" cried Yellow. Green goes in next with his Lion Shock from the mecha's tail; a jolt of 200,000 volts, stunning the cyber-creature. Blue and Seahorse make the next move, slicing into KuroDragon's metallic legs. Pink and Peacock use the Peacock Flash to blind the monster, then Pegasus smashes into the giant, knocking him down.
KuroDragon gets up quickly, grabbing Pegasus, and with his fiery breath, attempted to roast Pegasus. Seahorse swiftly uses his Water Beam to put the fire out, letting Pegasus go. But Seahorse is kicked aside and is thrown towards Pegasus. The trees break their fall, however. KuroDragon then flies- Top Gun style,chasing after Peacock, hitting her with his fire, as she goes in for a landing. The monster then uses his wings to blow Lion and Sphinx like a hurricane. The vehicles lose power and cannot start up.
"I can't start the mecha!" said Red. "Don't just stand there, Markby, help them!" cried Rosewood. "I can't.." said Markby. "You'll hate me for this, but they've got to find the power on their own.. Trust me, they'll find it.." KuroDragon moves in for the kill.
"Just a second!" Red said. "The power came within us all this time! Guys! Concentrate all you've got on your favorite films! You know that's where our film energies come from! Focus on your favorite movie sequence!" As that happens, the mechas had been recharged, and out of their console comes out two DVD discs. "What's this? I guess we're supposed to play them.." thought Blue. The five load up the first DVD, and get a video message- Professor Alex- from the grave! "Congratulations, Scanranger! You've just passed the extra credit course! I knew you'll all find the power source, all within your favorite movies.. It may sound very corny, but this is why I chose you as my pupils...The final step requires you to now load the second DVD into the console..Your Hollywood Vehicles will then transform and merge into the invincible Thunder Dolby THX! To activate the robot, as you load, shout out, 'SuperImpose! Thunder Dolby THX! Good luck, Scanranger, and Godspeed!" As the video fades out, Red gets everyone together to listen. "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's take the dragon by the tail!"
The Hollywood Vehicles begin the transformation sequence with Sphinx's mecha lowering down, with its head turning up towrds the sky, and its arms and legs widen themselves as if it was making a split. In the process, Sphinx's hind legs become the arms, and the rest become the lower torso. Lion and Seahorse fold their legs into each other into a rectangular form, with both of their heads forming the feet. They dock onto Sphinx, forming the feet and legs. The three HV's stand up erect(like RV Robo's docking sequence) Pegasus folds its arms and legs and lands into the middle of Sphinx, as the horse's head folds back to reveal Dolby's head. Final docking sequence: Peacock transforms to form Dolby's helmet, with the rangers, of course, come together into the head as the cockpit. It is complete as Scanranger shouts, "ROLL 'EM!!THUNDER DOLBY THX!!!" as they prepare for battle.
"It can't be!" cried Blackorg. "How? How can they be ready for my attack?" The MAYHEM captains and KuroDragon are taken aback at the new giant robot. "KuroDragon!" shouted the overlord. "Melt that robot into slag!!"
Thunder Dolby gives KuroDragon a few right hooks to its face as it knocks the creature down. KuroDragon retaliates by breathing fire. The next fire shot, Dolby throws up its Dolby Shield. "That creature raelly burns me up!" said Pink. "Well, then," said Green. "Fight fire with fire, I say! DOLBY BEAM!" A powerful optic beam hits the monster, then uses said beam to cut down KuroDragon's wings so it couldn't fly.
"GATLING REEL GUNNER! FIRE!" said Red. Dolby THX then reveals Sphinx's shoulders to show double barrel machine guns shaped like a film reel, spiining and shooting down the cyber-creature.
"Let's finish this!" Slay the dragon!" said Blue. "And so we shall!" said Red. "GREAT EDITOR SWORD!" The sword materializes as Thunder Dolby wields it, then zooms in at hyper-speed, then spins like an old movie reel rewinding, in a buzzsaw style. The rangers shout "FINAL CUT!" as they slice through KuroDragon. While the mighty robot poses out of the way, KuroDragon falls and explodes!
"Five thumbs up! Way up!" shouted the rangers.
Meanwhile, Blackorg is totally enraged."AAARRRGHHH!" he cried, shooting his electric bolts all over Nebutopia. Byte cringes behind Ug. "This is madness!" he continued. Even with their commander dead, these humans find a way to defeat us! The war is far from over, Scanrangers! I'll see you all suffer at my hands! The next time you won't be so lucky!" Byte sheepishly comments to Ug and Vixen, "Cheee! What a grouch!"
Later, back at the base, the Scanrangers, Dr. Markby, and Rosewood are excited about their victory, but still lingering over their advisor's death. "This has been a great victory," said Vin. "but unfortunately, it won't bring Professor Alex back.." "True.." said B.C. as he comforts a grieving Toni. "but we must remember that nevetheless, we have to carry on...to fight on..dedicate this victory to her..She'll always be with us in spirit.."
As the rangers console each other, a figure slowly walks inside the IMAX briefing room. "Would you settle for me in the flesh?" a voice spoke.
The five rangers are in shock as they see Professor Alex alive and well, none the worse for wear. "I can't believe this! It's a ghost!" said Nick. "But..but we saw you shot point blank by KuroDragon!" said B.C.
"In the military, you can't take any chances..Why else would I invest in a bulletproof vest?" said Alex. She showed them the vest with the two slugs remaining inside. "That was part of the test for you in order for myself to lay low.. to give you the last instructions to activate Thunder Dolby THX..Blackorg thinks I'm dead, but I'm not concerned about that right now..
"I will stay away from teaching Film Appreciation class for a couple of weeks, however.." she continued. "Vin, in the meantime, continue to watch after the team."
"Yes, ma'am." Vin said. "We were all worried.." said Kunio. "But now that you're alive, I feel stronger than ever.." "Better, stronger, faster..Steve Austin.." said B.C.
And shortly afterward..Alex, the Scanrangers, Dr. Markby, and Rosewood celerate with sparkling apple juice. "To Movie Task Force Scanranger and Thunder Dolby THX.." said Alex. "for an awesome victory! They all raise their glasses. "And there's more where that came from!" said Vin.
"Cheers!" said Toni.
"Here's to you..Mrs. Alexandria!" sings Kunio.
"Skoal!" said B.C.
"Skoal? Uhhh, whatever.." said Nick.
With the help of the invincible Thunder Dolby THX, the rangers defeated MAYHEM, and the professor returns, none the worst from this harrowing experience. Being with all this excitement going on, with five college students tested beyond what they could bear..today can truly be called just that..an awesome victory!

To be continued...

In our next Scanranger adventure, the rangers trip to the zoo end up more than unusual, with MAYHEM stalking in the wild, anything goes! Vixen sends in her new pet KuroAnaconda to take the rangers' breaths away..What will be the outcome?
Next-Movie Task Force Scanranger-Episode 7
"Kunio's Excellent Adventure in Babysitting"
Roll that film!
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Episode 7