TorahLein Website

TorahLein Website

TorahLein was founded to help study the leining. As you know, there are no trope markings in the torah, which means that preparation is necessary before the actual reading. Some Parashot are easy to prepare - you just read it a few times and simply remember it. On the other hand, there are parashot that no matter how much you study them, they just don't go into the head. The reason for this is that the text is repetitive - either a group of consecutive sentences all start with the same word or words, or else there are paragraphs that have similar beginnings.

In this site, you will find many interesting ideas and tips for leining the Torah.

If you don't know how to lein yet, there are sites to teach you how to lein.

Click on any of the following books of the Torah to find tips about leining the individual Parashot.

The Book of Bereshit
The Book of Shemot
The Book of Vayikra
The Book of Bamidbar
The Book of Devarim

Special Parashot and Haftarot are read on Jewish holidays.

Click here for the special readings on Jewish holidays.

Look for the following features in each Parasha or Haftarah:

Tips for those who lein.

Tips for synagogue treasurers.

Tips for Torah scribes.

General Halachot. Halachot concerning the reading and writing of the Torah.

Links. Other related websites of interest.

General information for Torah scribes (Sofrim).

General information for Gabbaim.

I'll be happy to accept any tips you have about leining, and constructive comments or ideas. Just e-mail me.

Copyright © Yoni Grossman. World rights reserved.

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